
Hand, foot and mouth disease season: how to protect your child from the disease

author:Dr. Koppwang

As the temperature gradually rises, hand, foot and mouth disease is about to enter the high incidence season. This common infectious disease caused by enteroviruses mostly occurs in children under the age of 5, and its peak is in spring and summer. In order to protect children from HFMD, parents need to master some prevention strategies.

Hand, foot and mouth disease season: how to protect your child from the disease

First and foremost, personal hygiene is paramount. Parents need to teach their children to wash their hands thoroughly before and after eating, after defecating and defecating, and after returning home from outside, using soap and running water for at least 15 seconds. Additionally, children should avoid finger sucking to reduce the chance of spreading the virus.

Secondly, food safety should not be overlooked. Parents should ensure that children do not drink raw water and do not eat raw or undercooked food to prevent food poisoning.

In addition, keeping the environment clean is also the key to preventing hand, foot and mouth disease. Parents and schools should regularly wash and disinfect children's toys and utensils, keep indoor air circulation, and avoid crowding to reduce the chance of virus transmission.

Hand, foot and mouth disease season: how to protect your child from the disease

It is also important to avoid contact with sick people. During the high incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease, parents should try to avoid taking their children to crowded places and reduce contact with patients. If your child has symptoms, they should seek medical attention right away and isolate to avoid contact with other children.

Finally, vaccination is also an effective way to prevent hand, foot and mouth disease. According to local vaccination guidelines, parents should take their children to get vaccinated against HFMD to boost their children's immunity.

In addition, developing a healthy lifestyle in children can also help prevent hand, foot and mouth disease. Getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and getting the right amount of exercise can all help to strengthen children's physique.

Hand, foot and mouth disease season: how to protect your child from the disease

By taking these preventive measures, we can effectively reduce the occurrence of HFMD and protect the health of children. Parents, schools and society should work together to create a healthy and safe living environment for children.

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