
These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

author:Sharp eyes on the world

These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

Aunt Zhang is 55 years old this year, and she has a regular life on weekdays, especially loves all kinds of fruits.

"Dr. Liu Yi (pseudonym), why did you say that my fatty liver was suddenly so serious? I don't even smoke or drink alcohol!" she asked with a sad face.

Dr. Liu Yi (not her real name) carefully reviewed her physical examination report and asked her about her eating habits, especially her choice of fruits.

These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

Knowing that Aunt Zhang has been fond of eating avocados and durians recently, Dr. Liu Yi (pseudonym) couldn't help frowning, "Did you know that although some fruits are good, they may also put a burden on the liver and even induce diseases. ”

This remark made Aunt Zhang suspicious: Could it be that behind those seemingly healthy fruits, there is a hidden danger to the liver?

These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

01 "Sweet killer": the risk of liver disease from high-fat, high-sugar fruits

Avocado: the fat trap of "forest butter".

Avocados get their name because of their high fat content of 15.3%, which is much higher than the average lean meat.

If you're used to enjoying a plump avocado every day, the amount of fat you'll eat is almost equal to the recommended intake throughout the day.

This means that if you eat a lot of avocado for a long time, the liver has to increase its horsepower to process excess fat, which virtually increases the risk of fatty liver.

These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

Coconut: The double threat of "the king of oil" in the fruit

The fat content of coconut is as high as 35%, of which the proportion of saturated fatty acids is extremely high, which is richer than lard.

Not only that, the sugar in coconut should not be ignored, excessive intake of fructose can interfere with fat metabolism, overwhelm the liver, and then induce fatty liver.

If neglected, fatty liver can progress to hepatitis, cirrhosis and even liver cancer.

These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

Durian: The undercurrent of fat behind sweetness

Although durian is relatively low in fat, it is also enough to surpass many common fruits.

Its high sugar properties also exacerbate the stress on the liver. For those who like to feast on durian, it is important to control the amount of food consumed to prevent it from overdoing it and causing continuous damage to the liver.

These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

02 Liver Disease Family Inventory: The Liver You Can't Think of

Fatty liver "big stomach"

This guy is the trouble of eating too well and exercising too little. Now that the living conditions are better, with big fish and big meat and less movement, the liver will accumulate excess fat, and it will slowly become fatty liver.

It is silent in the early stage, and may evolve into liver cirrhosis and liver cancer in the later stage.

These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

Viral hepatitis "invisible assassin"

Mainly hepatitis B and hepatitis C, these brothers are transmitted through blood or other ways, latent in the body to cause destruction, and in the long run, it may lead to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Alcoholic liver "ghost in the cup"

As the name suggests, it is the result of long-term heavy drinking. When alcohol enters the body, the liver is busy metabolizing, but if there is too much "overtime", the liver cells will not be able to hold on, and they will go on strike over time, and over time they will become ill, and in severe cases, they can also develop to cirrhosis and liver cancer.

These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

Autoimmune liver disease "traitor"

In this type of liver disease, the immune system mistakenly attacks the liver, leading to liver inflammation and damage, and if left untreated, there is also a risk of progression to cirrhosis.

Drug-induced liver injury "accidental injury"

Many drugs, such as antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and even health supplements, can cause damage to the liver if used incorrectly or excessively, resulting in drug-induced liver damage, which is also life-threatening in severe cases.

These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

Cirrhosis of the liver "iron heart"

This is actually a manifestation of the development of the previous liver diseases to a certain extent, the liver is repeatedly injured and repaired, and over time it becomes hard, its function decreases, and complications may occur, such as ascites, bleeding and liver cancer.

03Daily Strategies to Protect Your Liver: Prevention is Better Than Prevention

Eat a reasonable diet: Avoid high-fat and high-sugar traps

Avoid excessive intake of high-fat fruits such as avocados, coconuts, durians, etc., and choose fruits with moderate sugar content and balanced nutrition. At the same time, it is important to control daily calorie intake and reduce fried and processed foods to protect the liver from additional burdens.

These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

Keep away from rotten fruits and be careful with aflatoxin

Do not eat fruits that have been cut from rotten parts for stinginess, as they are very likely to carry toxic substances such as aflatoxin, causing acute poisoning and even chronic liver damage.

Buy fresh fruits, consume them in the right amount at the right time, and ensure the safety of the entrance.

Be cautious with medication, and pay attention to citrus fruits

For those who are taking specific medications, such as lipid-lowering, antihypertensive and some psychotropic drugs, they should avoid eating citrus fruits.

Because the furanocoumarin component may affect drug metabolism and increase the burden on the liver. Only by following the doctor's advice and adjusting the diet structure reasonably can the liver be better protected.

These 3 kinds of fruits, the more you eat, the fatter and harder the liver, and it will quietly attract cancer, so keep your mouth shut as soon as possible

Caring for liver health cannot only rely on curing diseases, but also pay attention to the daily life. Only by developing good lifestyle habits can our liver thank us for this silent care and give back to us with lasting vitality.

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