
Hao Guisheng: From a "conscription advertisement", we can see the important manifestations of class struggle in the ideological field

author:Gentle porphyry is my sister's fan

The Mirror of History: Social Changes and Warnings Behind Recruitment Advertisements

In the streets and alleys of the bustling city, an inconspicuous recruitment advertisement quietly appeared, but it was like a boulder thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples. It is not just a piece of propaganda, but also a microcosm of an era, quietly reflecting the changes and warnings in the depths of our society. What kind of ad is this, and why has it caused such a big social repercussion? Let's uncover the mystery behind it.

This conscription advertisement seems to be prosaic, but it contains a profound mark of the times. It is different from the kind of military propaganda full of blood and passion that we have seen in the past, but in an almost straightforward way, it lists the various "benefits" of joining the army. Money, Treatment, Prospects...... These words appear frequently in advertisements, as if to lure young people into joining the military in the most direct way. This kind of propaganda is reminiscent of the conscription methods of the old society, and the way of using interests to drive people to participate in national affairs seems to be repeated in this era.

When we analyze this advertisement in depth, it is not difficult to find that behind this is actually a profound change in social values. Since the reform and opening up, our society has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the development of the market economy has brought great material abundance, but also given birth to people's pursuit of personal interests. To a certain extent, this pursuit has promoted the progress and prosperity of society, but at the same time, it has also brought some questions worthy of our deep thought. The idea of the primacy of money and profit has gradually permeated all corners of society, and the military, once considered sacrosanct, has not been spared.

As the backbone of the country and the guardian of the people, the duty of the armed forces is to defend the country and the interests of the people. It should be a collective full of honor and a sense of mission, and a holy place that inspires people's patriotic enthusiasm and dedication. However, this recruitment advertisement gives us a glimpse of the alienation of the army in some ways. This kind of alienation is not only a damage to the image of the military, but also a distortion of social values.

This phenomenon does not exist in isolation, it is a microcosm of the change in the values of society as a whole. In this day and age, we face all kinds of challenges and temptations, money, interests, power...... These seemingly alluring things often inadvertently erode our souls. Therefore, we need to keep a clear head and firm beliefs at all times, and stick to our principles and bottom line.

Hao Guisheng: From a "conscription advertisement", we can see the important manifestations of class struggle in the ideological field

In order to reshape the image of the military, we need to start from many aspects. First, there is an urgent need to strengthen the regulation of conscription advertisements. We must put in place stricter norms to ensure the authenticity and legitimacy of recruitment advertisements and prevent similar phenomena from happening again. At the same time, advertisers and media outlets that violate the regulations should be severely cracked down on and sanctioned to set an example.

Secondly, it is also crucial to strengthen the education and guidance of young people. Young people are the future and hope of the country, and their values will determine the future direction of the country. Therefore, we should guide young people to establish correct values through education, culture, and other means, so that they can understand the true meaning and value of the military, and arouse their patriotic enthusiasm and sense of mission.

In addition, the construction and management of the army itself is also the key. We should pay attention to cultivating the sense of honor and mission of officers and men, so that they can profoundly understand the heavy responsibilities and missions they are shouldering. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the treatment and welfare of officers and soldiers, and ensure that they can serve with peace of mind and actively contribute.

While strengthening army building, we must not ignore the importance of building morality and culture in society as a whole. Morality and culture are the cornerstones of social development and an important force supporting a country's long-term peace and stability. Therefore, we should pay attention to cultivating the moral customs and cultural heritage of the society, so that people can pay attention to spiritual pursuit and cultural accomplishment while pursuing material interests.

Although this recruitment advertisement has brought us shock and reflection, it has also provided us with a valuable opportunity. It makes us re-examine our values and behaviors, and makes us more deeply aware of the mission and honor of the military. Let us take this as an opportunity to work together to create a better future for our country and people.

In this process, the power of the media and public opinion cannot be ignored. The media should assume their social responsibilities, disseminate positive energy, and guide the social atmosphere for good. At the same time, we should also encourage more people to participate in social welfare activities and convey love and positive energy through practical actions.

Hao Guisheng: From a "conscription advertisement", we can see the important manifestations of class struggle in the ideological field

In addition, we should also strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, and learn from the successful experiences of other countries in army building and the cultivation of social values. Through learning and reference, we can better improve our own system and culture, and promote the progress and development of society.

Of course, we cannot ignore what history has taught us now. History is a mirror that reflects the glories and mistakes of our past, and also provides us with valuable experiences and lessons. We should take history as a mirror and draw wisdom and strength from history to provide guidance for our future development.

In the days to come, let us go hand in hand to welcome our new era. Let us face all kinds of challenges and opportunities with a more open mind and a spirit of inclusiveness. Let us work together to create a more prosperous future for our country and our people.

In this process, each of us has the responsibility and obligation to contribute. Whether it is to guide young people to establish correct values through education, or to participate in social welfare undertakings through practical actions, we can all make our own contribution to the progress and development of society.

In closing, I would like to say that although this recruitment advertisement has brought us reflection and warning, it has also inspired us to hope and hope for the future. Let us meet the challenges and opportunities of the future with firmer faith and more enthusiasm. Let's work together to create a better tomorrow, a new era full of hopes and dreams.

In this era of change and opportunity, we must not only focus on the challenges and problems in front of us, but also look to the future to leave a better world for future generations. Let us take history as a mirror, draw wisdom and strength from history, and jointly write a glorious chapter that belongs to us.

Hao Guisheng: From a "conscription advertisement", we can see the important manifestations of class struggle in the ideological field

Through the reflection of this conscription advertisement, we should cherish and maintain the purity and sanctity of the army even more


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