
They start from the "heart" just for ......

author:Shanghai Changning

Through the community assistance consultant service station, Xinjing Town digs deep into community resources and continues to improve the multi-dimensional assistance system. A year ago, an elderly person with a disability was unable to apply for special hardship assistance due to the loss of his supporting materials. After learning about the situation, the Xinjing Town Community Rescue Consultant took the initiative to intervene, which not only helped him successfully apply for assistance, but also changed his life......

The community assistance consultant first established a relationship of trust with Mr. Zhang (pseudonym) through door-to-door care services. They patiently guided Uncle Zhang and his family to express their emotions, provided them with psychological counseling, alleviated negative emotions, and encouraged them to divert their attention by listening to songs and watching videos, so as to discover the joys of life.

They start from the "heart" just for ......

The community assistance consultant also actively links medical volunteers and public welfare resources to provide regular health check-ups and consulting services for Mr. Zhang. Monthly blood pressure and blood sugar measurements, coupled with regular health consultations, not only helped Uncle Zhang and his family understand their health, but also relieved the psychological pressure caused by the disease. In addition, the free family medicine box is also equipped with standing medicines such as band-aids and banlangen granules.

In order to help Uncle Zhang's family integrate into the community, the community assistance consultant also invited them to participate in community elderly exchange activities, which not only enhanced the interaction between family members, but also expanded their social circle. The care and support of the neighborhood has established a wider community support network for Uncle Zhang's family.

In recent years, Xinjing Town has continued to improve multi-dimensional assistance, using the community rescue consultant service station as a platform to dig deep into community resources and continuously strengthen the way of psychological care and assistance for people in need. Relying on the "community cloud" public sentiment record, reception and visit and other functions, do a good job of recording and statistics of care and care work, so as to match services more accurately and efficiently in the future. In the future, Xinjing Town plans to strengthen the linkage with various social organizations in the town, link up with professional psychological counseling teams, and provide timely help to people in need.

They start from the "heart" just for ......
They start from the "heart" just for ......

Source: Xinjing Town

Written by: Cheng Qinghui

Editor: Zhu Jiaru

Editor-in-charge: Wang Bo

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

They start from the "heart" just for ......

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