
The most exciting thing is just a cup of tea, a flower, and a window view

author:Zi-Ink Literature
The most exciting thing is just a cup of tea, a flower, and a window view

Author: Zimo

In the season of hope, in the most beautiful time, everyone is looking for the life they want, and in this impermanence, we weave dreams and bittersweet and sour lives.

In everyone's life, every person who loves life is trying to write the story of his life and paint a picture of life.

When we drink with time, we are quieting ourselves, savoring the taste of life, and understanding the impermanence of life.

In these quiet years, find a corner of quiet, calm down, drink with time, take care of your body and mind in the taste, the years are like water, you can't keep it, but you spend it in vain, you can't help but let yourself feel a lot of emotion.

Life is ordinary and impermanent, we walk on the bank of life, watch time flow in the river of years, with our joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, all the way forward.

Time is silent, the years are silent, we smile but do not answer, in fact, everything is in our perception, then, we will also be in this passing years, and the time is gentle, chasing dreams, but also unforgettable every fragment of life.

Accept the gifts of the years, have the tenderness of time, watch the flower shadow pass through the window, the flowing clouds drift by, the heartstrings are gently plucked, the flowing water is blown, and the sound of the piano is in the smoke and rain, like a song.

In the busy life, we grasp the rhythm of our own life in our spare time, slow down the pace of pursuit, enjoy a flower bloom, dye a flower fragrance, listen to the whispers of the years, and record the beauty of everything in this world with a mood.

The most exciting thing is just a cup of tea, a flower, and a window view

When the heart is rich and beautiful, and the scenery is picturesque and poetic, when we face the trivialities of daily life, stay away from the hustle and bustle, and rarely take a break for half a day, those most heartwarming are just a cup of tea, a flower, and a window scenery.

Only by allowing yourself to be content with the present life, can you perceive the beauty of life, those true beauty, not the scenery of the outside world, but the inner peace, the plainness of the surroundings and the well-being of life.

The years are ruthless, Ren is ruthless and moving, we don't need to complain, just look down on the things in the world, in the passing years, in the fireworks days, listen to the truest voice in the heart, will perceive the stability of the present world, the years are quiet.

In the time of April, there are too many landscapes, intertwined into tenderness between light and shadow, the scenery of smoke and willow painting bridges, the moist spring in the encounter, the warmth of the sun, and the poetry of falling flowers.

Sit in the world, make a pot of tea from the years, and taste it slowly. When you reach a certain age, you begin to like the quietness of a person, like to read books and drink tea in ordinary days, and life will have a happy taste.

A person quietly enjoys life, at this moment, there is no need to worry about flowers falling outside the window, and not wasting every inch of time, it is a natural beauty.

If you are in the most beautiful time, you can carefully sort out the small pieces of beauty in life, and you will be able to face spring, summer, autumn and winter with the most beautiful attitude. In the scenery of the four seasons, the feelings are indifferent, and in the quiet days, do not be alarmed or disturbed, so that life is safe and free.

I think that the best way to live is to know how to overcome the difficulties of life, and also know how to be grateful for the warmth of time along the way. Also in the world of fireworks, read life, in the face of impermanence of life, know how to love yourself.

The most exciting thing is just a cup of tea, a flower, and a window view

Let us walk through thousands of mountains and rivers in our own scenery, meet the flowers blooming and falling, listen to the years like a song on the road to beauty, sing in a low voice, and follow the rhythm of life, so that life is like a flower, life is picturesque, so that we can have our own life scenery.

In this most beautiful season, the heart moves at will, smells the fragrance of flowers, lets the wind of the years dance the grace in life, and makes life like a flower, blooming its own beauty in the spring landscape.

For the rest of our lives, let us live a poetic life with the expectation in our hearts and the warmth of the sun, listen to the sound of flowers in a quiet place, and let ourselves live a simple and exquisite life in a cup of tea and a book.

I also hope that we will have the beauty of flowers blooming in every day in the future, strive to be the best version of ourselves, cherish everything around us, and let life be good in the good times, and the flowers in life will bloom brilliantly, adding rich colors to life.

The most exciting thing is just a cup of tea, a flower, and a window view