
Affectionate with people, it is difficult to make deep friends. If the words are repeated, there will be ghosts!

author:A bad uncle who loves to explore.
Affectionate with people, it is difficult to make deep friends. If the words are repeated, there will be ghosts!
Affectionate with people, it is difficult to make deep friends. If the words are repeated, there will be ghosts!
Affectionate with people, it is difficult to make deep friends. If the words are repeated, there will be ghosts!
Affectionate with people, it is difficult to make deep friends. If the words are repeated, there will be ghosts!
Affectionate with people, it is difficult to make deep friends. If the words are repeated, there will be ghosts!
Affectionate with people, it is difficult to make deep friends. If the words are repeated, there will be ghosts!
Affectionate with people, it is difficult to make deep friends. If the words are repeated, there will be ghosts!
Affectionate with people, it is difficult to make deep friends. If the words are repeated, there will be ghosts!
Affectionate with people, it is difficult to make deep friends. If the words are repeated, there will be ghosts!