
Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

author:Yuehao narrated


Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

Today's medicine has developed considerably, giving us more treatment options and hope in the face of many diseases.

However, in this world, there are still some diseases. Despite the tremendous efforts of the medical community, it has not been completely cured to this day.

If someone swears to you that this disease can be cured. Then you don't need to doubt too much, you can immediately conclude that these people are liars.

The following will tell you in detail about which common diseases still cannot be cured by modern medicine.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

1. Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus can also be called hyperglycemia. It also has a very frightening title, that is, the "King of Chronic Diseases"!

The most direct manifestation of this disease is high blood sugar and high urine glucose. At first glance, it doesn't seem like a big deal, as long as you control your blood sugar and urine sugar.

However, this disease should not be neglected, as it can induce more than 160 complications. For example: diabetic heart disease, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic neuropathy, etc.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

Diabetes itself does not have a significant negative impact on the human body, but the complications caused by it can seriously damage human health.

If a person suffers from high blood sugar for a long time, the function of many parts of the eyes, kidneys, blood vessels, and heart will be affected.

The current incidence of diabetes in mainland China is relatively high, taking 2017 data as an example, among people aged 20 to 79, there are as many as 120 million people with diabetes. As for the people who can control their blood sugar well, only about 10% of them are good.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

At present, there is no cure for diabetes. The condition can only be controlled by keeping blood sugar stable. The main ways to control blood sugar are as follows:

One is to drink plenty of water. By drinking plenty of water, you can effectively dilute your blood sugar in your body and help your body eliminate excess sugar.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

The second is to sleep more. By getting enough sleep, it helps to regulate the body's endocrine system. So that it will not be disordered, and then achieve the purpose of maintaining blood sugar stability.

The third is not to sit for a long time. If a person is always sitting for a long time, it is easy to cause blood sugar in the body to rise.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

2. Myopia

Myopia is one of the most common eye diseases. People with this disorder have light rays from distant objects focused in front of the retina, not on top of it.

As a result, patients often perceive distant objects as blurry and near objects as normal.

People with myopia may often be accompanied by symptoms such as headaches and eye strain. It also increases the risk of severe myopia, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, cataracts and glaucoma.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

There are many studies that show that children should spend more time outdoors. Exposure to more natural light can significantly reduce the risk of myopia.

At present, there is no complete cure for myopia, only correction. The main methods of correction are as follows: one is to wear frame myopia glasses, the other is to wear contact myopia glasses, and the third is to do refractive correction surgery.

Of the three correction methods, the first is the most common, and it is also the easiest and safest correction method. The second option, while providing patients with a wider field of view, also increases the risk of infection.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

The third type of surgery such as LASIK and PRK may permanently change the shape of the cornea, while the procedure such as ICL does not affect the cornea.

Currently, as many as 1.5 billion people suffer from myopia, accounting for 22% of the global population. The prevalence in adults is usually between 15% and 49%.

The prevalence in children usually varies greatly depending on the region. In general, the poorer and more backward the area, the lower the prevalence of the disease among children. Conversely, the richer and more developed the region, the higher the prevalence of disease among children.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

In rural Nepal, for example, less than 1% of children are affected. The prevalence in children in South Africa is about 4 per cent, while in the United States it is 12 per cent. The prevalence rate among children living in large cities on the mainland has reached 37 per cent.

For the prevention and control of myopia, there are mainly the following methods:

One is to spend more time outdoors. Many studies have found that the lack of natural light is a significant factor in myopia. Because of this, the prevalence of myopia in urban areas is often much higher than in rural areas.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

In some schools in Taiwan, there have been policies requiring all children to be sent outdoors for a certain amount of time, which has significantly reduced the prevalence of local children.

The second is drug treatment. Studies have shown that topical medications such as specific eye drops can be effective in slowing the progression of myopia when given to 18-year-olds. However, it can also have certain side effects, such as light sensitivity and blurred myopia.

The third is to wear myopia glasses in time. By wearing myopia glasses in time, the deterioration of myopia can be effectively slowed down.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

3. High blood pressure

Hypertension is a long-term condition in which arterial blood pressure continues to rise. It is often a major risk factor for stroke, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, dementia, and other diseases. The reason why many people die prematurely is inseparable from high blood pressure.

Hypertension can be simply divided into primary and secondary. However, as many as 90% to 95% of cases of hypertension are primary, that is, hypertension caused by non-specific lifestyle and genetic factors. The other 5%-10% of hypertension is defined as hypertension due to a clearly identifiable cause.

The two measurements of blood pressure are classified as systolic and diastolic, with the former being between 100 and 130 and the latter being between 60 and 80. Conversely, if it is higher than this number, it can be counted as high blood pressure.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

When the systolic blood pressure is higher than 180 or the diastolic blood pressure is higher than 120, it is considered severe hypertension. For people with severe high blood pressure, oral medications may be needed. Let yourself gradually lower your blood pressure in 24 to 48 hours.

Although high blood pressure is rarely accompanied by symptoms, some people with high blood pressure experience symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus, etc. It is important to note that these symptoms may be related to too much anxiety in the mind, rather than to high blood pressure itself.

With current medical technology, it is not possible to completely treat high blood pressure. It can only be based on prevention and control, which can be carried out in the following ways:

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

One is to maintain a normal person's weight, and the other is to reduce dietary intake to less than 100 mmol per day. The third is to do certain aerobic exercise regularly, such as brisk walking. It's best to walk briskly for more than 30 minutes every day.

Fourth, adult males should not drink more than 3 units per day (one drinking unit is usually equivalent to 355 ml of beer or 150 ml of wine, or 30 ml of 60-degree liquor), and adult women should not drink more than 2 units.

Fifth, we should try to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible, and it is best to insist on eating five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Sixth, learn to reduce pressure on yourself and don't be too anxious.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

4. Asthma

Asthma is a long-term inflammatory disease of the lungs and airways, which is characterized by many changes and capriciousness, and can easily cause diseases such as bronchospasm.

People with asthma often experience wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. These symptoms usually occur a few times a day or a few times a week. Most patients will notice that their symptoms become more severe at night or after strenuous exercise.

Asthma is usually caused by a combination of genetic factors and environmental factors, including air pollution and allergens.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

There is currently no medical cure for this disease, but its symptoms can be controlled.

Using 2019 data, for example, asthma affects an estimated 262 million people worldwide and causes more than 461,000 deaths. The majority of deaths occur in developing countries.

Prevalence varies markedly from country to country, but most are concentrated in between 1% and 18%, with higher prevalence in developed countries than in developing countries. In developed countries, the incidence of disease is higher in economically disadvantaged groups than in economically strong groups.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

The disease usually begins in childhood, but gradually increases in incidence after the 60s of the 20th century. Some people with asthma have a sudden, dramatic deterioration after weeks or months of stabilization. However, most patients develop severe deterioration only after exposure to a variety of triggers.

Common factors that contribute to asthma exacerbation include dust, animal dander, cockroach allergens, and mold. In addition, perfume is a common cause of acute attacks in women and children.

In terms of asthma prevention, the main recommended approach by the World Health Organization is to reduce exposure to the following risk factors, such as tobacco smoke, air pollution, perfume and other chemical irritants.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money


All in all, through the above introduction, we are well aware that in the current medical field, there are still many diseases that cannot be completely cured.

These diseases may be chronic, hereditary, or related to the immune system, and the medical community is still working to find better treatments and breakthroughs.

Doctor's advice: These four diseases cannot be cured at present! Those who say that they can be cured are nothing more than trying to cheat money

When faced with these incurable diseases, we hope that the majority of patients and their families can remain rational and vigilant. If someone claims to be able to cure these ailments and promises you miraculous results, then be sure to keep an eye on them.

It is believed that with the continuous development of medical technology, more diseases will be conquered in the future. What are the different views of readers? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area at the bottom to discuss.

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