
If you don't know how to show weakness and ask for help, the "island" must be tired (medium)

author:Love and happiness

Continued from the previous part: If you don't know how to show weakness and ask for help, the "island" must be tired (I)

If you don't know how to show weakness and ask for help, the "island" must be tired (medium)

After entering, I realized that it was not easy to get a position in this company. When I first joined the company, I remember two things deeply: one is that soon after I joined the company, the ordinary clerk was dismissed, and her routine work was also done by me.

Because there were a lot of transactional things when the company was first established, there were ordinary clerks and senior clerks at that time, but after the initial establishment period, the transactional work of the position of ordinary clerk was greatly reduced, and this position was abolished.

When the little girl left, I felt very sad, as if I had robbed her of her job. Besides, it was my first time working, and that little girl had been working for a few years, and she helped me get used to all the things that I had just joined the company.

The feeling of reluctance and sorry was not relieved until two years later, when I heard that she had developed very well in AsiaInfo. In addition, after posting a job advertisement, a lady came to the company to "protest" because she did not get an interview opportunity: How could such a good person as me not even have the opportunity to interview?

At that time, the board of directors of the company were very well-named, especially the American directors, IBM executives (at that time, it was still 98 years), senior American investment bankers, etc., so as a completely English school student, I was on the board for the first time.

The unfamiliar industry and unfamiliar business terms made nerd me at a loss when translating, but fortunately, there was always help. I remember that after the end of the board of directors, I took the initiative to ask the general assistant to resign, although at that time, whether it was Zhejiang University or the bank's position because I refused, there was no chance, but I felt that I was incompetent and had to leave. At that time, I was really stupid, and I didn't know how to give myself time to learn and grow, I just felt that I couldn't do well and was useless but left. Of course, the company's management doesn't think so.

I still remember that after that board meeting, I left the 25th floor of the company for an excuse, ran to the bathroom on the unknown floor and stayed alone for a long time, lonely and helpless, feeling that I couldn't do anything.

At that time, although I was very helpless, I still held on, neither confiding in my colleagues nor telling my parents and family. It seems that since I was in college, it has become my creed to report good news and not bad news, and I am afraid that my parents will worry about me, so I basically choose to face things independently, which may be the continuation of being sensible when I was a child.

I remember one time when I was a child, I don't remember what it was, but I was so aggrieved that I cried, but my parents were busy with their own affairs and didn't notice my emotions, and I could only cry until I couldn't cry until I couldn't cry, as if at that time I unconsciously planted a "thought" in my heart: I have to face my emotions by myself, and no one can help you.

It turned out that at that moment, I began to hide my true self deeply. I have to work hard all the time to satisfy my parents, family and colleagues, I can't allow myself to do badly, I have to do well, and I have to do it silently. At that time, because the industries I was in contact with were all unfamiliar to me before, and there were many proper nouns in each industry, I spent all my spare time, whether it was evenings or weekends, almost non-stop translating and translating.

At that stage, I was still in a relationship with my husband, and sometimes I dragged my husband on board and asked him to accompany me to find various drug names. God, it's really not easy for Mr. to tolerate such a boring wife as me.

As the company's investment direction shifted from infrastructure to medicine and IT, five or six new colleagues walked into the company, young, active, willing to do things, enthusiastic, and those years were also a particularly happy few years for me to work, because everyone was very simple, they all wanted to do something with their hearts, they often brainstormed together, and they had a special sense of teamwork.

  • I continue to continue the model of a good child and a good student, and I am a very well-behaved employee in the company, where I need to go.
  • He has successively served as a senior clerk, administration, human resources, project manager, vice president, and also served as the secretary of the board of directors.
  • What has always pained me is that no matter what position I do, it seems that I am thrown into that position and left me to figure it out on my own.

Now that I think about it, I don't know how to show weakness and ask for help, so along the way, I feel that I am carrying everything by myself, which is very tiring.

If you don't know how to show weakness and ask for help, the "island" must be tired (medium)

And in this process, I have been stuck in the matter itself, not paying attention to my own interests and needs, and it seems that the development is very good on the outside, but on the inside it is actually very blank.

The company has gone from investing in infrastructure to following the pace of the times, investing in the software industry, and establishing Supersoft as a sole proprietorship, which is the pinnacle.

I still chose the name of the super soft, which means more than Microsoft, which shows our ambition at that time. At the beginning of the establishment of supersoft, whether it is the office environment, the source of the project or the management, it is very high, and although the company is dissolved, the reputation of the Huangpu Military Academy in the software industry in Hangzhou has always been there.

Then, because of the problems with the shareholders' funds of the investment company and the problem with the source of the software company's project, the company reached a state of liquidation in almost a short period of time. I remember that when a Taiwanese director came to deal with the follow-up matters, he expressed regret about our situation, and I said: The most regrettable thing is that the seven years of youth have been here......

In fact, during this period, the domestic management is also making many attempts, building a software park locally, introducing well-known American scientific research institutions to settle in Hangzhou, and building an agricultural park with well-known American universities. On the other hand, every project starts with a grand blueprint, and then it is either impossible to do it, or it is made, but it has gone against the original intention.

Later, the three of us had a good relationship and decided to start a business together and start from scratch. DURING THIS PERIOD, THE PREVIOUS LEADER RETURNED TO CHINA AND GAVE ME AN OFFER, WHICH I POLITELY DECLINED. Actually, it was at that time that I felt abandoned and lost my trust in each other, so I would rather start from scratch with two other colleagues.

If you don't know how to show weakness and ask for help, the "island" must be tired (medium)

(To be continued...... )

The intellectual property rights of this article belong to Love and Happiness!