
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day

author:39 HealthNet
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day
5 Favorite Foods for Cancer Cells that You May Eat Every Day

According to statistics, there are 3.929 million new cases of cancer and 2.338 million deaths in China a year. Humans have been battling cancer for thousands of years, but the incidence is still getting higher and higher, and the mortality rate is still high.

As the saying goes, "cancer is three mouths, and the disease enters from the mouth", although the current factors of cancer are complex, it is certain that it is closely related to our diet. According to the World Health Organization, cancer is a "lifestyle disease", and there are six main predisposing factors behind it:

1. Eating too hot

2. Eat mold

3. Eat too salty

4. Eating too fat

5. Love to drink

6. Love to smoke

Although cancer is scary, many cancers are preventable, controllable, and curable, and avoiding the above risk factors is the first step. If you want to prevent cancer, the easiest way is to start by adjusting your diet, focusing on a light diet, reducing the intake of barbecue, fried, high salt, high sweet and other foods, eating more vegetables and fruits, and doing this, cancer will naturally stay away from you.

Therefore, if you want to prevent cancer, you need to eat less of these unhealthy foods and get rid of bad habits. In addition, when physical abnormalities are found, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination in time, early detection and early treatment, in order to improve the survival rate and quality of life.

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