
The slash damage is strengthened, and the increase is not only the development speed, but also the experience of the master of life and death

author:A king at your fingertips

Hello everyone, I'm at the tip of my fingers.,The hero of Da Si Ming has been online for a while.,Judging from the current data,,He's still weaker after all.,Compared to Ji Xiaoman Ao Yin, an almost perverted hero.,As a new hero, Da Si Ming's card is a lot worse.。

Nowadays, the Great Commander has almost been identified as a weak hero by players, and there is even more outrageous, that is, at present, even the equipment has not reached a unified style, and there are still various genres, so it is in a more embarrassing situation.

The slash damage is strengthened, and the increase is not only the development speed, but also the experience of the master of life and death

Regarding the reason for the weakness of the big four,Fingertips have also been summarized before.,In the final analysis, it's the low value given.,The mechanism is not very strong.,So the overall performance is not satisfactory.,Some people say, "How powerful is the big division mechanism.,Ignore the terrain and have a high reply to the ultimate",You say it's novel.,But it's okay to say he's strong.,Don't even speak.。

Can an enhanced version change the status quo?

The slash damage is strengthened, and the increase is not only the development speed, but also the experience of the master of life and death

The adjustment of the experience server on the 12th has adjusted the data of the big division, first of all, the problem that the killing line is too low, from 8% to 10% of the maximum health, and at the same time increase the slash damage of the wild monsters, up to 15%, in addition, the direct damage of the 2 skills has increased a little, which will greatly improve the development speed of the great division, and one of the biggest criticisms has been solved.

The core of this adjustment is the slashing line of the Divine Witch state, which can allow the killing maze to have more room for manipulation, such as a first-level invasion.

The slash damage is strengthened, and the increase is not only the development speed, but also the experience of the master of life and death

Level 1 goes directly to the enemy's wild area, someone will hit people, no one will steal wild monsters, because the killing line of the state of the gods and witches is higher, so even if it is a punishment attack, the success rate of the great division is also higher, and after the punishment and the killing passive of the gods and witches are close to the killing line, you can collect the wild monsters with a super high killing line.

However, passive slashing has an action of lifting the target up, and it is still possible to be robbed in this process, strictly speaking, there is no wild area protection on the opposite side, and the killing line of punishment is higher, but the probability of grabbing the punishment and the state of the god and witch is actually not low, and the slash damage in the state of his god and witch will not be affected by the protection of the wild area.

The slash damage is strengthened, and the increase is not only the development speed, but also the experience of the master of life and death

Even if he doesn't invade the jungle, the new version of Da Si Ming will be stronger, because he has a faster farming speed, as long as he uses the second stage skill of skill 1 reasonably, he can quickly farm the wild.

How good is the big boss after having money, I think you can feel it if you have encountered it, especially after the red buff, you can't run away if you want to, it's desperate, and finally it's about to die, but he came back to life with a big move and jumped over the wall and ran away, which is outrageous.

Although this hero's outfit is not unified, the hero's positioning is generally clear, and he won't have too much output outfit, mainly blue-collar workers, and he can't play too high damage.

Skill in gameplay

(1) Use the Witch status of 1 skill more

The slash damage is strengthened, and the increase is not only the development speed, but also the experience of the master of life and death

1 skill release process is delayed,There is also a delay in the process of recovering Ge,So if you want to use the state of the god and witch, you can only predict,When the blood volume of the wild monster is about half blood,1 skill is released in the direction you want to go,Then summon Ge,Kill the wild monster,The same is true when fighting,When the enemy is full of blood, Ge will be placed there in the countdown,The blood volume is low and then summoned,So that you can make better use of the killing mechanism。

(2) The ultimate has no hegemony and no injury

So don't wait until the limit moment to use it, because it's a life-saving skill, so many times I want to hide more, since I didn't have time to use it last time to be killed by Yu Ji, I don't want to die stuck in the blood line without a big move, I can use it, the more you hold it, the higher the risk.

(3) The end of the second skill can only trigger additional damage and health regeneration when hitting people

The slash damage is strengthened, and the increase is not only the development speed, but also the experience of the master of life and death

In addition to being used to run the map and jump over the wall, 1 skill is also a pulling skill, use the "slide" of 1 skill to pull back and forth, use the acceleration mechanism to open the distance and then 2 skills to mark the enemy is the most correct choice, of course, this is just the ideal picture, to the actual situation, sometimes there is no chance to pull.

To sum up: The Great Division has strengthened the slash damage, not only is the fight more powerful, but the improvement of development speed is the key, and the level 1 invasion of the Great Division may be very powerful, I don't know if this wave of adjustments can be implemented online, do you think this can change his current situation?