
Liu Qiangdong smashed 1 billion angrily, but he may not be able to make a splash

Liu Qiangdong smashed 1 billion angrily, but he may not be able to make a splash

Liu Qiangdong smashed 1 billion angrily, but he may not be able to make a splash

Author丨Iron Hand


封面来源丨Unsplash, which has never been able to hold out as a super anchor, has come up with a way to take a shortcut this time.

On April 16th, the AI digital human version of "Liu Qiangdong" appeared in the live broadcast room of Jingdong procurement and sales, according to the official announcement, this "Dongge AI digital person" will share his experience and experience in food, reading, etc., and at the same time bring low-cost and good things to everyone.

Liu Qiangdong smashed 1 billion angrily, but he may not be able to make a splash

Last year, the Jingdong procurement and sales live broadcast room, which was out of the circle because of the anger of Pinduoduo in the air, has become cold after the heat has faded, and this time the AI clone of Dongge may also be intentionally trying to regain the attention of users.

Behind's frequent efforts to build momentum for live streaming traffic,Is its ambition to catch up in the field of content e-commerce this year,Just recently, has announced that it will invest 1 billion cash and 1 billion traffic as a reward to attract original short video authors and high-quality content institutions to settle in。

At a time when the e-commerce growth rate of Douyin and Kuaishou has repeatedly hit new highs, increasing investment in the content ecology has almost become the consensus of e-commerce platforms.

At the end of March, Taobao also announced that it would add 10 billion yuan to promote content e-commerce operations, and set an annual goal of "100% year-on-year growth in user scale, 100% year-on-year growth in monthly transactions of anchors with more than one million transactions, and 80% year-on-year growth in GMV".

Compared with Taobao,'s content ecology is even weaker, although it is also said to stimulate creators through massive rewards, but if it cannot solve the problem of user consumption confidence, even if it can really extend the user's stay through content, it will not be able to act on the growth of GMV in the end.


Huge subsidies to recruit creators

According to public reports,'s incentive policies for creators will mainly focus on two aspects, one is in the form of cash, covering more than 20 creative fields such as digital, home appliances, mother and child, pets, fashion, sports, beauty and personal care, health, and car products.

Creators who meet the recruitment requirements can receive a cash creation subsidy of up to 30,000 yuan for a single account in a single cycle, and on this basis, creators can enjoy both video playback subsidies and commissions for bringing goods.

From the perspective of track distribution, creators in these fields have strong genes for bringing goods, and can be more organically integrated with e-commerce platforms. For, this move can help quickly bring in creators from Douyin, Kuaishou and Xiaohongshu platforms to enrich the existing content ecosystem.

This kind of author to attract new means is not new in the industry, starting in the second half of last year, in order to attract creators to settle in, Alipay Life has also issued a number of incentive policies for individual creators and MCN institutions one after another, and combined with the end of the year of the Wufu activity to launch a high amount of traffic sharing, some high-quality creators have a monthly share income of more than 100,000 yuan.

However, such a new strategy will face the same problem, that is, how to continue to maintain the creative enthusiasm of this part of the creators after the incentive declines.

For creators who have strong monetization capabilities, while keeping the content updated, they may also use JD as a channel for synchronous distribution, but it will definitely no longer be a key platform.

Therefore, for, driven by high-quality creators, supporting a group of's own "native creators" is another major goal of its content subsidies.

According to the incentive policy, will bring more exposure opportunities for high-quality and original videos, weighting processing through algorithms, and providing subsidies for fixed traffic coupons.

It is reported that Jingdong is actively preparing for the incubation of head talents, and plans to select the top 100 talents at the end of the year, and has invested hundreds of millions of cash in the reserve talent stage alone.

Since last year, has been interested in promoting the creation of videos with goods by platform authors, and during the New Year's Festival at the beginning of the year, released 30 hot topics and received more than 50,000 video submissions, but the total GMV transaction through video transactions is only more than 20 million.

In comparison, the sliced accounts of some big anchors on short video platforms may sell more than one million sales of a single video.

2's fatal shortcoming

Compared with other live broadcast e-commerce platforms that have formed a scale,'s biggest shortcoming is the lack of a head anchor with an out-of-the-circle effect.

To this end, has also tried many operational routes.

First of all, the fastest way is to poach directly from other platforms, according to incomplete statistics, including Luo Yonghao, Yu Dagongzi, Jin Xing, Huang Shengyi and his wife, etc., have all come to the Jingdong platform to start broadcasting. But without exception, none of these industry head anchors and star anchors with their own traffic have chosen to live on the JD platform.

After the outbreak of Dong Yuhui's small essay incident last year, Jingdong showed a very strong willingness to sign a contract, and it was even rumored on the Internet that's vice president of human resources went to Shaanxi to recruit Dong Yuhui with Liu Qiangdong's autograph, but the final result was that Dongfang Selection and Dong Yuhui both chose to continue to stick to Douyin.

In terms of incubating the platform's native anchors, has also spent a lot of effort.

In 2019,, which claims to have invested 1 billion resources to build, came to an end to the "Jingpin Recommendation Officer" celebrity incubation plan, and finally decided on the two new "Internet celebrities" Xiaoxiao and Xiaowei.

But after a few years, these two high-quality anchors praised by themselves seem to have failed to achieve greater development in the field of live broadcast e-commerce.

The unexpected popularity of's procurement and sales once made see another possibility of live streaming. With the slogan of "no pit fees, no talent commissions, it is cheaper", Jingdong procurement and sales became a phenomenal live broadcast room during last year's Double 11, and it was backed by Jingdong's huge category library, and horizontally expanded a number of vertical live broadcast rooms.

Liu Qiangdong smashed 1 billion angrily, but he may not be able to make a splash

However, due to the lack of strong memory symbols,Jingdong procurement and marketing also need to rub off hot spots from time to time to maintain the attention of the live broadcast room,Since last year,Jingdong procurement and sales live broadcast room has benchmarked Li Jiaqi、Shouting Dong Yuhui、Calling for Pinduoduo,This year, it is even more reluctant to move out"DonggeAIThe gimmick"。

From the perspective of the development law of the live broadcast e-commerce industry, the live broadcast room of JD procurement and sales cannot self-supply, so it can only be a transitional form for JD to develop content e-commerce, and cannot lead the real rise of JD live broadcast.

And if JD wants to erect the banner of live broadcast e-commerce, it may still be necessary to think about how to transform JD's existing platform soil, if it is just because it wants to extend the stay of users, then it is better to directly fill the content with short dramas.


Phenomenal streamers cannot be recruited

Since the development of the live broadcast e-commerce industry, in fact, it is not only the competition of the anchor's personal lens performance ability, but also the test of pallets, supply chain and after-sales service.

In this regard, JD still has an advantage.

Whether it is the brand accumulation that served high-line customers in the past, or the high-cost investment in self-built warehousing and logistics, JD once had a good user reputation, but in recent years, under the continuous transmission of low-price mentality, JD's original moat was forced to lose.

In the market of live broadcast e-commerce, the main consumer group is still price-sensitive customers outside the Fifth Ring Road, and Douyin and Kuaishou have a very broad user base in this area.

In order to improve the level of user consumption, Douyin has successively become popular Luo Yonghao and Dongfang Selection, two phenomenal live broadcast rooms, and, which itself occupies the high-line market, seems to be blind to the growth potential of this area.

Liu Qiangdong smashed 1 billion angrily, but he may not be able to make a splash

Although the 1 billion video incentive can increase the base of creators, if you look at it from the perspective of e-commerce, the most recruited creators are only waist creators, and the coverage is only the sinking market, but in this field, the user's mind has basically been completely occupied by the short video platform.

It is difficult to repeat the myth of Internet celebrities like Simba and Crazy Brother Yang who counterattack from the grassroots, and Luo Yonghao and Yu Minhong, who bring their own traffic, may be a new path for the birth of super-head e-commerce anchors in the future.

Therefore, for, instead of being caught in the entanglement with competitors in the sinking market in the field of live broadcast e-commerce, it is better to sign a group of public figures who are willing to transform and bring goods, and jointly open the growth channel of live broadcast e-commerce in the high-line market.

Just as Lao Luo announced that he would enter the field of live broadcast e-commerce, most people were not optimistic about how much this fat man who had repeatedly lost could make a difference in the live broadcast industry where handsome men and beautiful women gathered, but the later result was that Lao Luo not only paid off his debts through live broadcasting, but also created a listed company like Make a Friend by the way.

Although in the current Internet environment, potential stocks like Lao Luo are still scarce resources, but for, instead of spending 1 billion to attract a group of small and medium-sized creators, it is better to concentrate resources and energy to fight for the birth of the next phenomenal anchor.

Otherwise, when the next wave of popularity fades, what kind of event marketing can Jingdong Live use to attract attention, the gimmick of "AI boss" has been used, and there must be no more "AI boss lady".

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