
It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

author:The cloud cub who got rich
It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Wen \ Yushan

Edit\Rich-rich Cloud Cub


On April 14, a video taken on a train sparked discussion on Chinese social media.

The video shows some young passengers hanging curtains in the sleeper compartments,

As a result, an elderly man in his 70s was unable to sit down and rest.


Video source: @Hangzhou Daily

Narrative of events

It is reported that the incident occurred on a train.

The filmmaker of the video expressed dissatisfaction with the behavior of young people,

said that they create private spaces on public transport by hanging curtains,

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Web sources

but ignoring the basic needs of the elderly.

This behavior is considered a sign of disrespect for the elderly.

China Railway 12306 customer service responded that there is no clear provision prohibiting the use of fences.

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Web sources

But emphasizing that it can be used without affecting other travelers,

Passengers are advised to consult with other passengers in advance.

Still, this response did not quell public concerns,

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Web sources

Many believe that the needs of the elderly should be prioritized, even when ensuring the privacy and comfort of the individual.

This incident has caused heated discussions on the Internet and has also been reported by many media.

It reflects the urgent issue of intergenerational understanding and respect for the rights and interests of the elderly in the current society.

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Web sources

There is a general public call for greater attention to the traditional virtues of respect for the elderly, especially in public settings.

At the same time, educate the younger generation in the enjoyment of individual rights,

Basic respect and concern for others, especially the elderly, should not be neglected.

Auntie, is it against heaven to hang curtains?

Netizens are hotly discussed

Netizen 1: Isn't there a seat in the corridor, why do you have to sit on someone's bunk?

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

The position of others, it is love to let you sit, and it is duty not to let you sit

Netizen 2: You didn't let the lower bunk sit on the upper bunk

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Netizen 3: The elderly can directly choose to buy the lower bunk when they buy tickets.

Why do you have to take advantage of the "difference" of a few dollars in the lower bunk, and forcibly kidnap someone else's position

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Isn't this a moral kidnapping, isn't it that whoever posts the video is justified

Netizen 4: When he gets old, don't give him it

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Netizen 5: It just so happened that I grabbed the lower bunk on May Day, and I was going to buy a curtain to block my privacy.

That's what happened, do I still need to buy curtains?

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

I have to buy it, I want to know how to hang it up and buy one too

Sociologists point out that this incident is a manifestation of the conflict between individualism and traditional collectivist values in modern society.

How to balance social responsibility and care for vulnerable groups while pursuing personal privacy and space,

will be a constant challenge for modern society.

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Web sources

In addition, such incidents also remind the relevant authorities when formulating public transport rules,

More consideration needs to be given to the needs and interests of different groups.

Personal opinion

Some of the young passengers hung curtains around their beds for privacy.

As a result, an elderly man in his 70s had nowhere to sit.

This act, while deceptively simple, touches on the complex debate between personal space and public esteem in modern society.

Understand the needs of young people seeking privacy.

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Web sources

In an increasingly open and crowded world, protecting personal space is an instinct.

Especially on long journeys, people often want to have a little world of their own in order to rest and relax.

However, such behavior may inadvertently infringe on the rights and interests of others.

Especially when this behavior affects the elderly or other groups that require special care.

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Web sources

The young people may not realize that their actions are creating a comfortable environment for themselves.

But at the same time, it can also make older people feel excluded and disrespected.

On public transport, especially in a society that traditionally values respect for the elderly,

This behavior can easily be seen as disrespectful to the elderly.

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Web sources

The response of China Railway's 12306 customer service shows that

There is currently no clear rule prohibiting the use of curtains.

But this does not mean that all actions are morally acceptable.

In this event, an obvious solution is the re-education of social etiquette,

Code of conduct, especially in public places.

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Web sources

Young people need to learn to take into account the feelings and needs of others while pursuing their own comfort.

The incident also reflects a possible policy gap.

With the development of society and the change of young people's behavior habits,

New guidelines may be needed to define what kind of behavior is appropriate,

Especially in enclosed public spaces.

It's not just about making rules, it's about how to guarantee individual freedom while

Foster a social environment of mutual respect and harmonious coexistence.

It's a big fuss, and the aunt complains that the young man hangs a curtain in the sleeper and doesn't let the old man sit, and I want to die of laughter in the comment area

Web sources

The editor has something to say

Although the train curtain incident is small, it reflects a big social problem.

It reminds us that as members of society, we need to pursue our personal interests while

Be more considerate of the feelings and needs of others.


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