
Blind dates should be arranged on weekdays as much as possible

author:Colorful cola soup

Dating should be arranged on weekdays as much as possible, which seems to be a rather controversial suggestion. However, if you think about it carefully, such an arrangement may have its rationale and practical significance.

Blind dates should be arranged on weekdays as much as possible

First of all, a workday blind date can better show a person's true state and lifestyle. During the working day, people are usually in a working state and are able to better demonstrate their professionalism and attitude towards life. In contrast, weekends may have more relaxation and recreational activities, making it difficult to accurately reflect one's usual state.

Blind dates should be arranged on weekdays as much as possible

Secondly, it is also easier to schedule a blind date on a weekday. During the workday, everyone has a clear working time and schedule, and it is easier to find common free time for blind dates. On weekends, people usually have more social events and family gatherings, and there may be less time for blind dates.

In addition, weekday blind dates are also conducive to improving the efficiency of blind dates. During the workday, people tend to pay more attention to the use of time and efficiency, and blind dates are not delayed or cancelled because of other plans. In this way, you can better focus on getting to know and communicate with each other, and improve the effect of blind dates. The most important thing is not to let the bad mood of the blind date affect the weekend.

Blind dates should be arranged on weekdays as much as possible

Of course, there may also be some inconveniences on a weekday blind date, such as traffic congestion, work pressure, and other problems. But in general, a reasonable arrangement of a blind date on weekdays can better show yourself and improve the efficiency and success rate of the blind date.


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