
My neighbor's toilet was built in front of my house. Instead of stopping him, my father helped me.

author:Indifferent leaves


My neighbor's toilet was built in front of my house. Instead of stopping him, my father helped me. I later learned how smart he was.

One quiet afternoon, I sat on the couch in the living room, immersed in the world of TV dramas. Suddenly, a knock on the door broke the calm atmosphere. I stood up and walked to the door. When I opened the door, it turned out to be Uncle Wang next door.

With an embarrassed smile on his face, he whispered to me, "Xiao Zhang, I'm really sorry, my toilet seat is broken, and a new one hasn't been delivered yet, can you borrow it and put it at the door?"

Hearing this, I couldn't help but hesitate. After all, leaving the toilet seat at the door of the house is both inconvenient and a bit unsightly. But seeing Uncle Wang's anxious and sincere eyes, I couldn't express my inner rejection. Finally I nodded and agreed to his request.

My neighbor's toilet was built in front of my house. Instead of stopping him, my father helped me.

At this time, Dad happened to come out of the yard and saw this scene. He wasn't bothered like I was. Instead, I took the initiative to help and moved the toilet seat to my door with Uncle Wang.

When I saw this scene, I felt a little dissatisfied in my heart and felt that something was wrong with my father. But my father just smiled and said to me, "Sometimes, we need to learn to take a step back so that our lives can be more harmonious." ”

For the next two days, the toilet seat was placed on my doorstep, and I started to get a little impatient.

However, at this moment, Uncle Wang came to my house with a basket of fresh vegetables. He said he had grown it himself and brought it to thank us for our help. Looking at his sincere smile, the resentment and resentment in my heart miraculously disappeared.

At this time, my father walked up to me again and said with a smile: "You see, sometimes giving in can not only resolve conflicts, but also gain more friendship and harmony. It dawned on me that my father had been teaching me how to get along with others in his own way, how to compromise on small things in exchange for greater harmony and beauty.

My neighbor's toilet was built in front of my house. Instead of stopping him, my father helped me.

After this, I began to learn to be like my father. One day, Uncle Wang's child accidentally kicked the ball into the window of our house and shattered the glass.

My neighbor's toilet was built in front of my house. Instead of stopping him, my father helped me.

Although I was a little annoyed, I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down when I remembered my father's teachings. I walked out and saw Uncle Wang standing at the door with the child, his face full of apologies.

I smiled and patted the child on the head and said to him, "It's okay, it's just a small accident." Then, I said to Uncle Wang, "No compensation, children, there will always be some small surprises." of. ”

When Uncle Wang heard my words, he was grateful and thanked me repeatedly. I looked at the smile on his face and was overjoyed. I know that this time I really took a step back like my father, not only to resolve the conflict, but also to enhance the friendship and harmony between the neighbors.

Since then, I have come to understand the value of my father's wisdom and teachings. He told me with his words and deeds: In life, sometimes we need to learn to take a step back, because this will not only make our lives more harmonious and beautiful, but also allow us to gain more friendship and gratitude.

This is a kind of wisdom that is both wise and foolish, and it is a deep understanding and perception of life. I will cherish this wisdom and integrate it into my life to make my life more fulfilling and beautiful.

My neighbor's toilet was built in front of my house. Instead of stopping him, my father helped me.

My original relationship with Uncle Wang's family was like that rock, unbreakable. Whenever I saw the familiar toilet seat, my father's teachings poured into my heart like a spring, and deep wisdom stirred in my heart. However, before I could fully grasp my father's depth and open-mindedness, life presented me with new challenges.

Just when we thought the harmony between the neighbors was picturesque, Uncle Wang's dog suddenly barked wantonly at the door of our house and even pooped openly at the door.

This vexatious behavior made my father and I feel very unhappy, like a gust of cold wind breaking the otherwise calm surface of the lake. I once impulsively wanted to quarrel directly with Uncle Wang, but my father dissuaded me in a calm voice: "Bear with me, maybe the situation will get better." ”

However, instead of going the way we expected, things got worse. One quiet night, we were woken up again by the shrill barking of dogs, and we saw Uncle Wang's dog frantically nibbling at the delicate flowers in our garden. I couldn't suppress the anger in my heart any longer, and decided to talk to Uncle Wang again the next morning.

The next morning, as soon as I walked out of the house, I saw Uncle Wang standing there, looking apologetic. He confessed that due to his busy work recently, he neglected to discipline the dog, which caused the dog's behavior to become so presumptuous. He promised that immediate measures would be taken to ensure that this did not happen again.

My neighbor's toilet was built in front of my house. Instead of stopping him, my father helped me.
My neighbor's toilet was built in front of my house. Instead of stopping him, my father helped me.

Seeing Uncle Wang's sincere apology, the anger in my heart gradually subsided. I think of my father's words, maybe tolerance and understanding are the key to solving the problem.

However, just as I was about to accept Uncle Wang's apology, my father suddenly appeared at the door. His face was no longer as gentle as before, but one of seriousness and determination.

The father bluntly said to Uncle Wang: "Brother Wang, I can't tolerate this matter anymore, your dog not only interferes with our lives, but also destroys our property, you must take your due responsibility, otherwise we can only seek a legal solution." ” ”。 Uncle Wang was obviously shocked by his father's attitude. He was stunned for a moment, speechless.

I was also a little surprised, but at the same time proud of my father's strong stance. Uncle Wang was silent for a while, and finally nodded, indicating that he would take care of this matter. Since then, Uncle Wang has indeed taken effective measures, and his dog has never made trouble in front of our house again.

However, this incident seems to have left an insurmountable chasm between us. Although we still have a good relationship on the surface, the once intimate relationship is gone.

I started to think deeply, is there something wrong with the way we are dealing with problems? When dealing with conflicts, shouldn't we think more about the feelings and needs of the other person, instead of just standing in our own position and blaming the other person?

My neighbor's toilet was built in front of my house. Instead of stopping him, my father helped me.

It taught me that tolerance and understanding are important, but sticking to principles and bottom lines is also essential. Perhaps the true wisdom lies in how to find a balance between tolerance and perseverance to make our lives more harmonious and beautiful.

Perhaps, we have the ability to resolve conflicts in more ingenious ways; However, what entanglement is destined not to escape the entanglement of fate?

In the tireless pursuit of harmonious coexistence, have we silently given up some of the principles and moral bottom lines that we firmly adhere to?

Does this mean that true harmony can only be maintained on the basis of concessions and sacrifices on both sides of you and me? These questions are like an invisible fog that keeps us deep in contemplation on our journey to find answers.

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