
"Site-wide promotion" leverages business growth, and Alimama has created a new AI growth engine

author:Finance is unscrupulous

Text | hickory

"The important thing is not who to catch up with today, but to think about how tomorrow's e-commerce should improve the consumer experience. Ma Yun, who has not appeared for a long time, used an intranet post to make Ali the focus of attention again, and his vision of "AI e-commerce" just corresponds to the "user-first, technology-driven" strategy anchored by Taotian Group in the past year or so.

As the business environment becomes more complex, AI has become a new tool for merchants to accurately understand their needs and reap the rewards of deterministic growth. As the "business operator" behind the Tao business, Alimama has also been making frequent moves in "AI e-commerce". After the official "1+1+3" innovative business model was released in March, on April 16, at the Alimama site-wide promotion product launch conference, the "1 revolutionary product" in the business model - "site-wide promotion" was finally unveiled.

"Site-wide promotion" leverages business growth, and Alimama has created a new AI growth engine

According to the internal test data, some merchants quickly obtained volume in five days with the help of "site-wide promotion", the number of search visitors increased by 80%, the number of recommended visitors increased by 3,000%, and the search ranking rose rapidly.

This time, Alimama directly put the leverage of business growth into the hands of every merchant, helping merchants to efficiently and accurately grasp the value of traffic, while also leading the e-commerce industry from the era of traffic dividends into an era of emphasizing business dividends.

1. AI breaks the game, Alimama creates "traffic leverage"

In the era of e-commerce increment, "traffic is king" is enshrined, and the larger the traffic, the better the business performance. However, as consumption enters the era of rationality, the business environment is becoming more and more complex, and the scale of traffic leveraged by merchants through payment in the past is limited, and paying to leverage is free, which has always been one of the core demands of merchants.

However, in the actual operation in the past, merchants would face two major uncertainties: first, the uncertainty of how much scale of organic traffic to be leveraged by payment, and second, the accuracy of paying to leverage organic traffic is also uncertain.

Alimama's solution is to integrate the new mechanism of the Tao system, "pay and exempt linkage", and leverage the underlying capabilities of Alimama's new large model technology LMA (Large model for advertising) to "promote the whole site" of this product, so that the new technology can show its value faster, and let more merchants enjoy the change dividend of the value of Tao traffic.

"Site-wide promotion" leverages business growth, and Alimama has created a new AI growth engine

In the eyes of many industry insiders, "payment and free linkage" is a traffic revolution in the Tao ecosystem, so that paid traffic and natural traffic are "interconnected", with the help of this "traffic leverage", for all paid merchants, the matter of leveraging natural traffic has become more certain, bringing a healthier traffic growth flywheel, and realizing the growth of traffic quantity and traffic quality.

In this logic, the much-talked-about "whole site promotion" is the key fulcrum to seize this "traffic lever". "Caijing Mowgli" learned from the platform and many internal beta merchants that compared with regular promotion, the advantages of "site-wide promotion" have four aspects: stronger business promotion, stronger traffic explosion, more friendly delivery threshold, and more certain delivery effect.

First, from the new mechanism to the new product, the "whole site promotion" activates a larger traffic pool of the whole site, provides a larger learning space for the algorithm, and naturally brings stronger business impetus to merchants under the "1+1>2".

Second, the "whole site promotion" focuses on minimalist volume, rapid explosion, stronger explosive power to leverage traffic, and bring visible GMV growth. Alimama's internal test data shows that during the internal test period of "whole site promotion", the speed of potential product explosion of merchants increased by 301.92%, and the GMV increased by 2.97 times.

Third, the convenience of "site-wide promotion" is more convenient and friendly to merchants. Many internal beta merchants mentioned that because the tool "full site promotion" only needs to set one ROI indicator for planning, it is much more convenient than setting up multiple plans before. On the one hand, this lowers the threshold for merchants to use tools, which is different from the cumbersome custom operation and shortens the overall promotion cycle of merchants. On the other hand, when the tool is simple enough, merchants can shift more energy and focus to analyzing products and consumers.

Fourth, with the blessing of AI, the effect is certain and visible. The LMA model based on multi-modal large model capabilities will support "site-wide promotion" and achieve comprehensive quality and efficiency improvement in traffic environment simulation, personalized creative reach, and real-time prediction of consumption intentions.

"Delivery stability and certainty are high. An internal beta merchant was full of praise for the "full site promotion", "After using the 'full site promotion', it has reached a semi-managed state, and it can maintain the efficient operation of the business with less manual intervention." ”

It is worth mentioning that the synergy between the "whole site promotion" and the unbounded version of Alimama Wanxiangtai can also further release the potential and benefit the overall global operation of merchants.

The relationship between the whole site promotion and Wanxiangtai Unbounded Edition is not a "choose one of the two", but a collaborative relationship, which can help merchants do a good job in the overall global operation. Some industry insiders mentioned that merchants can use the scene-based capabilities of Wanxiangtai Unbounded Edition to quickly lay the foundation for goods, and then use the whole site to promote the goods to explode, which is more beneficial to the overall situation.

The practice of Alimama's "pay-free linkage + site-wide promotion" confirms the above views, and also brings new enlightenment to the industry - all traffic thinking ultimately needs to return to operation, and only with a simpler and more direct traffic mechanism and more convenient and efficient products, merchants can seize the new opportunities of the Tao traffic ecology in the AI era.

2. Personalized adaptation to all merchants, and the whole site is promoted as a "new lever for business growth"

Let all paid merchants gain certainty in leveraging traffic, Alimama "whole site promotion" undoubtedly meets the common needs of merchants, but the operation of "thousands of people and thousands of faces", "whole site promotion" has gone one more step to meet the personalized needs of different types and different industries.

The head merchants amplified the explosiveness of their products, and the scale of their business was increasing

There is no shortage of explosive products and brand mentality for leading merchants, but from the perspective of overall operation, there is no doubt that they need to develop the "second and third curves" of growth in order to expand the overall business growth scale. Therefore, how to enhance the explosiveness of goods of different echelons has always been the focus of attention of leading merchants.

Casarte, a high-end home appliance brand under Haier Smart Home, has achieved a business explosion with the help of "whole site promotion". Taking Casarte's key investment in washing and drying set products as an example, this mature product has a grass planting foundation in Taobao station, Casarte has greatly shortened the conversion link through global water storage and grass planting, combined with "whole site promotion", and realized the efficient explosion of the original mature goods, and the business scale has also risen.

"Site-wide promotion" leverages business growth, and Alimama has created a new AI growth engine

"Financial Mowgli" reviewed the outbreak case of Casarte and found that the top brands can refer to its practice and use "site-wide promotion" to accelerate the business explosion. Casarte actually did two things right: one is based on the intelligent algorithm selection and recommendation of "site-wide promotion", and accurately screened out "high-potential explosive products" to lay the foundation for business explosion. The second is to leverage the in-depth understanding of consumers with the AI capability of "site-wide promotion", improve operational efficiency such as content creative material matching, and improve product strength.

The new power brand "wins with speed" and quickly breaks the precedent

For some new forces and new consumer brands, under the changing market trend, whoever can take the lead means who has the first-mover advantage. With the use of "site-wide promotion", new consumer brands can win quickly - quickly lock in trends, quickly select products, quickly acquire volume, and quickly explode.

In the big clothing industry, Youkeshu, a brand that is deeply involved in the underwear track, and Ban Xidi, a children's clothing brand, introduced their "fast winning" style of play to "Caijing Mowgli".

As we all know, the trend of the apparel industry is volatile, and industry players need to pass large-scale testing in order to select potential new products. For example, the children's clothing track where Ban Xidi is located has high requirements for safety and comfort, and brands often need to do a lot of tests in the process of single product explosion, but "whole site promotion" has given Ban Xidi a new path for single product explosion.

"Site-wide promotion" leverages business growth, and Alimama has created a new AI growth engine

Starting from the hot spots that consumers are concerned about, Ban Xidi launched a variety of children's dresses at the end of March, and used the "whole site promotion" to select one of the same products for testing.

After the launch began, Ban Xidi was pleasantly surprised to find that the number of visitors to the product exceeded 30,000 in a week, which was an astonishing increase of 4.4 times compared with the traffic of the same type of goods that were not pushed on the whole site. With the help of "site-wide promotion", Banxidi not only achieved a breakthrough in new products and seized the opportunity of children's clothing in advance, but also effectively drove the sales of the whole store.

The same is true for Youkeshu, which focuses on consumers' demand for comfort, health and design of underwear products, quickly locks in high-potential explosive products, and quickly and accurately finds the target users of potential new products with the help of "site-wide promotion". Youshu told "Caijing Mowgli" that "'full-site promotion' shortens the overall promotion cycle of the brand, quickly drives the growth of single product business, and accumulates the basic weight required for the initial stage of new products." ”

"Site-wide promotion" leverages business growth, and Alimama has created a new AI growth engine

The industrial belt and new businesses are "efficiency first", and efficient product selection liberates manpower

The top brands emphasize explosiveness, new consumer brands win quickly, and for larger small and medium-sized businesses, such as industrial belt merchants and new merchants, they are always calculating an economic account, and improving operational efficiency is the key.

The advantages of businesses and new businesses in the industrial belt are good goods and flexibility in operation, but the ability to take volume, operation and promotion has always been a shortcoming. Many merchants have mentioned to "Caijing Mowgli" that for example, many platform tools cost a lot of learning costs, and when they started operation, they were not clear about the traffic mechanism..... And these pain points can now be responded to on the "whole site promotion".

Mulan, a lithium battery tool brand, provides a growth path for small and medium-sized businesses to refer to the "counterattack road" from industrial belt businesses to brands. When talking about the transformation methodology, Mu Lan mentioned the biggest contributor to "whole site promotion".

"Site-wide promotion" leverages business growth, and Alimama has created a new AI growth engine

As a niche hardware category, the average daily GMV of the Mulan Power Tools Factory Enterprise Store doubled from more than 40,000 to 90,000 after using the "site-wide promotion". After the intervention of the whole site promotion, the search traffic of the store skyrocketed by 3 times, and among the 157 products placed in the store, the GMV of its site-wide guidance was 1.65 times that of the direct GMV.

It's not just a double burst of GMV and traffic. The "minimalist delivery" of "whole site promotion" has greatly liberated Mulan's manpower and helped them directly reduce their operating costs by more than 70% in promotion, and the team can now focus more on products and services.

It can be seen that for the supply chain and new merchants, "whole-site promotion" is essentially a lever to improve efficiency, help them quickly locate potential new products, optimize the traffic capacity of goods, and improve operational efficiency.

For e-commerce traders, "site-wide promotion" actually provides more grips for traffic operations, and a service provider told "Caijing Wuji": "Site-wide promotion amplifies the commercial value of Tao's traffic, which is of great significance, and will become an important channel for pitchers to operate and promote." ”

"Caijing Mowgli" also learned that Alimama also took out the "618 Recharge and Rebate Rush Plan" for the first time in history, and the recharge was limited to 95% off, and real money helped merchants revitalize the overall situation and achieve business explosion. At the same time, on the service provider side, Alimama Ecological Marketing Center will also provide service providers with "escort" for the whole life cycle.

3. Conclusion: From traffic dividends to operating dividends

In the evolution of the e-commerce industry for more than 20 years, "Is there a traffic dividend?" seems to have become a "Schrödinger-style" answer.

Traffic is still important, and the traffic dividend is not gone, but transformed into a more systematic business behavior. Today, what brands and businesses need to think about is that the deeper business dividends behind the traffic dividend include more refined management on the supply and demand sides, products, people, brands, fields and many other elements.

The breakthrough of Alimama's "pay-free linkage + site-wide promotion" just responds to this trend of the times, not only revitalizing the Tao traffic ecology again, but also creating a breakthrough business growth lever for merchants.

In an era of emphasizing business dividends, growth is still continuing, and the evolution of China's e-commerce is still ongoing, and with the help of Alimama, it is foreseeable that merchants and brands can still find more certainty in this smarter and more open business soil.


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