
The expropriation project is not clear, the compensation is doubtful, and the information is open to solve it!

author:Jingyi Dekai Demolition Lawyer Group
Information disclosure of land acquisition and demolition is an issue that many people who are being demolished are concerned about, and information disclosure can solve many unnecessary disputes, and at the same time also plays a major role in the development of land acquisition and demolition work.

In the actual process of expropriation and demolition, if the person being demolished wants to know more about the housing expropriation project, or has doubts about how to compensate the house after it is expropriated, he may apply to the government or the competent department for information disclosure in accordance with the law.

The expropriation project is not clear, the compensation is doubtful, and the information is open to solve it!

1. What information should be disclosed in accordance with law?

1. The announcement of land acquisition, the announcement of the land acquisition compensation and resettlement plan, the approval of the land acquisition compensation and resettlement plan by the municipal and county governments, and the approval of the construction land after the approval of land acquisition.

2. The notice of land acquisition and the relevant supporting materials for the implementation of the pre-approval procedures for land acquisition, including the notice of the hearing of the proposed land acquisition compensation and resettlement, and the proof of land ownership.

3. The local people's government forwards the documents approved by the State Council for land use (if the approval of land area, compensation standards, resettlement channels, etc. changes compared with the declaration, the situation after the change should be clearly stated in the forwarding document).

The expropriation project is not clear, the compensation is doubtful, and the information is open to solve it!

2. What should I pay attention to when applying for government information?

1. "One application principle". That is, an open government information application corresponds to only one government information project.

2. "Who makes, who discloses the principle". The administrative organ that produced the government information is responsible for disclosing it, and if the administrative organ obtains government information from somewhere else, the organ that keeps the government information is responsible for disclosing it.

If there is information that has not been disclosed, we may submit an application for open government information to the receiving institution, and generally respond on the spot or within 20 working days, with a maximum of 40 working days.

The expropriation project is not clear, the compensation is doubtful, and the information is open to solve it!

3. What if the relevant departments do not make it public?

If we do not reply within the time limit or are not satisfied with the reply, we can conduct an administrative reconsideration or file an administrative lawsuit to obtain the government information we want to obtain if it is not disclosed within the scope of its disclosure, or if it is indiscriminately applied to other administrative organs.

Applying for open government information may seem simple, but it actually requires a lot of skills, and blindly applying may not only get the information you want, but also miss the opportunity to protect your rights. If you also encounter related problems, it is recommended to consult a professional lawyer in time and protect your rights under the guidance of a lawyer.