
The problem of low back pain makes middle-aged and elderly people miserable! Learn to press these 7 acupuncture points and easily say goodbye to pain

author:Zhenyuan Fusion Media

80% of people have suffered from low back pain in their lifetime, and the prevalence is second only to colds, and the prevalence of low back pain in people aged 45 and above is 18%, of which the prevalence is highest in people aged 65~69.

The occurrence of low back pain is often related to the feeling of external evils, or due to trauma, overwork or kidney deficiency caused by the imbalance of qi and blood, and the pain on one or both sides of the waist is the main symptom caused by lumbar malnutrition. The pathogenesis of low back pain is varied, such as radicular pain, arthropathy, myofascial pain, sacroiliac joint pain, etc., among which the most common lumbar disc herniation is also a low back disease that modern people are more likely to have.

Low back pain, also known as "low back pain", is mainly caused by self-conscious low back pain. The etiology of low back pain is very complex, and it is commonly seen in Western medicine such as lumbar soft tissue injury, muscle rheumatism, lumbar spine lesions, lumbar intervertebral disc lesions and some visceral lesions. Low back pain is a common clinical symptom, mainly on one or both sides of the lower back, often radiating to the legs, often accompanied by external or internal injury symptoms. There are many causes of low back pain, and in addition to diseases of the locomotor system and trauma, diseases of other organs can also cause low back pain. Low back pain can occur such as urinary tract inflammation or stones, glomerulonephritis, certain gynecological diseases (pelvic inflammatory disease, retroverted uterus, etc.), pregnancy, lumbar radiculitis, and certain abdominal diseases.

6 ways to relieve back pain

1. Rest: Try to avoid overactivity when you feel back pain and give your lower back enough time to rest.

2. Hot or cold compresses: You can choose to use hot or cold compresses to relieve pain according to your personal feelings.

3. Maintain correct posture: Pay attention to maintaining a correct sitting or standing posture, and use appropriate lumbar pillows or belts to support your waist.

4. Proper exercise: Moderate exercise can enhance the strength of the lower back muscles, such as waist stretching, swimming, etc. But avoid strenuous exercise or spraining your lower back.

5. Pay attention to weight control: Excessive weight will increase the burden on the lower back, and reasonable weight control can help reduce lower back pain.

6. Massage therapy: You can try massaging your lower back to relieve muscle pain and tension.

Teach everyone to rub 7 miraculous acupuncture points for treating low back pain

Especially for patients with kidney deficiency and low back pain, it will be found that there will be positive reaction points in the abdomen during abdominal palpation, and rubbing these abdominal related reaction points has good clinical efficacy.

Kidney Yu acupoint:

The Kidney Yu acupoint is located under the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra, 1.5 inches apart, and is level with the Mingmen acupoint. Make fists with both hands, place the tips of the fists on the Kidney Yu points on both sides, and press and knead clockwise and then counterclockwise. Insist on kneading this acupoint every day, which has the effect of nourishing yin and aphrodisiac, tonifying the kidney and strengthening the waist.

The problem of low back pain makes middle-aged and elderly people miserable! Learn to press these 7 acupuncture points and easily say goodbye to pain

Weizhong acupoint:

There is a "low back and back entrustment" in the meridian acupoint song, which means that the pain of the back and waist can be solved by the acupoint. As long as it is low back pain, massaging the Weizhong acupoint can usually reduce the pain by 30%, which is a good acupuncture point.

The problem of low back pain makes middle-aged and elderly people miserable! Learn to press these 7 acupuncture points and easily say goodbye to pain

Waist Yang Guan Acupoint:

The Lumbar Yang Guan point is located in the depression under the spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebra, about the same level as the iliac spine. Make a fist with your left or right hand, place the tip of your fist on the waist and yang acupoint, and rub it repeatedly. This acupoint is the place where the yang qi passes through the Du pulse, and it can be rubbed every day, which can play a role in dredging yang qi, strengthening the waist and knees, and benefiting the lower yuan.

The problem of low back pain makes middle-aged and elderly people miserable! Learn to press these 7 acupuncture points and easily say goodbye to pain

Lumbar and eye points:

The lumbar eye point is under the spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebra, and there is a depression of about 3.5 inches next to it, which is level with the Yangguan acupoint. Make fists with both hands and rub this acupoint with the tip of your fist, which can play a role in invigorating blood circulation and strengthening the waist and kidneys.

Houxi Cave:

Tongdu Pulse, which is not only related to the lumbar spine but also mobilizes yang energy, is closely related to waist diseases. Position: When clenching a fist, at the end of the little finger of the palm horizontal stripe (that is, the line of affection we often call when we look at palmistry).

The problem of low back pain makes middle-aged and elderly people miserable! Learn to press these 7 acupuncture points and easily say goodbye to pain

Kunlun Cave:

Important acupuncture points for the treatment of spine-related diseases, regardless of pain caused by cervical spondylosis or low back diseases, according to this acupuncture point has a good effect. Location: In the depression between the tip of the lateral malleolus of the foot and the Achilles tendon.

The problem of low back pain makes middle-aged and elderly people miserable! Learn to press these 7 acupuncture points and easily say goodbye to pain

Yu Yu Acupoint:

There is a door on the back, the kidney is also injected, the place of the Yu, the left and right of the umbilicus belong to the kidney, the kidney meridian and the waist and abdomen before and after the spine have a close relationship, the three tar membranes follow the three tar membranes, and the three Jiao General Division of the human body gasification, is the hub of the qi, the qi is bloody, the blood meridians are smooth, and the waist pain can be relieved. It is the intersection point of the Chong Pulse and the Shaoyin Kidney Meridian, which can activate the Qi and blood of the Kidney Meridian and the Chong Pulse, and achieve the effect of regulating qi, dissipating stasis and relieving pain. Take the acupoint at 0.5 inches next to the umbilicus.

The problem of low back pain makes middle-aged and elderly people miserable! Learn to press these 7 acupuncture points and easily say goodbye to pain

Note: For the elderly with osteoporosis, waist massage should be cautious, if there are organic lesions such as intervertebral disc herniation, professional doctors should be treated.

Source: Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine