
Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

author:Lazy riches
Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

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Have you ever heard of this recent hot incident? That's right, it's the topic that makes people hotly discussed!

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

Xu Ruohan's bad reviews for "The Desire of the Golden Branch" were like a bomb, which instantly detonated the Internet! Imagine that countless keyboard warriors are struggling to beat on the keyboard, expressing their emotions and opinions, and the scene is even more intense than playing games!

This incident is really hilarious, like a storm in the entertainment industry.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

Xu Ruohan, a high-profile young actor, her acting skills have always been controversial, but this time her performance in "Golden Branches" caused an uproar.

I heard that some people think that her role is too eye-catching, it is simply "a snake to add to the picture", and some people think that her performance is emotionless, like a puppet acting, which is really shocking!

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

It's not just a question of actors' performances, it's a confrontation between the audience and the work.

Everyone's expectations for this drama are already high, but Xu Ruohan's performance is disappointing, as if it is a delicious meal full of sand.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

This huge storm of public opinion is like a large-scale webcast, everyone is on the scene to witness this wonderful performance, and the comment area is the stage for them to vent their emotions.

Xu Ruohan, she is the kind of peerless existence, and her smile can attract the attention of countless fans.

But this time, in "The Desire of the Golden Branch", she seems to have encountered an unprecedented challenge.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

Xu Ruohan plays a high-profile role in this drama.

Her performance caused doubts and dissatisfaction among the audience.

Her performance in the play feels unnatural, especially the eye-catching board teeth, which is like a huge signboard that is impossible to ignore.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

This made the audience feel very disappointed and angry, they felt that Xu Ruohan did not play the role alive, but made people feel embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Maybe Xu Ruohan also wanted to try her best to interpret this role, but in the face of such huge pressure and challenges, she seemed to be a little powerless.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

Maybe she needs more time and opportunities to grow and improve her acting skills.

But now, the pressure and doubts she faces are so great that people can't help but sweat for her.

I hope she can persevere, keep working hard, and eventually become a better actor.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

Now let's listen to the voices of netizens! In this online world full of opinions and emotions, everyone has their own unique opinions and comments.

Some netizens said that Xu Ruohan's performance in "Golden Branches" was simply a disaster, and her acting skills were unbearable, completely ruining the look and feel of the whole drama.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

They think that Xu Ruohan didn't play the role at all, but made people feel embarrassed and speechless.

Some people even bluntly said that Xu Ruohan was like a "joke" and her performance was simply a "nightmare".

There are also some netizens who expressed their understanding and support for Xu Ruohan.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

They think that Xu Ruohan is just doing her best, and her acting skills may need to be further improved, but her efforts and performance are also worthy of recognition.

They hope that Xu Ruohan can learn from this experience, continue to improve, and become a better actor.

Netizens have different opinions and attitudes towards Xu Ruohan's performance in "Golden Branches".

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

But no matter what, their voices are very important, which can help actors and producers better understand the needs and expectations of audiences, and continuously improve the quality and level of film and television productions.

We need to recognize that film and television works are a complex art form, involving actors, directors, screenwriters and other factors.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

In a large-scale drama like "The Golden Branch", the portrayal of every character is crucial, and any slight mistake may affect the look and feel of the whole show.

Whether the role played by Xu Ruohan in the play conforms to the plot setting and whether it can truly show the character characteristics of the character is a question that needs to be seriously considered and judged.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

As a young actor, Xu Ruohan's acting skills may need to be further improved and improved.

Although she has performed well in some of her previous works, each role has its own characteristics and challenges, requiring different acting skills and emotional expression.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

Xu Ruohan's performance in "Golden Branches" does not represent the level of her entire acting career, she still has a lot of room and potential for development.

We also need to see that the voice and feedback of the audience is crucial to the development of film and television productions.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

In this era of information explosion, audiences not only have the right to express their opinions and emotions, but also an important channel for film and television producers to understand market demand and improve their works.

For Xu Ruohan's performance in "Golden Branches", the producer should listen carefully to the audience's opinions and suggestions, and constantly improve and enhance the quality of the work, in order to win the trust and support of the audience.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

Regarding the incident of Xu Ruohan's performance of "The Desire of the Golden Branch", we must not only analyze objectively, but also give constructive evaluation and support.

Only through joint efforts and cooperation can we promote the healthy development of film and television works, so that the audience can enjoy more high-quality film and television works.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

In this moment of controversy and discussion, we can't help but reflect on the fact that everyone is constantly growing and progressing on the path of art.

Xu Ruohan's performance in "The Desire of the Golden Branch" may not be perfect, but it is this kind of challenge and reflection that pushes us forward.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

In this era of rapid information dissemination, every audience has the right to express their opinions, and these opinions are also the source of power for the continuous improvement and promotion of film and television works.

We look forward to the birth of more excellent works, the continuous pursuit of excellence by the actors on the road of art, and the audience's ability to look at each work more openly and rationally.

Xu Ruohan's performance of "Golden Branches Desire" has a bad review! Banya is too eye-catching, Er Dongsheng: Keep your mouth shut

Let us join hands to witness the prosperity and development of the film and television industry, so that the light of art will always shine.

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