
5 features of the face or hint at a physical condition How to take care of the health of the five organs

author:99 Health Net

Facial complexion is an outward reflection of a person's health. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the internal organs of the human body, such as the heart, stomach, kidneys, etc., correspond to specific areas of the face. When these organs are functioning properly, they are able to effectively transport qi, blood, and fluids to the head and face, resulting in facial skin looking rosy and shiny, appearing healthy and vibrant.

If there is a problem with the function of the internal organs, specific symptoms may form on the face, affecting the appearance of the person. For example, a lack of heart function may cause a pale or dull complexion, stomach problems may reflect as facial edema or melasma, and kidney problems may manifest as darkening around the eyes or facial puffiness. These external changes can be seen as a sign of visceral health problems.

5 features of the face or hint at a physical condition How to take care of the health of the five organs


5 features of the face

or suggest a physical condition

Pale or bluish complexion:

If the skin on the face appears pale or blue, it may be a sign of poor circulation, which may be related to heart disease, anemia, or other circulation problems.

Facial puffiness:

Facial puffiness can be caused by kidney dysfunction, heart disease, thyroid problems, or lymphatic system problems, and it can be a sign of moisture or poor circulation.

Bags or dark circles under the eyes:

Persistent eye bags or dark circles can be linked to lack of sleep, allergies, digestive issues, or kidney problems.

Yellowing or jaundice of the skin:

The yellow tint of the skin and eyes can be a sign of liver dysfunction, such as hepatitis or a blocked biliary tract, or it can be a symptom of jaundice.

Skin rash or pimples:

Unexplained rashes, pimples, or other skin problems on your face can be a sign of an allergic reaction, hormonal imbalance, or autoimmune disease.

It is important to note that changes in these facial features can be influenced by a variety of factors, including lifestyle, environmental factors, and genetic factors. Therefore, if any of the above symptoms are present, a doctor should be consulted to get an accurate diagnosis and corresponding treatment recommendations.

5 features of the face or hint at a physical condition How to take care of the health of the five organs


How to take care of the health of the five organs

Heart health

Eat a balanced diet and reduce your intake of saturated and trans fats.

Engage in regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, running, or swimming.

Maintain an appropriate weight.

Manage stress and relax through meditation, deep breathing, or yoga.

Quit smoking and limit alcohol.

Liver health

Keep your diet light and reduce your intake of greasy foods.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption to reduce damage to the liver.

Liver function tests are done regularly.

Maintain an appropriate weight and avoid obesity.

Manage stress and maintain a good mindset.

Spleen health

Eat a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits and less greasy and cold foods.

Maintain a regular eating schedule and avoid overeating.

Moderate exercise to enhance physical fitness.

Manage your emotions and avoid excessive worry and stress.

Lung health

Live in an environment with good air quality and avoid smoke and pollutants.

Engage in regular aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, etc.

Keep indoor air circulation and increase humidity appropriately.

Quit smoking and avoid exposure to secondhand smoke.

Kidney health

Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.

Eat a low-salt diet and reduce your intake of processed foods.

Check your blood pressure and kidney function regularly.

Avoid medications that are harmful to the kidneys.

5 features of the face or hint at a physical condition How to take care of the health of the five organs


TCM Internal Massage

Can it promote the health of internal organs

In traditional Chinese medicine, facial massage is considered to be an effective health care method that can promote qi and blood circulation, enhance internal organ function, and delay aging by stimulating facial meridians and acupuncture points. The facial meridians are connected to the internal organs of the body, and these meridians can be stimulated through massage, so as to achieve the purpose of adjusting the function of internal organs.

Promotes blood circulation

Massage can enhance blood circulation in the face, help deliver oxygen and nutrients to the facial skin, reduce facial puffiness and improve skin tone.

Relieves stress

Massage relaxes facial muscles and relieves facial expression lines caused by stress and tension.

Boosts immunity

Facial massage helps to strengthen the body's immunity and improve resistance.

Improves digestive health

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the face is related to the digestive system, and proper massage can promote the health of the digestive system.

Promotes visceral health

By massaging specific acupuncture points on the face, the function of internal organs can be stimulated, helping to keep them healthy.