
The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder

author:Hope Dragon City
The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder
The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder



The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder


The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder

3. 严禁以各种名义违规发放津补贴、奖金等福利。

The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder

4. 严禁借节日之机违规收送各类礼品礼金、消费卡(券)、电子红包以及通过快递物流等方式“隔空送礼”,做到“不送、不拿、不要、不吃”。

The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder

5. 严禁违规公款吃喝,违规接受管理服务对象安排的宴请、旅游和娱乐等活动。

The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder

6. 严禁违规操办婚丧喜庆事宜或借机敛财。

The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder


The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder


The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder


The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder

10. 严禁值班值守期间擅离职守、脱岗漏岗及饮酒行为。

The Longcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision ‖ keep the "clean pass" and the clean breeze accompanied the "May Day" clean government reminder





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