
2. The penultimate win rate will be adjusted, and the experience of serving Gongsun Lifa will be injured and turned into a physical injury, and the general attack will be strengthened by Baili Shou

author:Nana, a little fan of the game

The situation of the shooter in the S35 season is obvious to all, it can be said to be the most difficult position, and there are no heroes, the most typical of which is Gongsun Li and Baili Shou, who have the lowest win rate.

2. The penultimate win rate will be adjusted, and the experience of serving Gongsun Lifa will be injured and turned into a physical injury, and the general attack will be strengthened by Baili Shou

As we all know, Gongsun Li is a hero with a huge difference between the upper and lower limits, but before seeing her win rate, I believe many friends must not have expected her situation to be so bad, and the win rate in all ranks is only 45.3%, which is lower than the new hero Da Si Ming and Luna who is lower than the operation difficulty ceiling, ranking first from the bottom of all heroes.

And part of the reason for this phenomenon is that the current version of the environment is very unsuitable for shooters, and now the confrontation roads are all tanks, battle tanks, and Gongsun Li's damage is quite scraping, plus the jungler is not a half-flesh and half-output warrior, or an assassin with strong breakthrough ability, the former Gongsun Li is still difficult to impress, and the latter requires techniques, and most of the low-segmented Gongsun Li lacks techniques, so the effect of low-segmented Gongsun Li is to hurt scraping, and he will die as soon as he is cut.

2. The penultimate win rate will be adjusted, and the experience of serving Gongsun Lifa will be injured and turned into a physical injury, and the general attack will be strengthened by Baili Shou

As for why the high-segmented Gongsun Li can maintain a 51.5% win rate, and the third place among the shooters is completely due to the player's superb skills to save her, we have to admit that Gongsun Li, who can show off, is still very strong, not only can be an assassin to rush to damage, but also can move multiple lives.

This situation of high and low segmentation polarization is obviously not the result that the official wants to see, so she has been adjusted in the update of the experience server, adjusting the original only one additional basic attack to storing up to 2 basic attacks, and the instant burst damage has been increased, which is good news.

2. The penultimate win rate will be adjusted, and the experience of serving Gongsun Lifa will be injured and turned into a physical injury, and the general attack will be strengthened by Baili Shou

But there are also disadvantages.,Passive imprint damage changes from spell to physical.,It will be affected by the foot of the shadow blade.,Imprint damage will be reduced.,Of course, this is the adjustment plan of the experience server.,It doesn't mean that the data of the official server will be finally launched.,The purpose of the official adjustment is to increase its lower limit.,But you can't let her upper limit exceed the standard.。

2. The penultimate win rate will be adjusted, and the experience of serving Gongsun Lifa will be injured and turned into a physical injury, and the general attack will be strengthened by Baili Shou

Then there is another version of the development road, Baili Shoujo, who dominates the bottom of the 2 divisions of the pinnacle and top rankings with a win rate of 44.3% and 45.0%.

Baili Shou Covenant is different from Gongsun Li, he has a trick and is difficult to save, since the sniper damage has been reduced, in the current game, there are 2 or 3 high Tandu heroes in a game to be the norm, even if the sniper technique is accurate, it is difficult to bypass the front row 2 or 3 Tandu, hit the enemy's back row crispy, and the damage of the 2 skills hits the enemy's front row is not itchy, and the lack of damage is the biggest problem facing Baili Shou Covenant now.

2. The penultimate win rate will be adjusted, and the experience of serving Gongsun Lifa will be injured and turned into a physical injury, and the general attack will be strengthened by Baili Shou

And the gameplay of the attack speed flow,And he 1 skill conflict,1 skill effect is to increase physical penetration in the range of thunder without moving,As long as the movement effect will gradually disappear,Baili Shou wants to play the highest damage can not move,But it is impossible not to move in battle,This is equivalent to no 1 skill,Therefore, in essence,1 skill is suitable for sniper flow,However, the sniper flow has been weakened,The setting of this conflict has made Baili Shou Covenant win rate has been low。

2. The penultimate win rate will be adjusted, and the experience of serving Gongsun Lifa will be injured and turned into a physical injury, and the general attack will be strengthened by Baili Shou

But don't be too anxious, because the planner has announced that he will adjust the Baili Shou Covenant, increase his passive penetration effect, and improve the adaptability of the basic attack, that is, it will strengthen the basic attack income of the Baili Shou Covenant, and in addition to the Baili Shou Covenant, it will also consider slightly increasing the basic attack range of all shooters, so as to change the problem of slow development of the current version of the shooter.

The above is the adjustment plan of Gongsun Li and Baili Shou Covenant, I don't know if you think that after such an adjustment, it can improve their winning rate?