
The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here

author:Let's change our fate together

Today I would like to say something particularly strange. Watch the video first


Chapter 1: Controversy on the Train

The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here

In the midst of the noise and swaying, the train slowly moved away from the platform, and with the sound of the crashing tracks, it headed for the unknown distance. In the sleeper compartment of this train, an aunt with white hair and a face engraved with the marks of time, with a little confusion and dissatisfaction, stared closely at a curtain hung by two young men on the lower bunk.

The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here

This curtain seems to be an invisible barrier, cutting off the communication between her and the young people. An inexplicable emotion surged in the aunt's heart, she felt that these two young people were a little unkind, why couldn't she let the elderly passenger sit down and rest for a while? So, she took out her mobile phone and recorded a video, titled "Young people hang curtains on the sleeper of the train, and 70-year-old people are not allowed to sit", hoping to use the power of netizens to comment on the reasoning.

Netizens' complaints

The video went viral on the Internet, throwing ripples like a pebble into a calm lake. There are various opinions in the comment area, like a vivid picture of public opinion. Some people are on the side of young people, believing that they have the right to use the lower berths they pay for, and that there is nothing wrong with pursuing personal privacy. They point out that modern society focuses on personal space, and the behavior of young people hanging curtains is beyond reproach.

The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here

However, more people expressed their understanding and support for the aunt. They believe that respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and young people should be more concerned about the elderly. Even if young people have the right to use their own bunks, they should also take into account the inconvenience of the elderly and give some attention. A netizen left a message: "We will all grow old, and at that time we also hope to get the understanding and help of young people." ”

Some netizens put forward different opinions, believing that this incident reflects the lack of communication between generations. They called on older people to try to understand the way of life of young people, rather than blindly criticizing and blaming. A young netizen said: "It's not that we don't respect the elderly, it's just that we show respect in a different way than you. ”

The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here

Mutual understanding and respect

As online public opinion heats up, this episode on the train has triggered a deep reflection on mutual understanding and respect from all walks of life. Netizens have expressed their opinions, and some people have raised such a question: how should we balance between respecting personal privacy and caring for the elderly?

One netizen shared his own experience, saying: "I used to be a young traveler and I used to hang curtains for my own private space. But once, I saw an old man crumbling on the top bunk, and I immediately lowered the curtain and stepped forward to help. At that moment, I realized that every small action we make can affect others. ”

The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here

Another netizen put forward a suggestion, she thought: "Maybe we can add an option when buying tickets to allow the elderly to choose the lower berth first." In this way, the needs of the elderly are met without encroaching on the personal space of the young. ”

12306's response and future outlook

In the face of widespread public concern and heated discussions, the 12306 Railway Customer Service Center responded quickly. Officials said train passengers have the right to use their own sleeping space as they see fit, including hanging curtains to protect their privacy. At the same time, 12306 also emphasizes that passengers should be respectful of each other, especially in the context of public transport, and that the needs of the elderly and other groups who may need special attention should be taken into account.

The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here

In addition, 12306 also said that they will seriously consider the suggestions of netizens and explore adding more user-friendly options in the future ticketing system. For example, consider giving seniors the ability to prioritize the selection of lower berths, or adding a selection mechanism to allow passengers to express their preferences for seats and berths at the time of ticket purchase to better meet the needs of different passengers.

The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here

12306's response has been recognized by many netizens, who believe that it is a positive response of the railway department to public opinions and a respect for the rights and interests of passengers. At the same time, some netizens also called for both the elderly and young people to show more understanding and tolerance during travel, so as to jointly create a harmonious and comfortable travel environment.

The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here

Generational differences and social progress

In this chapter, we delve into the differences in lifestyles and values of people of different generations. In the past train journeys, people tended to communicate and help each other, and strangers on the journey often became friends. However, with the changing times, the fast-paced pace of modern society and the rise of individualism, people's behavior patterns on the train have also changed. Nowadays, more travelers are inclined to protect their personal space and hang curtains to enjoy a separate resting environment.

The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here
The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here

This change reflects social progress and the diversity of individual needs. Each generation has its own unique upbringing and social environment, and these factors together shape their values and behavior patterns. Therefore, we cannot simply put different standards of behavior in opposition to each other, but should try to understand and respect each other's differences.

Build a harmonious home together

We delved into the importance of understanding and respect, which are the cornerstones of harmonious social relations. Whether it is the elderly or the younger generation, we need to continue to learn and practice these values. In the face of disagreements and disputes, proactive communication and finding common ground are key to solving problems. Through active efforts, we are able to create a warm and harmonious family environment together.

While safeguarding our personal rights and interests, we should maintain our concern and support for others. This balance is an indispensable part of achieving social harmony. Only in this way will we be able to work together to create a more harmonious and loving future.

Further, we need to realize that the construction of a harmonious society is not only the responsibility of the government or individuals, but a process in which everyone needs to participate. Everyone should start with themselves, whether it is through the small things in daily life or playing a role in larger social activities, we can all contribute to the construction of a harmonious society.

In addition, we need to pay attention to the inequality and disadvantaged groups in society, and promote the overall harmony of society by helping and supporting them. This is not only the responsibility of society, but also the responsibility of everyone. We should do our best to eliminate discrimination and prejudice, promote fairness and justice, and ensure that everyone can enjoy equal opportunities and rights.

In general, building a harmonious home is a long-term and complex process, which requires the joint efforts and continuous struggle of each of us. But as long as we have a harmonious concept in our hearts and take positive actions, we will be able to create a better future.

What do you think about this?

The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here
The follow-up is coming! The aunt complained about the young man's sleeper hanging curtain: the fryer in the comment area 12306 responded here

Statement: Taken from the Internet

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