
Learning these tricks can help you save tens of thousands of dollars from your mouth!

author:Jingyuan release

Let's take three questions first:

1. Why is the idiom "cold lips and teeth" not called "cold lips and teeth"?

2. What are the willow branches inserted in the jade bottle of Guanyin Bodhisattva in "Journey to the West" used for?

3. Why are Washington's speeches always concise and to the point?

It doesn't matter if you don't have a clue, the answer will be revealed at the end of the article, and now let's do it together.

Some friends have a mouth, and there is a "car parked" in the good guy, of course, this is not because their mouths are big enough, but because their teeth are not in good condition, and even the replacement of repair belts is expensive, and even adds up to tens of thousands...... In addition to spending a lot of money on bad teeth, looking at the delayed effort, toothache and sitting pain in the middle of the night, this cannot be measured by money.

Learning these tricks can help you save tens of thousands of dollars from your mouth!

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And the following can be seen at a glance, and you can do it with your hands, which can help you save a lot of money and time, and save you from the pain of toothache! Let's learn it together.

If you want good teeth, you can eat like this

Teeth also love food, but it's not food in the sense of color, flavor and shape, but food that is good for dental health. So, what are the delicacies that teeth like? In summary, all foods that clean teeth, nourish gums, keep breath fresh, and inhibit the growth of bacteria are the favorite of teeth.

One is the delicacy for cleaning your teeth. For example, coarse fibre fruits and vegetables such as celery, apples, bamboo shoots, lettuce, etc., can remove food debris left on the surface of the teeth. Moreover, more chewing can stimulate saliva secretion, achieve the effect of balancing the pH level in the mouth and inhibiting the growth of bacteria. People who chew fully secrete 1.1~1.5 liters of saliva a day, which is almost as much as a large bottle of Coke, which is conducive to repeatedly rinsing the dirt on the teeth. Many patients with xerostomia syndrome have an increased rate of caries because the amount of saliva production is greatly reduced.

The second is foods rich in vitamin C. For example, fruits such as pineapple, orange, guava, and banana are rich in vitamin C, which can help prevent and relieve symptoms such as swollen and bleeding gums.

The third is to keep the breath fresh. For example, the fresh taste of peppermint can make the mouth very refreshing. Another example is chewing gum, the spices in it help to freshen the breath, and repeated chewing will also increase saliva secretion, so as to achieve the purpose of rinsing the mouth.


When it comes to brushing your teeth, no one doesn't. However, some brushing methods are not scientific, either the brushing method is not clean and thorough, or the brushing method is not too strong, but it will damage the teeth.

Learning these tricks can help you save tens of thousands of dollars from your mouth!

Excerpt from "The Little Thing of Teeth" by Liu Xiaomo

Gargling and flossing

First of all, let's talk about gargling, Historically, people have tried their best to protect their teeth, and various ways of gargling have emerged one after another. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, our ancestors realized the importance of gargling. There is a record in the "Book of Rites" that "the rooster crows at the beginning and rinses with salty water", which shows that rinsing one's mouth with salt water in the early morning has become a habit.

It seems that gargling has a positive effect on protecting your teeth, and that's true, but don't think that rinsing your mouth can cure all diseases, or even that you don't need to brush your teeth after rinsing your mouth. If brushing your teeth is the hand rubbing part of washing clothes, then rinsing your mouth can only count as a soaking part before washing clothes at best.

This is because the water stream of the mouth can remove food debris from the mouth, but it is almost helpless against the plaque that adheres to the teeth, and the plaque is mostly attached to the teeth in the form of a biofilm, and the water flow of the mouthwash is far from being able to remove the plaque. Therefore, if you want to clean your teeth thoroughly, you should still brush your teeth well using the methods mentioned above.

When it comes to toothpicking, toothpicks are not impossible to use, but it is recommended that you use dental floss instead of toothpicks, which can not only reduce the damage to teeth and gums, but also achieve a more efficient tooth cleaning. Flossing is not only effective at removing food debris that can be removed by toothpicks, but also on food debris and plaque between teeth that are difficult to reach with toothpicks.

But remember, dental floss should not be used over and over again, and don't feel reluctant to save it for the next time, as bacteria growing on used dental floss can make your teeth more than worth the loss.

The myth of scaling

Although many friends have understood the importance of teeth cleaning, there are still many people who feel that teeth cleaning is a bit scary, it will bleed, sensitivity, and feel that the gap between the teeth has become larger.

In fact, teeth cleaning is not so scary, although some people feel that their teeth become sensitive after cleaning, but this is generally temporary. The surface or root of the tooth is tightly wrapped in tartar, so after the tartar is removed, the exposed surface will feel sour when exposed to hot and cold stimuli, and after a few days of remineralization in the saliva, this sensitivity will gradually disappear.

Learning these tricks can help you save tens of thousands of dollars from your mouth!

Scaling is the most basic operation in periodontal treatment, source: Meng Huanxin.Periodontology (5th Edition).Beijing:People's Medical Publishing House.2020

Some people feel that the space between the teeth becomes larger after scaling, and the teeth become loose and saggy. Actually, it's not the result of scaling. Tartar adheres to the surface of the tooth and gradually compresses the gums, causing the gums to recede and the roots of the teeth to be exposed, which is the main culprit of tooth collapse and gaps. However, these phenomena are initially masked by the attached tartar and are not easily noticed.

It can be said that scaling is currently the most effective way to clean your teeth thoroughly. As for how often to clean a wave of teeth, it depends on the effect of brushing and the speed of tartar formation. The most reliable way is to go to the dentist every six months to check your teeth and see if there is any need for cleaning.

Pick it up

In the eyes of many people, a tooth loss is a "dead thing", and it seems that it can only be picked up for a souvenir, but it is not.

After a dislocated tooth (commonly known as knocking out...... It doesn't mean that the teeth are completely out of us. It is entirely possible to save the dislocated tooth by properly protecting it and rushing to the hospital as soon as possible.

After the trauma, it is necessary to find and protect the protruding tooth in time. Conditional immediate reduction is best (commonly known as insertion...... If it cannot be put back into the socket immediately, it is recommended to keep it in milk or saline, or hold it in the mouth, of course, be careful not to swallow the tooth into the stomach.

For dislocated teeth with a short dislocation time and better protection, existing oral medical techniques may "revitalize" them through reimplantation (tooth reduction + fixation) (although the tooth nerve may die, there is hope for a new retention connection between the tooth root and the alveolar bone). According to relevant clinical studies, the success rate of reimplantation of young permanent teeth can reach more than 80%)).

Think about how much a reliable dental implant costs, and I believe you will remember this knowledge......

In fact, when it comes to this, there are some common dental health care knowledge, so let's expand it a little bit.

Have a good mouthful of teeth

It's not just dentists who save money

Tooth problems are not just toothaches, here are a few examples.

The relationship between dental disease and stomach disease is self-evident. If the teeth do not chew food carefully, it will increase the workload of the stomach, and over time, the stomach will accumulate and become diseases, such as chronic gastritis, indigestion, and gastric ulcers.

Periodontal disease is also a high-risk factor for coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Periodontitis causes redness, swelling and bleeding, which is actually equivalent to opening a perennial wound in the mouth, from which bacteria and toxins can easily enter the blood system, and the body's own immune mechanism will synthesize a gelatinous protein similar to platelets, which will cause the blood to become viscous and form a blood clot in the blood vessels.

Teeth are also involved in brain function. Some studies have suggested that there is a correlation between the deterioration of memory and the decline of chewing ability. Whether it is infants and young children in the stage of brain development, or the elderly in the stage of brain degeneration, chewing ability and cognitive ability have a great correlation, the maintenance of brain function and metabolism depends on sufficient cerebral blood flow, and the blood flow in the corresponding functional areas of the brain increases during chewing, which can promote the activation of brain function. After tooth loss, chewing stimulation decreases, cerebral blood flow decreases, and the degree of brain activation may be affected. Therefore, it is important to repair the missing tooth as soon as possible.

In addition, the mouth is a part of the respiratory tract, and even some people are used to breathing through the mouth. Naturally, bacteria in the oral cavity will also enter the lungs through the respiratory tract and cause infection, especially the elderly and children with weak resistance, who are victims of respiratory transfer of oral bacteria.

So you see, is dental health particularly important? Is it okay to brush your teeth? Do you have to check your teeth regularly?

Learning these tricks can help you save tens of thousands of dollars from your mouth!

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Finally, remember the first three questions? Here are the answers.

Why is the idiom "lips dead and teeth cold" not called "lips dead and teeth cold"?

Answer: Because the words "teeth" and "teeth" in ancient Chinese are different, "teeth" refers to the front teeth, and "teeth" refers to grinding teeth, if you think about the idiom "gritting your teeth", you can immediately understand it. Returning to the question itself, of course, only the front teeth are frozen, and the posterior molars are still warm.

What are the willow branches inserted in the jade bottle of Guanyin Bodhisattva in "Journey to the West" used for?

Answer: According to the literature, in the past, people had the operation of chewing poplar branches to clean the mouth and remove peculiar smells, so let's call it "chewing gum". Of course, this does not prevent Guanyin Bodhisattva in "Journey to the West" from settling all the troubles with a wave of the willow branch.

Why are Washington's speeches always concise and to the point?

A: One reason that should not be overlooked is the health condition of the oral mouth. According to records, Washington's dental condition has not been very good, since the age of 24 began to struggle with his bad teeth, by the age of forty or fifty teeth are already very bad, when he gives a speech, he has to endure the discomfort in his mouth, naturally he does not want to talk a lot......

Well, there are both practical oral health knowledge and fun trivia above, and they are all from this interesting little book "The Little Thing About Teeth". Two academicians of the Academy of Engineering and a professor jointly recommend it.

Source: Popular Science China