
What are the diseases of corns and head swelling, how to effectively treat them, and what are the causes of corn swelling?

author:Wow Sai veterinarian

In recent years, chicken swollen head and swollen eyes have become a common disease in chickens, and it is easy to break out in summer and autumn, and many farmers are difficult to make an accurate judgment on the cause.

What are the diseases of corns and head swelling, how to effectively treat them, and what are the causes of corn swelling?

1. How to treat corns and swollen heads?

As mentioned above, chicken colds, infectious rhinitis, and mycoplasma infections can cause swollen faces and eyes, and there are many possible causes. Therefore, we need to diagnose the cause of the disease first and then target the drug when we are treating.

If it is caused by influenza or mycoplasma infection, we need to use: Qingjie Swordsman + Doxycycline for treatment, if it is infectious rhinitis, we need to use: Qingjie Swordsman + Sulfonate, for treatment, if the face is swollen more, we also need to use sulfamethoxine sodium injection intramuscularly, which can have a certain therapeutic effect.

What are the diseases of corns and head swelling, how to effectively treat them, and what are the causes of corn swelling?

2. Common causes of cornhole swelling and head swelling

1. Mycoplasmosis

Mycoplasma infection will cause symptoms such as redness, swelling and tearing on one or both sides of the eyes, foamy fluid in the eyes, and respiratory symptoms of chickens are also more obvious, such as coughing and shaking the nose.

2. Fluency

Influenza is very easy to occur in autumn and winter, with rapid onset and high mortality, and chickens of all breeds and days old are susceptible to infection, mainly through air, water, feed, etc.

The most obvious symptoms in the early stage of the disease in the flock are respiratory symptoms, coughing, rales, neck stretching and mouth opening, head eyelid edema, and yellow, white and green feces.

3. Infectious rhinitis

The chickens have a runny nose in the early stage of infection, and gradually thickens and smells in the later stage, and forms yellow scabs after drying. In addition, sick chickens are accompanied by symptoms such as sneezing, head shaking, inflammation of the conjunctiva, tearing, and swelling around the eyelids.

What are the diseases of corns and head swelling, how to effectively treat them, and what are the causes of corn swelling?

The above is about the common causes of corns and swollen heads, as well as the introduction of medication, you can refer to it. Follow me and learn the knowledge and technology of poultry farming every day!