
How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

author:Brother Wang talks about things

Everyone says "predestined", which sounds a bit fatalistic, but have you ever thought that the amount of food we eat every day, the thickness of our wallets, and even our sense of happiness may have really been arranged by an invisible hand? Let's see if these things are really as we think, are they destined?

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

1. How much money you make is not just a matter of hard work

We often hear people say, "If you work hard, you will succeed." But is that really the case? If you look at the world around you, you'll see examples of people who have worked hard all their lives and are destitute. Are they not working hard enough? No. Perhaps, some things, such as how much money a person can make, already have a rough outline when we are born.

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

As the old saying goes, if you hit ten dollars, it is difficult to find a hundred gold. This quote may reveal a profound truth: not everyone can become a billionaire through hard work. Just like those children who were born in the slums, and those young masters and young ladies who were born in wealthy families, their starting points are different, can this inequality be completely reversed by individual efforts alone?

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

Second, how much to eat may be determined by heaven

You may think that how much to eat can be predestined, but in fact, from another point of view, our health and physical differences determine to some extent how much and what we can eat. Some people are born with a strong digestion and don't get fat by eating anything, while others feel like they're going to gain weight just by looking at food. It's not just a matter of personal choice, it's more of a given state of nature.

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

Let's take a look at what people in ancient times thought about this. It is mentioned in the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing" that people's life span and health can not only be changed by acquired efforts, but also that innate endowments determine a person's physique and living conditions to a large extent. Isn't this another form of "fate"?

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

3. How many blessings you enjoy may have been drawn a long time ago

When we talk about happiness, we tend to think of it as the result of personal choices and efforts. But if you look closely, it's not hard to see that some people seem to be born with more happiness, while others often struggle with misfortune.

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

A question often discussed by psychologists and sociologists is whether differences in well-being are caused by biological or environmental factors, and the answer is often an interaction between the two, but it also means that at least some of them are beyond our control.

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

It's like some families who seem to have everything—wealth, status, health—but can be upended by a sudden disaster. And some families, despite their poverty, are optimistic and enjoy what they think is a happy life. This phenomenon makes people have to wonder, does our happiness also have a certain "presupposition"?

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

Fourth, then, how should we face this "fate"?

Knowing these possible "fates", what should we do? Recognizing the existence of fate does not mean that we should give up our efforts. Rather, it should be a reason to motivate us to cherish every opportunity and work harder to achieve our highest potential. As the old saying goes, "Do your best, obey the destiny of heaven." "What we can do is to grasp every bit of beauty in life as much as we can within the framework of destiny.

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

Knowing that not everything is under our control can also help us maintain a more peaceful mind in the face of life's injustices. It's not a negative acceptance, but a deep wisdom – knowing when to give it your all and when to go with the flow.

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

This awareness also helps us to better understand and empathize with others. Knowing that each person's starting point and possible limitations are different, we can be more tolerant and understanding of the actions and choices of others, reduce unnecessary comparison and competition, and increase more cooperation and harmony.

Fifth, fate is also a kind of self-discovery

We're not just talking about fate, we're on a journey of self-discovery. This gives us the opportunity to explore our own hearts, to understand what our true needs and desires are, and how to find our place in the world.

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

Whether it's money, health, or happiness, although many things seem to be predetermined, our attitudes and choices about life can still shape our lives. As Mark Twain said, "There are two paths of destiny, one is destined and the other is self-made." "Our task is to bravely walk out of our own way on the road we are destined to do.

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

When you think again, "How much can I eat, how much can I earn, how much can I enjoy", you might as well ask yourself: "How do I deal with my fate, how do I define my happiness?" In this complex and ever-changing world, knowing ourselves may be the most powerful way we can cope with our fate.

How much you eat, how much you earn, and how much you enjoy are predetermined! Do you believe it?

While discussing fate, let us not forget those who remain resilient in the face of fate. They have proved that we can sow hope and grow in our lives, despite not being able to control everything. This kind of life is truly full of meaning.