
86-year-old artist Fan Zeng married a model, and the photos of his fourth wife were exposed, and her figure and appearance were enviable

author:Remembering the sea

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Fan Zeng and Xu Meng: A cross-century "fairy couple", I eat this wave of dog food willingly!

86-year-old artist Fan Zeng married a model, and the photos of his fourth wife were exposed, and her figure and appearance were enviable

The entertainment industry is always full of all kinds of "god operations", but the combination of Fan Zeng and Xu Meng is definitely the recent "king bomb"! Fan senior, a big man who has been galloping in the painting world for many years, actually came together with a young and beautiful young model lady, this wave of dog food is sprinkled, it is even more shocking than a rocket launch!

In other words, Fan Zeng, an old man, is a "living fossil" in the art world, and his works can always fetch sky-high prices at auctions, which is beyond people's reach. As for Xu Meng, she is a small flower that has emerged in the entertainment industry in recent years, with both appearance and strength, which is eye-catching. The encounter between the two is like a wonderful journey of "time and space", which makes people can't help but want to find out.

86-year-old artist Fan Zeng married a model, and the photos of his fourth wife were exposed, and her figure and appearance were enviable

To say that this age difference is even more exaggerated than the "love between grandparents and grandchildren"! But who can say for sure that there is such a thing as love? In the ocean of art, they have found each other's "soul meeting point" and discussed art and tasted life together, which is simply like the existence of "fairy couples." Fan Zeng's maturity and stability and Xu Meng's liveliness and cuteness form a strong "contrast cuteness", which makes people can't help but want to call for them!

When Fan Zeng officially announced his marriage, his jaws dropped in shock. He wrote in that literary and explosive way: "In the galaxy of art, I met her, and her appearance made my world glow with new brilliance. We are willing to spend the rest of our lives together and write our own legend together. "Oops, this dog food is even sweeter than the dog food advertisement!

86-year-old artist Fan Zeng married a model, and the photos of his fourth wife were exposed, and her figure and appearance were enviable

Miss Xu Meng was not to be outdone, she posted a sweet photo of the two on social platforms, with the text: "Thank you fate for letting me meet you, your talent and wisdom fascinate me." In the days to come, I would like to spend every beautiful moment with you and create more memories together. "This wave of confession is simply sweet to the rhythm of the heart!

The love story of this "fairy couple" quickly set off heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens said: "This is true love! It is not limited by age and identity, it is only about the fit of the heart." Some netizens ridiculed: "Senior Fan is going to start the 'second spring'! But I eat this wave of dog food willingly!"

86-year-old artist Fan Zeng married a model, and the photos of his fourth wife were exposed, and her figure and appearance were enviable

The love story between Fan Zeng and Xu Meng is not only a good story, but also a refresh of modern people's concept of love. In this era of "fast food" love, many people are pursuing the so-called "perfect object", but often ignore the communication and fit of the heart. And Fan Zeng and Xu Meng used their practical actions to tell us: love has nothing to do with age or identity, but only about the connection between two hearts.

Their stories also show us the power and beauty of love. In the face of love, all difficulties and challenges become insignificant. As long as we are brave enough to pursue and cherish, we will be able to find the person who fits our hearts and create our own happiness together.

86-year-old artist Fan Zeng married a model, and the photos of his fourth wife were exposed, and her figure and appearance were enviable

But then again, the daily life of this "fairy couple" is also enviable. Imagine that the old man Fan Zeng was splashing ink in the studio, and Miss Xu Meng was grinding and mixing colors for him, sometimes whispering, sometimes looking at each other and laughing, this picture is simply picturesque!

Of course, their love story also gives us a lot of inspiration. It tells us not to be bound by worldly visions and concepts, and to be brave in the pursuit of our own happiness. At the same time, it also reminds us to cherish the people around us and not miss a good relationship because of some external factors.

86-year-old artist Fan Zeng married a model, and the photos of his fourth wife were exposed, and her figure and appearance were enviable

The story of Fan Zeng and Xu Meng is like a romantic love movie, which makes people yearn for it. Their love not only crosses the age gap, but also breaks the shackles of the world. They use their own experiences to tell us that there is no fixed pattern of love, as long as two hearts are closely attached to each other, they can create their own happiness.

In this "fairy couple", we see love in its purest form. They don't care about the outside world's eyes and opinions, they only focus on each other's feelings and happiness. This kind of sincere and pure love is very moving.

86-year-old artist Fan Zeng married a model, and the photos of his fourth wife were exposed, and her figure and appearance were enviable

Finally, let us send our most sincere blessings to Fan Zeng and Xu Meng! May their road of love become wider and wider, and may their flowers of happiness bloom forever. At the same time, I also wish everyone who is looking for love can find the person who fits their hearts and souls, and create their own happy legend together.

The love story of Fan Zeng and Xu Meng is like a clear stream, washing away the exhaustion and confusion in our hearts. They use their own experiences to tell us that love is not an unattainable dream, but a reality that we need to pursue bravely. As long as we open our hearts and love bravely, we will definitely be able to find our own happiness.

86-year-old artist Fan Zeng married a model, and the photos of his fourth wife were exposed, and her figure and appearance were enviable

In this noisy and complicated world, let us applaud the love story of Fan Zeng and Xu Meng! Their love not only brings us warmth and hope, but also makes us believe that in this world, there is always a sincere and pure love waiting for us to discover and cherish.

So, don't be bound by those worldly concepts and visions anymore, and bravely pursue your own happiness! Just like Fan Zeng and Xu Meng, use their own actions to prove that love has nothing to do with age or identity, but only about the connection between two hearts.

86-year-old artist Fan Zeng married a model, and the photos of his fourth wife were exposed, and her figure and appearance were enviable

Let us praise the love story of this "fairy couple", and work hard for our own happiness! I believe that in this world full of possibilities, we will be able to find our own sincere and pure love.

The love story of Fan Zeng and Xu Meng is like a moving poem, playing the purest melody in this noisy world. They have crossed the gap of age, broken the shackles of the world, and proved the power and beauty of love with their actions. Their stories not only bring us warmth and hope, but also make us believe that in this world full of possibilities, everyone has the opportunity to find their own sincere and pure love.

Love, this eternal theme, always touches the softest places in our hearts. The love story of Fan Zeng and Xu Meng is like a clear stream, washing away the exhaustion and confusion in our hearts. It tells us that love is not an unattainable dream, but a reality that we need to pursue bravely. As long as we open our hearts and love bravely, we will definitely be able to find the person who fits our hearts and create our own happiness together.

In these fast-changing times, we may lose sight of our inner voice because of our busy lives. But the love story of Fan Zeng and Xu Meng reminds us not to forget to find and cherish that sincere feeling. Whether you are young or gray-haired, love has its own unique charm and meaning. Let's cheer for their love and work for our own happiness!

In the days to come, I hope we can all be like Fan Zeng and Xu Meng, bravely pursue our love, not afraid of the world's eyes, not afraid of age differences. Let us believe that in this world, there is always a sincere and pure love waiting for us to discover and cherish. And when we find it, that happiness and contentment will transcend everything and become the most precious treasure in our lives.

The love story of Fan Zeng and Xu Meng is like a bright pearl that will always shine in our hearts. It inspires us to love and pursue our own happiness. Let us praise their love, and wish everyone who is looking for love can find the person who fits their hearts and write their own happy legend together.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

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