
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)

author:Li Lansong

【Media Story Topics】

"Li Youran's Image Chronicle"

The film crew of "Li Youran Image Chronicles" will be established on August 6, 2023 and will start on August 7. According to the style of the chronicle, the two examinations of "Li Youran's Original Translation of Li Youran's Anti-War and Anti-Japanese War Works" and "Li Youran's Diaries and Letters of Local Famous Artists at that Time" constitute a detailed narrative—that is, the video chronicle can replace or strengthen the oral history, but it cannot replace or surpass the recording and editing of many copyright owners' original copies and case-related personnel diaries and letters (for example, Li Youran inscribed Zhang Wentian's personal essay collection "International Family Letters" first edition of the rare edition, which is now in the National Library of France, to Roman. Roland's Seven Letters, etc.), which profoundly reveals the life of the poet, essayist, translator, and educator in this collection.

Li Youran was anti-war and resistant

Examination of the original translation of the original version

Li Youran was local at the time

Diary of a famous writer and a letter to the exam

Li Youran's image chronicle

Written by Li Lansong

Consultant: Wang Yipeng

Directed by Li Yuran

Composer: Yang Renyi

Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)





Today, April 16, 2024 (the 23rd day of the third month of the lunar calendar), is the 118th anniversary of the birth of Jiayan Li Youran, and previously, I wrote a biography of more than 10,000 words on the 117th anniversary of Li Youran's birth, which was submitted to a large literary and historical journal to be published. Famous poet, essayist, translator, and educator. Li Youran's real name is Li Jiaqi, and his character is Zhen. 由文献可确认笔名有:李又燃、姜又燃、又燃、燃、顾野,李又然、又然、然、马义,李则蓝、则蓝、蓝;曾用名有:李罗曼、李谢可、任西;其‬中法文名有:LiChiaTsi(李家齐)、Y.-R.Li(李又然)。

以上‬引文‬‬‬是‬《李又然‬诞辰‬117周年传略稿‬》第一自然‬段‬。 这里‬,重点‬讨论‬李家齐本名‬后‬,‬李又然‬及‬李则蓝‬的‬‬笔名与‬化名‬中‬‬蘭‬蓝兰三个字‬作何解‬。 先前‬有,‬旅法‬学人‬刘志侠‬著‬《九人‬——罗曼‬·罗兰‬与‬中‬国留学生‬》一书‬脱稿‬前‬,与‬我网上‬‬的深入‬细致‬的反复‬印证‬;之后‬有,‬李又然‬的‬元孙‬、我的独生子‬执教期间‬以‬李语然‬博士‬工作‬室‬名义‬与‬学生‬创排‬——李又然‬译‬唯一‬剧本‬、法国‬缪塞‬经典‬喜剧‬《任性‬的玛丽亚纳‬》,继首演‬大凉山‬戏剧节‬后‬又‬接到‬法国‬阿维尼翁‬戏剧节‬邀请函‬,填报‬海报‬相关表格‬自然‬要‬汉字和‬法语‬,兼而有之、‬广而告之‬。

Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)



Lan Lan Lan


Liu Zhixia

To Li Lansong


Mr. Lan Song,

The absence of foreign names is an obstacle, and there are no rules for the translation of personal names in early Republic of China documents, and the spelling is different in different regions. But will continue to keep an eye out.

Has the pen name "Li Luolan" been confirmed by literature?

Best wishes.

Liu Zhixia


Li Lansong

Fu Liu Zhixia


Mr. Liu Zhixia:


My father's real name is Li Jiaqi, and according to the information of the CPPCC in my hometown, the character is Pinzhen, but Li Jiaqi has never been confirmed by the text of the publication.

The names of the ten newspapers and periodicals that were first seen in Shanghai from 1933 to 1937 were Li Youran, Jiang Youran, Youran, Ran, and Gu Ye, and they were extremely popular.

According to my cousin Ye Qiguan, he also used the pseudonyms of Li Luoman and Ren Xi, but there is no way to confirm it;

When I went to Yan'an in 1938, my father used Li Ran, Ran, Ran, Li Ran, Ran, Ran ("Tian" is "fire", so it is simplified, and "burning" is "ran").

In 1945, he went to the Northeast, and from 1946 to March 1949, his father used Li Zelan, Zelan, and Blue.

After May 1949, he resumed the use of Li Youran, and Ran, and also used Ma Yi, who was born on April 16, 1906 (March 23 of the year of the lunar calendar), and belonged to Ma.

My name, Lanson, is a transliteration of the French word for reason and reason, Raison, and in honor of Romain Rolland.

This is the majority of my father's name. Special notice.


Li Lansong (Beijing)


Liu Zhixia

To Li Lansong


Mr. Lan Song,

It is estimated that the name used in France is Li Jiaqi, so let's do it first.

Since I am not a specialist in Mr. Li Youran, I can only pay attention to it at any time, please understand.

Best wishes.

Liu Zhixia


Li Lansong

Fu Liu Zhixia


Mr. Liu Zhixia:

In his autobiography written to me in 1975, my father, Li Youran, said:

Let's talk about Europe at the bottom. It was in France in the summer of 1928, and by 1932, in France, Belgium, Switzerland...

(Full text omitted, see autobiography)

Please refer to the above.

Li Lansong


Liu Zhixia

To Li Lansong


Mr. Lan Song,

Mr. Li Youran's autobiography is valuable and will be quoted in the book.

According to the autobiography, the letters to Romain Rolland should have been written in 1929, 1930 and 1932, which will be noted.

In the text, "Lac d'Ancy" should be "Lac d'Annecy", between Lyon and Switzerland.

In addition,—— "Bibliothèque di Paris" appears to be the "Bibliothèque Nationale de France", where there are many out-of-print books and manuscripts, including Dunhuang documents.

Shun to.

Liu Zhixia


Liu Zhixia

To Li Lansong


Mr. Lan Song,

The manuscript is in the final stages of revision. Send Mr. Li Youran's chapter, please see if there are any errors.

As for the correspondence with Romain Rolland, a small record was finally found in Romain Rolland's diary, which has been translated in its entirety (the names of Chinese students mentioned in Romain Rolland's diary from 1924 to 1931 are only six).

The book will be published in the fourth quarter of this year, and a copy will be available at that time. Until then, please do not disclose the content of the chapter sent this time, thank you for your cooperation.

I wish you a prosperous new year.

Liu Zhixia (Paris)


Li Lansong

Fu Liu Zhixia


Mr. Liu Zhixia,

Great Reading. I am most impressed by your latest discovery, a passage from Mr. Romain Rolland's diary, which will be a good subject for discussion when your book is published, and I will never reveal it before you agree to it.

You let me read it, and I read it carefully and carefully, and mark the words and sentences that are suggested to be deleted in "green", and the content that is recommended to be added is marked in "red", but all this is just a suggestion, and in the end, your final draft shall prevail.

My father first wrote for the CCP's organ in Germany and France, "Red Light", since Lyon, if you can see it, please let me know.

Respect and thanks again to you!

Li Lansong


Liu Zhixia

To Li Lansong


Mr. Lan Song,

Thanks for the reply.

A number of changes have been made accordingly. Among them, "Li Zelan/Li Zelan" is still in doubt, please tell that the name used at that time was "Li Zelan" or "Li Zelan".

There are many characters in this book, and due to space constraints, the biographical introduction is very concise, so some supplementary information cannot be used, please understand.

Liu Zhixia


Li Lansong

Fu Liu Zhixia


Mr. Liu Zhixia:

Daza received.

If you raised the question, I will send you a photo of the inscription (signed: Li Zelan) that my father Li Youran gave to the students when he was the principal of the Jilin Provincial Jibei District United Middle School (signed: Li Zelan) to you to understand: the two words are universal ("Li Zelan" and "Li Lansong" How to explain, whether it is Romain Rolland's Lan? Lan Feilan, blue sky also; Lan Youlan, and simplified. But when transliterated, it is Romain Rolland's Lan. In 1947, 815 was an inscription for students, and the inscription was Li Zelan, and in 1956, Li Lansong was taken by Cai Qijiao in a baby carriage.


Li Lansong


Li Lansong

Liu Zhixia


李‬:“东北三年。 It's called Li Zelan. He has set up two provincial federation middle schools and one university, edited two publications, and organized the Jilin Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles. "Where" Northeast three years. Called Li Zelan" is confirmed by you, neither "Lan" nor "Blue", it seems that all three ways of writing refer to "Romain Rolland". And the sentence "organized the Jilin Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles" is the first time I have seen him write like this, which is very important.

To be precise, this is Li Youran's more complete calligraphy, which is made with Rong Bao Zhai and bound with red threads, which is both very exquisite and unusual. In the horror of the time, it was very rare to write a resume and check in this way, and it was obviously for survival, much like Yan Zhenqing's manuscript for sacrificing his nephew, and it was also a kind of political confession and fate.

刘‬:这些珍贵的文献能够回到你的手中, 近乎奇迹, 好好保存和使用。 Where did you get it back?

李‬:孔夫子旧书网,我前边写了。 A serving of more than 1,000 yuan.


李‬:我每十天左右看一次,一旦有立即买,麦新行军日记油印本才20元,《现代》才60元。 But now it's very expensive.

刘‬:这个平台可用。 Literature is priceless and has different values in different hands, especially emotional value.

Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)





When Li Yuran filled out the form to the organizers of the Avignon Theater Festival, he first asked me: "What is Li Youran's French name?" I immediately took out the beginning of the "Biography of the 118th Anniversary of Li Youran's Birth" and sent it to him: "The French names are: Li Chia Tsi (Li Jiaqi), Y.-R.Li (Li Youran). This is the seventh letter written by Li Youran to Romain Rolland on May 26, 1937 – which, together with the six previous letters to him, is now in the Manuscripts Department of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France. So, he wrote: "Y.-R.Li (Li ChiaTsi)" and I instructed: "Yes, but the Chinese name should be clearly written: Li Youran (Li Jiaqi)." He said, "Chinese is not in OFF." Then it was my turn: "LA RAISON LI" and I also sent him a photo of me in my infant stroller taken by Cai Qijiao.

I told Li Yuran that I once asked the Frenchman Marlowe, a cross talk actor in the crew of "Ice, Snow and Fire", to write the word "rational and rational" for me in French, and he did not hesitate to write out the same pinyin alphabet as your grandfather told me; later, Zhang Ziyang wrote a preface to my book "Lan Song's Notes-A Concise Essay on the Literary and Art Supplement of Chinese Newspapers", and showed it to Liu Yangti's wife, Liu Fang, who is an expert in French, and added LA easily, which must have come from the pronunciation of the word Lan, and did not manage the intellectual and rational spelling. Later, Liu Zhixia asked me if Li Zelan had anything to do with Romain Rolland, and I immediately said yes, as far as translating Romain Rolland's name is concerned, there are three kinds of Chinese characters, Lan Lanlan, and he said that he is called Li Zelan in the Northeast, and he has also written Li Zelan, and even more so when he writes my name, Lan Lanlan, all of which have been used.

Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)
Li Lansong: "Li Youran's Image Chronicles|Selected Works" (Pseudonyms and Pseudonyms: Lan Lanlan's Solution)

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