
3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

In the middle of the night before yesterday, an ambulance sent an aunt who fainted at home because of "fruit weight loss", but fortunately it was a false alarm. It really makes me angry and helpless.

Aunt Wang, 50 years old, has always been quite dissatisfied with her figure, and in recent years, as she has aged, her metabolism has gradually slowed down and her weight has also increased.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

In order to regain her slim figure as soon as possible, Aunt Wang listened to some false statements on the Internet and began to try to use fruits instead of staple foods to lose weight.

After a period of "fruit weight loss", Aunt Wang's weight did decline, but her body also had a series of problems;

Seeing that she was getting slimmer and thinner, she ignored these small problems and continued to eat fruits without restraint to "lose weight".

Last night, I suddenly fainted at home while walking, but fortunately, someone at home quickly called and came to the hospital in time.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

After examination, I found that Aunt Wang's blood sugar level was extremely low, and it had reached the level of severe malnutrition.

I immediately gave her rehydration and nutritional support and educated her with serious criticism.

Today I'm going to talk to you about why you don't use fruit to lose weight, and how we should control our diet to achieve twice the result with half the effort?

1. What are the effects of "fruit meal replacement" on the body?

1. Insufficient protein intake

Although fruits are highly nutritious, they contain little to no protein.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

Protein is the "building material" of our body, without it, our muscles cannot repair and grow, and our body functions will decline.

In the long run, let alone slim, you can't even keep your health.

2. Insufficient energy intake

Fruits are really low in calories, to what extent? so low that they may not even be able to sustain our daily activities.

Imagine if all we had at a meal was fruit, it wouldn't be long before we felt hungry and dizzy.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

This "false diet" not only fails to achieve the desired results, but may instead put our bodies in a worse state.

3. Gastrointestinal problems

Fruits also contain a lot of fructose and organic acids, which can be a challenge to our gastrointestinal tract.

If you eat a large amount of fruits for a long time, the gastrointestinal tract will be unbearable and various problems will occur, such as indigestion, diarrhea, etc.

These problems, while seemingly small, can have a serious impact on our quality of life.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

4. Cause rapid fluctuations in blood sugar

Fruits are high in sugar, especially fructose, which can quickly cause blood sugar fluctuations;

When fruit is ingested into the body, the sugar in it is quickly absorbed by the digestive system and converted into blood sugar, which leads to an increase in blood sugar levels.

Sharp fluctuations in blood sugar are less friendly to people with chronic diseases, the insulin response will weaken, and blood sugar control will become more difficult.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

In addition to this, fluctuations in blood sugar can also manipulate mood, with high blood sugar and low blood sugar and low mood.

Second, how to make weight loss achieve twice the result with half the effort?

First of all, let me tell you the principle of weight loss: the total intake in a day is less than the total consumption, and there is a calorie deficit to allow the fat to be used for energy, and you will lose weight.

1. Controlling your diet is the foundation of weight loss

Losing weight is not about completely banning certain foods, but about learning to mix and control your intake.

For example, you can use a fasting method to choose two days of the week with a lower calorie intake and the other five days to eat a normal diet.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

This not only reduces overall calorie intake, but also helps to adjust the body's metabolic rhythm and promote fat burning.

Or "16+8" when you eat all the food in a day in 8 hours, and then go uneaten for the remaining 16 hours.

The principle is to prolong the fasting time, keep blood sugar stable, and give fat a chance to burn.

We can also control our caloric intake by controlling the portion size of food at each meal, choosing low-calorie, high-fiber foods, and more.

It's also important to maintain a sensible diet.

Our diet should contain enough nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

Each of these nutrients has its own role in the body, and all of them are indispensable.

For example, protein can help with muscle growth and repair, carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy, and fat is necessary for normal physiological functions.

2. Moderate exercise

Exercise can help us burn excess calories and promote the metabolism and breakdown of fat.

Exercise also increases the body's metabolic rate, allowing us to burn more calories even at rest.

Exercise is also a great help in shaping the body, improving the beauty and health of the body.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

We can choose our favorite way of exercising, such as running, swimming, yoga, etc., and exercise at a certain time and intensity every day.

3. How to properly consume fruits during weight loss?

1. You have to pick the right fruit

Did you know that the "sweetness" of fruit varies greatly?

Some fruits are like strawberries and blueberries, they are naturally sweet, and the sugar content is not high, so you don't have to worry about gaining weight after eating.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

There are also kiwi and dragon fruit, which are also relatively low in sugar and are good friends for people who are losing weight.

2. You have to control the quantity

Although fruit is a healthy food, eating too much of it can still turn into a "calorie bomb".

Adults should preferably eat between 200 and 350 grams of fruit per day.

How do you grasp this amount?

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

In simple terms, it's one or two medium-sized apples, or a small bowl of berries

3. Try not to drink fruit juice

You may think that fruit juice is the "essence" of fruits, but in fact, the sugar content in fruit juices is high, and there is no dietary fiber in fruits.

Therefore, if you want to control your weight, it is much more reliable to eat fruit directly than to drink fruit juice.

4. Pay attention to the "timing" of eating fruits

It's not okay to sit on the couch after dinner and peel oranges or nibble on apples while watching TV.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

Because at this time, your body is basically in a state of rest, and your metabolism has slowed down;

Fruits that are eaten in the stomach are likely to be turned into fat and stored.

It's best to eat fruit after breakfast or lunch to provide energy and help control calorie intake throughout the day.

Fourth, it is best to consult a doctor before losing weight for the following groups

1. People with chronic diseases

Those who are dealing with "old friends" such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc., you must ring a "wake-up call" before losing weight.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

Because your physical condition requires a "tailor-made" weight loss plan, your doctor's advice is even more important.

2. Mothers who are giving birth to a new life

You'll have to take it easy.

Weight loss is important, but the baby's nutrition is indispensable.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

You should say hello to the doctor first and listen to professional advice.

3. Elderly

Although our metabolism slows down as we get older, we can't just let ourselves "develop freely".

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

Your doctor can help you develop a plan that is suitable for weight loss without harming your body, so that you can grow stronger and stronger.

4. Teenagers

Adolescent lads and girls.

3 times a day! The 50-year-old aunt fainted with weakness, and the doctor prompted: I don't know how to control myself at an old age!

The body is still developing, and if it is not reduced properly, it will affect the growth.