
12306 responded to the young man hanging the curtain in the sleeper, the old man had no place to sit, and the 70-year-old man complained

author:Mu Mu loves to talk about things
Sleeper curtains cause controversy: the battle for space between young and old


Description:The behavior of hanging curtains on the sleeper on the train has aroused social concern, what kind of social phenomenon is hidden behind the seat dispute between aunts and young people?12306 customer service responded, how should we view this controversy?

12306 responded to the young man hanging the curtain in the sleeper, the old man had no place to sit, and the 70-year-old man complained


Recently, a video about hanging curtains on train sleepers has sparked heated discussions on the Internet. In the video, an aunt angrily accuses the young man of hanging a curtain under the sleeper, leaving her 70-something with nowhere to sit. The incident quickly became the focus of social media and sparked widespread discussion.

12306 responded to the young man hanging the curtain in the sleeper, the old man had no place to sit, and the 70-year-old man complained

In response to the aunt's complaints, the customer service of China Railway 12306 responded: "There is no clear provision that it cannot be used, and it can be used without hindering other passengers." The response, while succinct, provoked more thought. Behind this seemingly simple seat controversy lies a struggle between young and old people for the right to use public space.

12306 responded to the young man hanging the curtain in the sleeper, the old man had no place to sit, and the 70-year-old man complained

As a public space, the right to use the sleeper train should belong to all passengers. It is understandable that young people hang curtains on the lower bunks, probably to create a relatively private place to rest. However, it is worth pondering when this behavior affects the normal use of other passengers, especially the rest and riding needs of elderly passengers.

12306 responded to the young man hanging the curtain in the sleeper, the old man had no place to sit, and the 70-year-old man complained

We can't help but ask: how should young and old people balance the right to use public space? Is the right of young people to rest more important, or is the riding needs of the elderly more important? This is not a simple choice question, but a social issue that we need to think about and discuss together.

12306 responded to the young man hanging the curtain in the sleeper, the old man had no place to sit, and the 70-year-old man complained

In fact, this incident also reflects the lack of attention to the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly. In a rapidly evolving society, the lives and needs of older people are often overlooked. They may face difficulties such as reduced physical function, limited mobility, etc., and need more care and support. Therefore, in the use of public space, we should also take more into account the actual needs of the elderly.

12306 responded to the young man hanging the curtain in the sleeper, the old man had no place to sit, and the 70-year-old man complained

Of course, this does not mean that we want to completely deprive young people of their right to a comfortable rest. After all, young people are also an important part of society, and they also have their own needs and rights. The key is how to ensure the right of young people to rest while also meeting the needs of the elderly. This requires us to explore and work together.

12306 responded to the young man hanging the curtain in the sleeper, the old man had no place to sit, and the 70-year-old man complained

In response to this incident, we believe that the following measures should be taken: First, the train management department should strengthen the management and planning of sleeping space to ensure that every passenger can have enough space to rest and ride. Secondly, a special rest area for elderly passengers can be set up on the train to provide them with a more comfortable riding environment. At the same time, young people can also be encouraged to take the initiative to give up their seats to elderly passengers, and carry forward the traditional virtues of respecting the elderly and caring for the young.

12306 responded to the young man hanging the curtain in the sleeper, the old man had no place to sit, and the 70-year-old man complained

In short, although the sleeper curtain incident seems to be a trivial matter, it has triggered our in-depth thinking on issues such as the right to use public space and the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly. I hope that through this event, we can pay more attention to the actual needs of the elderly and jointly create a harmonious and warm social environment.

12306 responded to the young man hanging the curtain in the sleeper, the old man had no place to sit, and the 70-year-old man complained

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