
Ji Lingchen responded to Kan Qingzi's popularity for the first time: he cried several times, choked up and sent blessings

author:Ride a donkey for entertainment

Recently, Ji Lingchen publicly responded to the controversy about Kan Qingzi's popularity for the first time in the variety show "Infinite Transcendence Class", and his true feelings and choked up and sent blessings attracted widespread attention.

Ji Lingchen responded to Kan Qingzi's popularity for the first time: he cried several times, choked up and sent blessings

In the show, Ji Lingchen faced the doubts and accusations of netizens, and frankly admitted the fact that he rubbed Kan Qingzi's popularity. He said that if there was no Kan Qingzi, he might not be able to participate in this show, and he would not be able to deeply understand the difficulties of actors. He candidly admitted his selfishness and arrogance in the past, lamenting that he was living in his own world at that time, like a clown.

Ji Lingchen responded to Kan Qingzi's popularity for the first time: he cried several times, choked up and sent blessings

Recalling the four years spent with Kan Qingzi, Ji Lingchen expressed deep emotion. He referred to the controversial phrase "You like the sea, I loved you", saying that although this sentence was interpreted by the outside world as cold and ruthless, it was full of sincerity and romance for him. He said frankly that these are sincere words, and they are his deep love and blessings for Kan Qingzi.

Ji Lingchen responded to Kan Qingzi's popularity for the first time: he cried several times, choked up and sent blessings

When talking about his gratitude to Kan Qingzi, Ji Lingchen cried several times and choked up to express his heart. He said that Kan Qingzi's appearance in his life is an indescribable luck and beauty. He thanked Kan Qingzi for everything he had given him, including the pain and quarrels he had had, which had allowed him to grow and improve.

Ji Lingchen responded to Kan Qingzi's popularity for the first time: he cried several times, choked up and sent blessings

In the end, Ji Lingchen choked up and sent his blessings to Kan Qingzi. He said that he was sorry for her before, and now he only hopes that she can be happy. His sincerity and sincerity made people feel his deep blessing and care for Kan Qingzi.

Ji Lingchen responded to Kan Qingzi's popularity for the first time: he cried several times, choked up and sent blessings

This scene is moving, and it also makes people re-examine the emotional entanglement between Ji Lingchen and Kan Qingzi. Although the two have broken up, their past is still full of good things and memories. Ji Lingchen's honesty and true feelings let people see the growth and changes in his heart.

Ji Lingchen responded to Kan Qingzi's popularity for the first time: he cried several times, choked up and sent blessings

At the same time, this incident has also sparked a discussion about the heat. In the entertainment industry, rubbing the heat seems to have become a norm. However, we should also recognize that true affection and friendship cannot be measured by heat. We should respect everyone's choices and feelings, and not over-interpret and speculate.

Ji Lingchen responded to Kan Qingzi's popularity for the first time: he cried several times, choked up and sent blessings

In short, Ji Lingchen's true feelings and choked blessings in the show made people feel his sincerity and sincerity. I hope that he and Kan Qingzi can find their own happiness, and I also hope that we can look at various phenomena in the entertainment industry with a more rational and tolerant attitude.

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