
What is the difference between the wave of layoffs in the 90s and the unemployment now, and which is more serious?

author:Colorful drawing board aKI

#当年的下岗和失业本质有区别吗? #

"Laid-off" and "laid-off" are like two inevitable "crossroads" in Chinese history, and they were both major turning points in economic and social development at that time. Let's take a look at the similarities and differences between these two "work storms".

Currently, a wave of unemployment is sweeping across industries. Internet companies took the lead, and then the traditional manufacturing and real estate industries also joined the "attrition army". The wave of job-hopping has passed, and the "nail households" are naturally not immune. There are very few applicants, and the talent market has become an "empty city". In the past, it was more difficult to find a job than to run for office, but times are different.

What is the difference between the wave of layoffs in the 90s and the unemployment now, and which is more serious?

The wave of unemployment in the 1990s was even more terrifying by comparison. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was a "sea of people" everywhere, and state-owned enterprises became a "bottom line" to solve the employment problem, but the effect of this was not obvious. In the late 80s, China reformed state-owned enterprises, but only empty factories and empty houses remained. The word "laid-off" became synonymous at the time.

So, what is the difference between today's wave of layoffs and the wave of layoffs in the 90s?

First, the backgrounds of the two are different. The wave of "layoffs" that emerged in the 90s was both a positive institutional change and a strategic adjustment; today's wave of unemployment is more of a negative consequence of market supervision.

Second, the reasons for the two are different. The main reason for this wave is the reform of state-owned enterprises, which has dissolved the surplus of employment, and the emergence of the wave of unemployment is due to the sharp increase in the downward pressure on the economy.

Third, the impact of the two is different. This wave of unemployment is mainly concentrated in state-owned enterprises, and the wave of unemployment has spread to various industries, such as the Internet and manufacturing.

Fourth, there are differences in responses. The social security system is not sound after the wave of unemployment, and the response to the wave of unemployment is more diverse.

What is the difference between the wave of layoffs in the 90s and the unemployment now, and which is more serious?

Of course, there are some similarities between the two. This wave of "layoffs" and "layoffs" reflects the deep-seated contradictions in the mainland's economic structure and development model. The ways to solve this problem are: individuals improve their competitiveness, the allocation of human resources of enterprises, and the government's support for employment.

History does not repeat itself easily, but in comparison and summarization, we can understand it more clearly. Today's wave of layoffs has its own characteristics of the times and its development process.

In the long run, we must continue to deepen structural adjustment and transform into a high-quality development mode. In this period of transition, we need to have an open-minded and inclusive heart, dare to embrace new ideas, and always maintain our enthusiasm for ourselves. At the same time, employees should also actively learn new skills to cope with changes in the workplace, enterprises should accelerate technological innovation and accelerate transformation and upgrading, and the government should continue to improve the social insurance system to promote equal employment.

What is the difference between the wave of layoffs in the 90s and the unemployment now, and which is more serious?

The wave of layoffs is worrying, but in other words, it is also an opportunity, a change in a person, the progress of a company, and the improvement of a country's system. The torrent of history is turbulent, and we must grasp the general trend, respond calmly, turn crises into opportunities, and create a better tomorrow.

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