
In 2024, the strong foundation plan will make new moves, and 8 colleges and universities will make a "small exception" for high-scoring students in a single subject

author:Qilu one point

As of April 14, 2024, the 2024 enrollment guidelines of 39 colleges and universities with enrollment qualifications for the Strong Foundation Program have all been announced. At present, the enrollment of strong foundation enrollment of various colleges and universities has entered the intensive registration stage. According to the reporter's statistics, in addition to the Olympiad winners, students with particularly excellent college entrance examination scores have become the new targets of Qiangji enrollment colleges and universities this year. According to the enrollment brochure of the 2024 Strong Foundation Plan, including Shandong University, a total of 8 colleges and universities this year are "small exceptions" for high-scoring students in a single subject. In addition, some colleges and universities also adopt the method of weighting the shortlisted results for core single subjects to "empower" students who are particularly good in a single subject.

Shanda: Mathematics 148 or above, can meet the first professional volunteer shortlisted

According to the enrollment brochure of the 2024 Strong Foundation Plan announced by Shandong University, the number of Strong Foundation Plans launched by Shandong University in 2024 is still 180, and there are still 8 majors, including Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Chinese Language and Literature (paleographies), History, and Philosophy. According to the new course selection guidelines, the subject selection requirements for science and engineering majors this year have become "physics + chemistry".

Different from previous years, this year's Shanda Strong Foundation Program has optimized the allocation of professional plans, which is more in line with the candidates' application intentions. At the same time, the design of the school examination link is more scientific, focusing on the comprehensive qualities of students, such as curiosity, desire to explore, problem awareness, questioning spirit, and will quality. What is particularly eye-catching is that Shandong University has also increased the shortlisting channel for outstanding students in the college entrance examination score this year.

The reporter noticed that in the enrollment brochure of Shandong University's 2024 Strong Foundation Plan, the column of "determining the shortlisted candidates for the school examination" is expressed as follows: "For the first category of candidates who have been confirmed, their college entrance examination scores must reach the first batch of undergraduate admission control score lines in their provinces (referred to as 'one line', and the merged undergraduate batch provinces shall be implemented with reference to the minimum admission control line of some special types of enrollment, the same below) 50 points, and for provinces with a full score of 750 points in the college entrance examination, it will be converted proportionally." According to the principle of 'college entrance examination score priority, follow the candidate's choice', our school determines the shortlisted candidates and their only shortlisted majors in each province according to 5 times the number of enrollment plans of each province and major (if there is a candidate with the same score at the end, they can be shortlisted); "For the second category of candidates who have been confirmed, their college entrance examination scores reach the first line of the province where they are located, and they can be shortlisted after being reviewed and approved by the school, and they do not account for the shortlisted quota of the first category of candidates. Among them, "candidates with a score of 148 or above in mathematics in the college entrance examination can meet their first professional volunteer shortlist", which corresponds to what Xu Yanbao said, "increasing the shortlisting channels for outstanding students in the college entrance examination and highlighting the subject expertise". That is to say, according to the brochure, it is confirmed that candidates who participate in the 2024 strong foundation plan of Shandong University will have a score of 50 points on the college entrance examination line and a score of 148 points or above in mathematics in the college entrance examination.

So, if you can score 148 in mathematics in the college entrance examination, is it necessary to choose Shandong University?

The reporter noticed that the statement of 148 points in the 2024 strong foundation brochure of Shandong University has a premise: "Confirm that the score of participating in the strong foundation test and college entrance examination of Shandong University is 50 points on the special recruitment line." In other words, if your total score in the college entrance examination is not high, even if you only score 50 points on the special recruitment line, as long as you can score 148 points in mathematics and perform well in the subsequent school examinations, you can also have the opportunity to enter your first major at Shandong University. Take 2023, for example. In 2023, the Shandong special recruitment line is 520 points, and the 50 points on the special recruitment line are 570 points, ranking 49768 in the province, while the minimum admission score of Shandong University in Shandong in 2023 is 614 points, and the corresponding rank is 16249. In comparison, the difference between the two is 44 points, and the difference between the two places is 33,519 places.

It is understood that the reason why Shandong University has the confidence to "make a small exception" for high-scoring students in a single subject of mathematics is related to the strength of mathematics discipline of Shandong University.

According to public data, the overall level of mathematics discipline of Shandong University is in the forefront of the country, and it is the supporting discipline of the national "985 Project" and "211" key discipline construction projects, ranking third in the third round of national discipline evaluation in 2012, and A+ in the fourth round of national discipline evaluation in 2017, and being selected into the first batch of "double first-class" construction in the country, and continuing to enter the top 1% in the world in the ESI ranking. Academician Pan Chengdong, who has made two amazing breakthroughs in the research of the "Goldbach conjecture", Academician Xia Daoxing, who created the original "Xia Daoxing function", Academician Wen Lan, an expert in the field of differential dynamical systems, Academician Guo Lei, a control scientist, Academician Peng Shige, the pioneer of Chinese financial mathematics, Academician Wang Xiaoyun, a cryptographer, and Academician Zhang Jiping, who has made outstanding achievements in the research of finite groups and modular representation theory, have successively taught or studied here.

In 2024, the strong foundation plan will make new moves, and 8 colleges and universities will make a "small exception" for high-scoring students in a single subject
8. Colleges and universities are "small exceptions" for particularly outstanding students in a single subject

The reporter learned that up to now, the enrollment brochure of the 2024 Strong Foundation Plan of 39 colleges and universities with strong foundation plan enrollment qualifications has been announced. Among the 39 universities, there are 8 universities like Shandong University that are "small exceptions" for outstanding students in a single subject, namely Shandong University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Jilin University, Dalian University of Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Central South University, National University of Defense Technology, and Beijing Institute of Technology.

Northwestern Polytechnical University has made it clear in the enrollment brochure of the 2024 Strong Foundation Plan that for the first category of candidates, candidates with a score of 145 or more in a single subject of mathematics and a college entrance examination score between 4-5 times the number of provincial enrollment plans can apply to be shortlisted for the school assessment. Beijing Institute of Technology made it clear in the enrollment brochure of the 2024 Strong Foundation Plan that among the first-class candidates who were not shortlisted, if they had a full score in a single subject of mathematics in the college entrance examination, they could be shortlisted for the school assessment. The National University of Defense Technology also said that among the first category of candidates, if the single subject scores of mathematics and physics (non-college entrance examination reform provinces are comprehensive) reach the total score of 98% (inclusive) or more of the subject, and the college entrance examination score is ranked between 3 and 5 times the number of provincial enrollment plans of the school, they can also be shortlisted. Jilin University also said, "For candidates who apply for the mathematics and applied mathematics major of our university, the college entrance examination mathematics score reaches 145 points and above, and the college entrance examination score reaches the minimum control score line for the admission of the first batch of undergraduates announced by the province where the student is located (the minimum control score line for special types of admission) but does not meet the shortlisting standards, can be exceptionally shortlisted." Dalian University of Technology, National University of Defense Technology and other universities have also given special excellent conditions for a single subject.

It is not difficult to see that the enrollment of the Strong Foundation Program has entered its fifth year, and students with particularly excellent results in a single subject have become an important target for colleges and universities to compete for in addition to the Olympiad winners.

6. Colleges and universities are the core focus of single subject "weighting"

In addition, Nankai University and other colleges and universities also adopt the method of weighting a single subject to "empower" students who are particularly excellent in a single subject.

The so-called "single subject weighting" is an algorithm for shortlisted candidates in the strong base enrollment of colleges and universities, that is, according to the requirements of the major, the core key subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and Chinese are multiplied by a weighting coefficient, and the scores of other subjects are added to obtain a total score. Then according to the total score from high to low, the best will be admitted. Taking Nankai University as an example, in 2024, Nankai University will calculate the shortlisted results based on the weighted scores of candidates' college entrance examination scores and important weighted subjects. The calculation method is as follows: shortlisted score = college entrance examination score of important weight subjects * 1.5 + sum of college entrance examination scores of other subjects. For example, in the provinces of comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, mathematics and physics, mathematics and physics, and Chinese language and literature (paleography) are important weight subjects for the four science majors, and in the provinces of comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, the important weight subjects are Chinese.

In 2024, the strong foundation plan will make new moves, and 8 colleges and universities will make a "small exception" for high-scoring students in a single subject

In addition to Nankai University, Beijing Institute of Technology, East China Normal University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Dalian University of Technology, South China University of Technology and other universities have also adopted the method of weighting a single subject to "empower" students who are particularly good in a single subject.

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