
OBIER industrial virtual simulation development and construction plan

author:Beijing OBIER virtual simulation

With the continuous development of industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing, industrial virtual simulation technology plays an increasingly important role in improving production efficiency, reducing costs, and optimizing process flow. Industrial virtual simulation is the use of computer technology to simulate and simulate the industrial production process, providing a safe and efficient virtual experimental environment for enterprises.

Through virtual simulation, enterprises can test and verify new equipment, new processes, and new products without affecting actual production, thereby effectively reducing the risk of R&D and production.

OBIER industrial virtual simulation development and construction plan

1. The process of industrial virtual simulation development

  1. Requirement analysis: Requirement analysis is the first step in the development of industrial virtual simulation, which mainly includes user requirement analysis and system requirement analysis. The analysis of user needs mainly understands the specific needs of enterprises in production, management, training, etc., and determines the functions that the virtual simulation system should have. System requirements analysis is based on user needs, to further determine the functional requirements and performance requirements of the system, and lay the foundation for subsequent design and development.
  2. Design: According to the results of the requirements analysis, the overall architecture and functional modules of the system are designed. In this link, it is necessary to determine the technical solution adopted by the system, including the simulation engine, graphics rendering engine, physics engine, etc. to be used. At the same time, it is also necessary to design the user interface and interaction mode of the system to improve the usability and ease of use of the system.
  3. Development: According to the design plan, program writing and development. This link mainly includes the modeling of the robot model and the implementation of the simulation algorithm. During the development process, continuous testing and debugging are required to ensure that the system functions and performs as required.
  4. Testing: After the system development is completed, comprehensive testing and verification is required. The test content includes the function, performance, compatibility, etc. of the system. Problems found during testing need to be repaired and optimized in time to ensure the stability and reliability of the system.
  5. On-line release: After the system development and testing are completed, the system needs to be released online and provide users with corresponding technical support and services. After going live, it is also necessary to continuously track the operation of the system, find and solve problems in a timely manner, and continuously optimize the system function and performance.
OBIER industrial virtual simulation development and construction plan

2. Key technologies for the development of industrial virtual simulation

  1. Accurate mathematical modeling: Industrial virtual simulation requires the abstraction and modeling of complex physical phenomena, and the establishment of accurate mathematical models is the key. This requires an in-depth understanding of various physical laws in the industrial production process, and the use of advanced modeling methods, such as rigid body dynamics, fluid mechanics, heat conduction, etc., to accurately describe various physical phenomena in the production process.
  2. High-performance simulation engine: Industrial virtual simulation systems need to handle a large number of computing tasks, and the performance requirements of the simulation engine are high. Using advanced graphics rendering engine, physics engine and other technologies, it can achieve high-precision and high-efficiency simulation. At the same time, it is also necessary to optimize the simulation algorithm to improve the computing efficiency and ensure the smooth operation of the system.
  3. Realistic visual effects: Industrial virtual simulation needs to reproduce the real production environment as much as possible to improve the realism and immersion of the simulation. This requires the full use of computer graphics techniques such as lighting rendering, material mapping, dynamic effects, etc., to achieve high-precision visual effects. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to interface design and interaction methods to improve the usability and operation experience of the system.
  4. Multi-source data fusion: Industrial virtual simulation requires the integration of data from various sensing devices, control systems, etc., to establish a comprehensive digital twin. This requires the use of advanced data collection, transmission, and processing technologies to achieve the fusion and synchronization of multi-source data and ensure the accuracy and real-time performance of the digital twin.

In general, the development of industrial virtual simulation involves many links, OBI closely combines the actual working environment, makes full use of advanced computer technology, establishes accurate mathematical models, realizes high-performance simulation, provides realistic visual effects, and finally provides a safe and efficient virtual experimental environment for enterprises to help the development of industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing.

OBIER industrial virtual simulation development and construction plan

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