
Before the revision of the Yellow Shield, hurry up and arrange for Pangu, the Yellow Shield will be popular and take into account the economic damage

author:A king at your fingertips

Hello everyone, I'm at the tip of my fingers.,As we all know,Experience service yellow shield has been revised again.,Although the damage of this version of the yellow shield is more stable.,But it almost makes the hero of the jungle give up on him.,Although the passive of divine power is high in damage to the hero.,But the damage to the wild monster line is directly gone.,In contrast,Just talk about the speed of development,It seems to be more reliable in the formal server.。

Before the revision of the Yellow Shield, hurry up and arrange for Pangu, the Yellow Shield will be popular and take into account the economic damage

Therefore, while the yellow shield has not yet been revised, I will give you another wave of Amway.

The introduction to this article is because once the ranking was blown up, a Pangu led a Xiao Ming throughout the whole process, and the damage of 40% of the life really shocked me, it turns out that Pangu can be so strong, is this the charm of Huang Dun or Pangu is underestimated?

Is Huangdun Pangu really reliable?

In fact, the fit between Pangu and Huang Dun can only be said to be okay, because at least one piece of equipment is a penetrating outfit, so the total blood volume is not too exaggerated, and his advantage is that most of the damage comes from basic attacks, and Huang Dun can greatly increase the development speed at the same time, but also increase Tandu.

However, our passerby bureau can't expect a Xiao Ming to follow the whole process with a Polar Shadow in every game, so the outfit and gameplay have to consider fighting alone, so I matched this outfit.

Before the revision of the Yellow Shield, hurry up and arrange for Pangu, the Yellow Shield will be popular and take into account the economic damage

Whether it's easy to use or not, everyone experiences it for themselves.,Anyway, I think it's good after trying it.,Both damage and frankness.,The most important thing is that the development speed is much faster than before.。

What is the reason for Pangu's weakness? Is the axe form attack range short? Is the body brittle? Or is it not enough damage? These problems are all there, but in the final analysis, it is because the development speed is too slow, and when the old version of Pangu was the hottest, it was basically the fastest farming speed in the blue-collar jungler, but the subsequent weakening directly entered the sewer.

After the rework, Pangu only "repaired" the regeneration of skill 2, and since then few people have been interested.

Before the revision of the Yellow Shield, hurry up and arrange for Pangu, the Yellow Shield will be popular and take into account the economic damage

And Huang Dun gave him a faster development speed, and the rich Pangu can still be like the god of war, without the anxiety of the old version of the broken axe, even the tank can be cut at will, it feels good to be rich.

Outfit ideas, direct rapid combat boots after patrolling the sharp axe, according to the situation to consider whether to change the boots of resistance, but I usually consider it after casting dreams chasing the wind, the reason why casting dreams chasing the wind is because Pangu has a demand for attack speed, and the burst damage in a short period of time is higher than that of the shadow battle axe, we don't have the aura to assist the whole process to the polar shadow, so we can only be self-sufficient.

Therefore, Dream Casting Wind combines the two necessary attributes of attack speed and penetration, which is relatively reasonable, and then synthesizes the Big Yellow Shield.

Gameplay points

(1) 1 Skill damage is easy to waste

Before the revision of the Yellow Shield, hurry up and arrange for Pangu, the Yellow Shield will be popular and take into account the economic damage

1 skill is a displacement skill, and strengthen the next general attack, that basic attack in addition to damage also has a section of knock flying, so many people have 11 instantaneous moves, but whether it is clear or beating, it is best to jump to the target and then use 1 skill, because 11 consecutive will cause the damage of 1 skill to land will disappear.

(2) Pangu's style of play is actually to pull

Before the revision of the Yellow Shield, hurry up and arrange for Pangu, the Yellow Shield will be popular and take into account the economic damage

Fight and retreat, using the low cooldown of the 1 skill energy arm form, you can retreat while fighting, so as to achieve the kite effect similar to Cao Cao, blindly launch a charge, you may be killed by the fire, and sometimes the group has handed over two waves of disarming, and the task has been completed.

(3) Don't start with just 1 skill

The role of the ultimate can be to open a group, but it is better to use it to dismantle the fire, such as Sun Wukong cutting into his own back row, at this time there is no chance for you to jump over and take people away or disarm, directly start with the first disarming and then say, the same is true for the group, in addition, although Pangu's disarming is not hard control, it is a skill that can interrupt some continuous guidance, such as Mozi's ultimate, Guan Yu's running state.

(4) The ultimate is still the hegemon

Before the revision of the Yellow Shield, hurry up and arrange for Pangu, the Yellow Shield will be popular and take into account the economic damage

Pangu's only hegemonic skill is the ultimate, and it can still be used to block key controls in the forward swing stage, and if you pinch it in your hand for a while, you can save your life at a critical moment.

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