
Half-faced: The Eastern Han Dynasty Yingfeng has an amazing memory since childhood, and the difference in one thought caused the disaster of the party

author:Tea History Museum

Half-faced, also known as "half-faced", was originally used to describe unforgettable, amazing memory, and later used to describe a short acquaintance and shallow friendship. The idiom comes from "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty: Ying Feng Biography" Li Xian's note quotes Xie Cheng's "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", "When Feng was twenty years old, he tasted Yuan He, the prime minister of Pengcheng." When the door is closed, the carmaker opens the fan inside and looks at the half-faced, and the service is commissioned. In the next few decades, I saw the carpenter on the road and called him. ”

Half-faced: The Eastern Han Dynasty Yingfeng has an amazing memory since childhood, and the difference in one thought caused the disaster of the party

Ying Feng, the word Shishu, a native of Nandun (now Xiangcheng, Henan), is the great-grandson of Ying Shun, the Taiwei of the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Since he was a child, Ying Feng has shown an extraordinary memory, and when he reads, he "goes down the five elements together", and he never forgets it. From childhood to adulthood, everything he has experienced can be remembered vividly.

Li Xian of the Tang Dynasty recorded such an incident when he was annotating the Book of Han. When Ying Feng was 20 years old, he often went to visit Yuan He, the prime minister of Pengcheng. One day, Ying Feng went to visit again, but it happened that Yuan He was out, and the gate of the mansion was closed. Ying Feng stepped forward and knocked on the door, and the car maker opened a crack in the door, revealing half of his face, telling Ying Feng that Yuan He was not there, and Ying Feng had no choice but to leave. Decades later, Ying Feng met a man on the road, and he recognized him as a car maker just by half of his face.

Half-faced: The Eastern Han Dynasty Yingfeng has an amazing memory since childhood, and the difference in one thought caused the disaster of the party

In the first year of Emperor Yuanjia of Han Huan (151 years), the ethnic minorities in the Wuling area broke out in rebellion, due to the harshness of the local government, more than 4,000 Wuling barbarians openly rebelled under the leadership of Zhan Shan, and even the local county orders were arrested by them, and the imperial court sent troops to conquer, but they were repeatedly defeated in the Wugang Mountain area, and had no choice but to issue an edict to ask for talents.

In the first year of Yongxing (153), after the court's discussion, the four prefectures recommended (i.e., Taiwei Mansion, Situ Mansion, Sikong Mansion, Great General's Mansion or Taifu Mansion), Emperor Huan of Han was reappointed as the Wuling County Guard. After Ying Feng took office, he adopted a policy of appeasement in light of local conditions, and succeeded in reducing or dispersing the barbarians in the rebellion, and soon quelled the rebellion.

After the place is quiet, Ying Feng will build a large number of schools, completely eliminate maladministration, and put the local governance in an orderly manner. Unfortunately, Ying Feng was later dismissed for unknown reasons.

Half-faced: The Eastern Han Dynasty Yingfeng has an amazing memory since childhood, and the difference in one thought caused the disaster of the party

During the reign of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty (about 160), the barbarians in the Wuling area rebelled again, and the imperial court sent Feng Qi, a general of Jingzhou chariots, to quell the rebellion. Feng Qi thought that Ying Feng was quite prestigious in the local area and won the trust of the barbarians, so he wrote a letter asking Ying Feng to accompany him on the expedition. The court then reinstated Ying Feng, appointed him as a Zhonglang, and gave him 100,000 yuan.

Under Feng Qi, Ying Feng used his familiarity with the Wuling region to provide him with many strategies, which led to a complete victory for the army. After the rebellion was quelled, under the recommendation of Feng Qi, he should be promoted to the rank of lieutenant of Sili because of his merits. As a supervisory official in the Gyeonggi region, due to the rampant magnates around the Gyeonggi Division, the position of Sili Lieutenant was really not easy to do, and during his tenure, he did not shy away from power, corrected adultery and punished crimes, and was famous for his strict law enforcement.

In the eighth year of Yanxi (165), because the empress Deng Mengnu committed the crime of drunkenness, Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty issued an edict to depose Deng Mengnu as the empress, and Deng Mengnu died of depression soon after.

Half-faced: The Eastern Han Dynasty Yingfeng has an amazing memory since childhood, and the difference in one thought caused the disaster of the party

After the death of Deng Mengnu, Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty wanted to set up his favorite concubine Tian Guiren as the queen, but he should think that the noble Tian Shengnai was born as a palace maid and was not suitable to be established as a queen, so he wrote to discourage him, "The minister heard that Zhou Nadi was a woman, and the king of Xiang lived in Zheng; The weight of the queen, the rise and fall of the dynasty, the desire of "Guan Ju", and the taboo of the five prohibitions. Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty adopted Ying Feng's suggestion, so Dou Miao, who was born in a wealthy family, was appointed as the queen.

In December of the first year of Yongkang (January 168), Emperor Liu Zhi of the Han Dynasty died, because he had no children, Empress Dou and her brother Dou Wu Yingli Emperor Liu Wei of the Han Dynasty, the great-grandson of Liu Kai, the filial piety king of Hejian, and Liu Hong, who was only twelve years old, was the emperor and the Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty. Because Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was young, Empress Dowager Dou came to the dynasty to weigh the system, named her brother Dou Wu as a general, and promoted Chen Fan, who had helped her to become the queen, as a captain.

Half-faced: The Eastern Han Dynasty Yingfeng has an amazing memory since childhood, and the difference in one thought caused the disaster of the party

At that time, Dou Wu, Chen Fan and Situ Hu Guang assisted the government and appointed famous scholars such as Li Ying, Du Mi, Yin Xun, and Liu Yu, while the eunuch leaders Cao Jie, Wang Fu and others flattered and served in front of the Empress Dowager Dou, and the contradictions between the two sides were very prominent. In September of the first year of Jianning (168), there was a vision of the Tai Bai Xing Jing Fangsu, Dou Wu and others wanted to get rid of Cao Jie and Wang Fu's party, but they didn't want the news to leak, and the eunuchs rushed to launch a coup d'état, causing the "second party disaster".

In this coup d'état, the general Dou Wu, the Taiwei Chen Fan, the servant Liu Yu, the tun cavalry captain Feng Shu, the Hu Ben Zhonglang general Liu Shu, Shangshu Wei Lang and others were all killed, and Li Ying and others were dismissed from office and imprisoned for life.

Half-faced: The Eastern Han Dynasty Yingfeng has an amazing memory since childhood, and the difference in one thought caused the disaster of the party

Seeing that many of his colleagues died in the coup d'état, Ying Feng thought that it was all caused by his opposition to the noble people of Litian, and the blame lay all with him, so he resigned from all his positions on the grounds of illness and returned to his hometown Xiangcheng to live in seclusion. During his seclusion, he chased Qu Yuan for self-harm, wrote 30 articles of "Sentimentality" and "Preface to the Book of Han", and finally died of illness in his hometown.

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