
As the saying goes, "The valley rain is in the moon, and the widow is not worried", what does it mean? When is the valley rain this year?

author:100-year-old number

Time flies, and it is mid-April in a blink of an eye, and the leap February of the lunar calendar is about to come to an end. At this time, the spring breeze is warm, everything is recovering, and nature is quietly entering a new stage. Guyu, the last solar term of spring, is quietly approaching.

Gu Yu, the name seems to contain the call of the earth and the rhythm of life. Like other solar terms, Guyu was originally established for agricultural production. It marks the beginning of the day when there will be a noticeable increase in rainfall, bringing valuable moisture to the newly planted crops and freshly planted seedlings.

As the saying goes, "The valley rain is in the moon, and the widow is not worried", what does it mean? When is the valley rain this year?

The arrival of the valley rain is like the gentle touch of Mother Earth, allowing the cereal crops to thrive and sowing the seeds of hope for the upcoming harvest.

Our ancestors, with their deep understanding of nature and meticulous observation, created a system of 24 solar terms, including Guyu. This system not only helps them predict weather changes in the coming period, but also provides an important reference for the growth and harvest of crops.

Among the people, there is a saying: "When the valley rain is in the moon, the widow is not worried." Although this sentence is simple, it contains rich cultural connotations and profound life philosophy.

So, what does this sentence mean? This year is already 2024, when is this year's Guyu?

The valley rain is in the moon, and the widow is not worried

Guyu is one of the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar, representing the end of spring and the overture of summer. In the ancient farming culture, the valley rain was an important solar term, because it marked the beginning of the earth's warming, and the rain was abundant, which was suitable for the growth of crops. And "Gu Yu at the head of the month" is a vivid description of the Gu Yu season that appears at the beginning of the lunar month.

As the saying goes, "The valley rain is in the moon, and the widow is not worried", what does it mean? When is the valley rain this year?

When the valley rain solar term is at the beginning of the lunar month, people often say that "the valley rain is at the beginning of the month, and the widow is not worried". This sentence contains rich cultural connotations and people's reverence for nature. In ancient societies, widows were women who had lost their husbands, and they often lacked labor and had a hard time.

However, when the Guyu solar term falls at the end of the month, it is believed that it will be a good year with good weather and abundant harvests. Every household will have a good harvest of their crops, and even widows who lack labor will no longer have to worry about the harvest.

This belief is not groundless, but is based on the observation and summary of the laws of nature by the ancients. In the rainy season, the earth warms up and the rain is abundant, which is a critical period for crop growth. If the weather is fine and the rain is abundant, then the crops will naturally be able to thrive and usher in a good harvest. Therefore, it is believed that the valley rain at the head of the moon is an auspicious omen that indicates a good harvest and prosperity.

In ancient times, farmers made a living by plowing their fields, day after day, year after year. Their lives are closely connected to the land, and every grain of grain is condensed with their sweat and expectations. Farm work is a heavy task that requires a young and strong workforce. Ploughing, sowing, fertilizing, irrigating, harvesting, every link requires hard work.

As the saying goes, "The valley rain is in the moon, and the widow is not worried", what does it mean? When is the valley rain this year?

Especially in those bad years, when floods and droughts relentlessly invaded the land, farmers faced great challenges. Without an adequate workforce, they will struggle to cope with these natural disasters. Irrigation and drainage have become daunting tasks, requiring people to carry heavy burdens and tools in their hands to fight against heaven and earth.

However, when the wind and rain were good, the sun was shining, and the land was moist, the farmers ushered in the joy of a good harvest. They don't have to put in much labor, and their crops can thrive and bear abundant fruits. The golden rice, the green wheat seedlings, and the heavy fruits are all the gifts of nature for their hard work. The farmers looked at the harvest fields and their hearts were filled with joy and satisfaction.

So does this statement make sense?

"The valley rain is in the moon, and the widow is not worried", this sentence is like a spring breeze floating out of the ancient countryside, with the breath of life and the fragrance of wisdom. In China's traditional agricultural society, the importance of Gu Yu is self-evident. It marks the end of spring, the beginning of summer, and a key moment for crop growth.

When the rain falls at the beginning of the lunar calendar, it is like a careful mother, sending sweet milk to the earth early. This year's rain seems to be more abundant than in previous years, ticking on the eaves and moistening every inch of the land. The farmers looked out the window at the drizzle, their hearts filled with joy and anticipation. They know that this rain not only brings hope for a good harvest, but also portends peace and happiness in life.

As the saying goes, "The valley rain is in the moon, and the widow is not worried", what does it mean? When is the valley rain this year?

Therefore, "the valley rain is in the moon, and the widow is not worried", this sentence is not only a true portrayal of the life of farmers, but also an optimism and expectation for life.

Is it at the beginning of the month or at the end of the month this year?

In this year's Guyu solar term, the time is 16:14 on April 19, the eleventh day of the third month of the lunar calendar. Obviously, this year's grain rain at the beginning of the month has undoubtedly brought endless hope and expectation to farmers.

"The rain is at the beginning of the month", which is a signal that indicates a good harvest year. In the ancient era of farming, people arranged agricultural activities by predicting the harvest of crops according to the changes in the solar terms.

Today, although we have entered the era of modern agriculture, the power of science and technology has made agricultural facilities such as farmland irrigation, flood control and drainage more perfect, and the degree of people's "relying on the sky for food" has been greatly reduced, but this kind of awe and expectation of solar terms is still deeply imprinted in the hearts of every Chinese.

As the saying goes, "The valley rain is in the moon, and the widow is not worried", what does it mean? When is the valley rain this year?

Even under the umbrella of modern agricultural technology, we cannot ignore the threat of natural disasters. Floods and droughts, pests and diseases may still have a serious impact on the growth of crops.

However, thanks to advanced agricultural technology and equipment, we have been able to minimize the impact of these disasters. We have more means to combat nature's challenges and ensure the growth and harvest of crops.

However, the best-case scenario is, of course, a good weather and a good harvest. This is not only the expectation of farmers, but also the expectation of every Chinese. We hope that every year's grain rain can bring good news of a good harvest and make our lives better.

At the same time, we also know that all this is inseparable from our efforts and dedication. We need to continue to carry forward the spirit of diligence, wisdom and bravery, work hard with our hearts, and harvest with love, so as to make our lives more colorful.

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