
People's Daily commented: The case of the conflict between college students and drunks should be handled as an iron case

author:Miss Jing's outfit notes#
People's Daily commented: The case of the conflict between college students and drunks should be handled as an iron case


Recently, a case of conflict between a college student and a drunk man has attracted widespread attention in the society. The focus of the case was on the extent of the drunk's injuries, which also affected the characterization of the police. It is impossible to determine whether the university students took the initiative to provoke or whether the drunks attacked first.

However, such a case has touched the hearts of countless people. In particular, the degree of the drunk's injury becomes the key to the qualitative. Where is the justice? We can't be sure. But one thing is certain, in this case, regardless of the drunkard's injuries, the college student acted in self-defense and in accordance with the principle of legitimate defense. And at present, the People's Daily commented that regardless of the extent of the drunk's injuries, this case should be dealt with as an ironclad case. For justice is in the hearts of the people, and the application of the law should protect justice, not the wicked.

People's Daily commented: The case of the conflict between college students and drunks should be handled as an iron case

1. Problems revealed by the case

People's Daily commented: The case of the conflict between college students and drunks should be handled as an iron case

In this case, the degree of the drunkard's injuries became key to the characterization of the case. If the drunkard's injuries are not serious, then the case will be characterized as intentional injury by a college student. And this means that university students will be punished by the law. However, in this case, we should clearly understand that regardless of the degree of injury of the drunk, the college student shot in self-defense and in accordance with the principle of legitimate defense. That can't be changed.

People's Daily commented: The case of the conflict between college students and drunks should be handled as an iron case

In fact, from this case, we can see that some people now have a misunderstanding of self-defense. They believe that they can only fight back when they are hurt. However, in real life, we do not know the extent of the damage, and if we wait blindly, it is likely to cause irreparable consequences. Therefore, in this case, we should reflect on the fact that the current society should pay more attention to the cultivation of self-defense awareness, so that everyone can respond in time when they are attacked to protect their own safety and the safety of others.

In this regard, we should learn from the practice of some countries, such as the United States, which provides that if the attacker carries out a potentially dangerous attack, the victim has the right to use lethal force to retaliate. Such provisions effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the victims, and also give the attackers a certain warning effect. In the criminal law of the mainland, there are also provisions on legitimate defense, but in terms of specific application, it seems to be a bit blunt.

For example, in this case, the reason why such a dispute arose was actually because our law was a bit rigid in its application, and it was not possible to flexibly judge whether it was justified defense according to the specific circumstances. Therefore, in our future work, we should pay more attention to the details of legislation, so that our laws are more humane, more in line with the actual situation of society, and more able to truly protect justice rather than the wicked.

People's Daily commented: The case of the conflict between college students and drunks should be handled as an iron case

2. How to rationally view and handle similar cases

In real life, similar cases are not uncommon. Whenever such a case occurs, it will cause widespread concern in the society, and various controversies will arise. However, no matter which side we are on, we should look at and handle such cases rationally, and we should not blindly stand on one side.

First of all, we should be clear that every case will have its own special reasons behind it, as well as its special nature. Therefore, when dealing with such cases, we cannot simply apply the general model, but should analyze the specific problems and fully understand the whole picture of the case and the reasons behind it.

Second, what we need is an impartial position. No matter which side you are on, only by standing on a fair standpoint can you view and handle things correctly. In this case, we should clearly understand that the college student acted out of self-defense and in line with the principle of legitimate defense, while the drunk harassed the female student at the campus gate and seriously threatened the personal safety of the college student. Such an act has violated the law and is a serious violation of the law.

Finally, we also hope that when dealing with similar cases, we can pay more attention to the perspective of justice and give more support and encouragement to righteous and courageous actions. In our lives, we may encounter unexpected provocations and attacks at any time, which also tests everyone's psychological quality and sense of self-defense.

Sometimes, instead of blindly tolerating and backing down, we need to have the courage to stand up and protect ourselves and others. Only when our society can give more support and encouragement to righteousness and courage can we truly create a harmonious and stable social environment, and let the light of justice illuminate every corner.

People's Daily commented: The case of the conflict between college students and drunks should be handled as an iron case


Each case will bring us reflection, and it will also make us more deeply aware of the reality of society and the problems contained in it.

In this case of a conflict between a college student and a drunk, no matter what the drunk's injuries were, the college student acted out of self-defense, which is in line with the principle of legitimate defense, and such justice must not be distorted.

I also hope that our society, in the face of similar cases, can pay more attention to the perspective of justice, give more support and encouragement to righteousness and courage, and also make corresponding adjustments and improvements to the application of the law, so that our laws can be more flexible to protect justice, instead of blindly relying on the degree of harm to characterize.

Only in this way can our society become a better place. **