
There must be demons for a reason, and the people have no money, but the ten abnormal phenomena still appear

author:Dafei short video

There must be demons for a reason, and the people have no money, but the ten abnormal phenomena still appear

Why is it that in recent years, the rich have become richer and richer, and the poorer have not? Because of the "poor information": The difference between the rich and the poor is not only the difference in wealth, but more importantly, the difference in the access and use of information resources.

There must be demons for a reason, and the people have no money, but the ten abnormal phenomena still appear

Therefore, as ordinary people, we must have insight into the abnormal phenomena around us in time. Know early and respond early!

Anyway, the rich have a better life, we are different, all we earn is hard-earned money! No risk can be taken at all, everything must be cautious!

In ordinary life, you should observe and pay more attention, and prepare in advance for some abnormal phenomena, otherwise you will accidentally become a big wrongdoer and deceive your wallet. It's too late to regret it!

There must be demons for a reason, and the people have no money, but the ten abnormal phenomena still appear

What are the top 10 anomalies, and what impact will they have on our lives? Let's talk about it!

First, more and more pharmacies are open

There are four or five pharmacies within 50 meters of the entrance of the residential area, more than convenience stores! Do they all have to rely on medicine to sustain their lives now? Moreover, the current pharmacies sell everything, which is similar to a department store.

Buy more and give more, buy more and give more. Shouldn't the benevolence of a doctor be: Would you rather put medicine on the shelf and make dust, but wish that people in the world would be free from disease? Why do you now encourage everyone to buy medicine? Do you advise you to take more medicine at a discount?

There must be demons for a reason, and the people have no money, but the ten abnormal phenomena still appear

Second, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening

Although they were poor in the eighties and nineties, everyone was about the same, and no one was much better than the other. Now it's different, some people get rich first, and others can't get rich at all. In the past, a poor family could produce a noble son, but now it is very difficult.

The children of the rich have top-notch educational resources and rich horizons from an early age, and it is difficult for the children of poor families to surpass no matter how hard they try. It may be even more difficult to achieve class leap!

There must be demons for a reason, and the people have no money, but the ten abnormal phenomena still appear

Third, the quality of the food is really "good"

I forgot the baby cabbage I bought a month ago in the refrigerator, and it didn't deteriorate at all when I took it out two days ago. I don't know if the quality of the refrigerator is too good or the quality of the baby cabbage is too "hard"?

Fourth, students are not allowed to leave the classroom during recess

When we were young, when we got out of class, we would go outside the classroom to jump rubber bands, throw sandbags, and play table tennis...... Nowadays, children can't leave the classroom except for going to the toilet, and teachers are afraid that children will have some accidents at school.

Doesn't this protect the child too well? It deprives the child of a lot of fun.

There must be demons for a reason, and the people have no money, but the ten abnormal phenomena still appear

Fifth, there are more and more people who do not marry and have children

I'm almost forty years old, and I still have classmates who haven't married or had children. I see that some people on the Internet are grandmothers at this age, and some people are not married yet. What's wrong with the world?

Those who are married are not willing to have children, and in the past, they were not allowed to give birth to fines, but now they are not willing to give birth when the state rewards them. Aren't you afraid that no one will support you when you get old?

There must be demons for a reason, and the people have no money, but the ten abnormal phenomena still appear

Sixth, I'd rather have a pet than an old man

Nowadays, young people keep pets as children, and there are even more outrageous: celebrate the birthday of the pet! The birthday of the parents may not be remembered, and the pet's birthday is not lost. Pets cost a lot a month, and they are reluctant to give hundreds to their parents every month. Where has Chinese filial piety been learned?

Seventh, young people would rather go to food delivery than go to a factory to learn technology

"A skill to go all over the world", the former people advocated learning a technology. Nowadays, young people are going to deliver food and drive Didi, but they are unwilling to go to factories to learn technology. But also, the work of delivering food and opening Didi does not require too much brains, nor does it need to be constrained by others, and the work is relatively free.

There must be demons for a reason, and the people have no money, but the ten abnormal phenomena still appear

Eighth, it is difficult to see a doctor and expensive to see a doctor

In the eighties and nineties, there were few hospitals, and there was no need to queue up to see a doctor. Now, more and more hospitals are being built, and you can't see a doctor in line. I don't know what went wrong? And now I have a cold and cough and go to the hospital, and I have to take a film and draw blood, and it will cost two or three hundred to get some medicine for a check-up, to say the least. If you want to hang water, it will be more expensive!

Ninth, children are becoming more and more psychologically fragile

In the past, children were disobedient, beaten and scolded, but they grew up to be fine. Today's children are expensive, they can't be beaten or scolded, and they rebel at every turn.

There must be demons for a reason, and the people have no money, but the ten abnormal phenomena still appear

If you have to be tough with him, he might do something drastic. Today's children can only be held in the palm of their hands and carefully cared for, they can't withstand any wind and waves, and their psychology is too fragile!

Tenth, there are more and more divorces

In the past, people either did not get married, and when they got married, they had to live for the rest of their lives. It's different now, marriage and divorce seem like child's play. It may be that the material conditions are too good now, there are too many temptations to face, and there are many objects to choose from.

There must be demons for a reason, and the people have no money, but the ten abnormal phenomena still appear

Although it is the society that these anomalies occur, it may affect our lives. But let's not be afraid, believe that the days will always get better and better. Facing each day positively, you will not waste this life!

What do you think of the above anomalies? Is this the case around you? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

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