
It's a big deal, Liu Qiangdong premiered 6.8 million people online, but netizens said: Jingdong's after-sales service is really rubbish

author:Casual and free life home eG

In this era of rapid digital technology, has led a new trend. The new star in the live broadcast industry is not a real person, but Liu Qiangdong, who appeared as a "doppelganger" - a virtual image carefully synthesized by digital human technology. This innovative attempt has made waves on social media, with people curious about how the technology is redefining the rules of the game for live-streaming e-commerce.

It's a big deal, Liu Qiangdong premiered 6.8 million people online, but netizens said: Jingdong's after-sales service is really rubbish's innovation doesn't stop there, they use cutting-edge AI technology to create a unique "AI digital human" personal IP account. However, when the technology was put into use, it didn't seem to be applauded by all consumers. Some people half-jokingly say that instead of bothering to engage in these fancy projects, it is better to improve the quality of after-sales service in a down-to-earth manner.

It's a big deal, Liu Qiangdong premiered 6.8 million people online, but netizens said: Jingdong's after-sales service is really rubbish

Just when people were still discussing the authenticity of digital people, there was an eye-catching news in the live broadcast room - Jingdong is about to launch an unprecedented "10 billion agricultural subsidy" activity. This is undoubtedly a marketing feast, promising to bring consumers irresistible agricultural product discounts. The audience's reaction to the news was mixed, with both anticipation and skepticism.

It's a big deal, Liu Qiangdong premiered 6.8 million people online, but netizens said: Jingdong's after-sales service is really rubbish

Although has raised the banner of discounts, there are still discordant voices on the Internet. Some consumers said that even with discounted goods,'s pricing is still higher than that of other platforms, and the problem of counterfeit goods has never been effectively solved. The complexity of the returns process adds to consumer dissatisfaction.

It's a big deal, Liu Qiangdong premiered 6.8 million people online, but netizens said: Jingdong's after-sales service is really rubbish

Specific examples support the complaints of netizens. A customer bought a so-called Dior brand lipstick, but was told by an authentication platform that it was a fake. The guarantee that it should be genuine has come to naught, and the entanglement and prevarication with customer service is exhausting. Such incidents are not unique, and complaints about punctured tires and counterfeit Nike shoes have highlighted loopholes in the after-sales service system.

It's a big deal, Liu Qiangdong premiered 6.8 million people online, but netizens said: Jingdong's after-sales service is really rubbish

Although digital human technology can simulate Liu Qiangdong's voice and smile, it will never be the real Liu Qiangdong. The personal IP account manipulated by the back-office employee, although it can imitate his appearance, cannot replicate his integrity and sense of responsibility. Consumers crave honest communication and high-quality products, not just visual show-offs.

It's a big deal, Liu Qiangdong premiered 6.8 million people online, but netizens said: Jingdong's after-sales service is really rubbish

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