
Thrush poems‖ dreams are outside the world, love is in the water, and a group of fire orders are drunk

author:Half Sauvignon Blanc

Drink the fire order, Mandarin Duck Dream, Huang Tingjiange

The mandarin duck dream on the pillow, Penglai is more than a winged fairy. Indulge in the water and clouds in the wine. woke up to a spring sleep, with thousands of thoughts.

If you want to borrow the long wind, you must pass on my will. However, the news has not been returned. The hateful love is deep, and the hateful moon is difficult to complete. It is hateful that the sea and mountains are separated, and this dust is broken.

Thrush poems‖ dreams are outside the world, love is in the water, and a group of fire orders are drunk

Drink the fire order, relieve my lovesickness, Huang Tingjiange

Tears soaked in red notes, sorrowful and turbid. A hint of hatred to the crook of the eyebrows. Often in the dead of night, sit in front of the window.

Sending a message to the end of the world, affectionate Xiaoyue. Xu Jiaohongyan returned early. Understand my lovesickness, understand my meaning. Solve my dreams, no longer lonely.

Thrush poems‖ dreams are outside the world, love is in the water, and a group of fire orders are drunk

Drink fire order, love and hate, Huang Tingjiange

I write on the red note, who will pass the goose letter. Moon star Xiaomengjun also. I don't know where to go, and people are far away from thousands of mountains.

Timid to look at the double butterflies, sad to the pair of mandarin ducks. Sleepless listening to the flute tube pillow at night. What a lovesickness, what a tearful flick. How to look through the autumn water, love and hate are entangled.

Thrush poems‖ dreams are outside the world, love is in the water, and a group of fire orders are drunk

Drink the fire order, lose this life, Huang Tingjiange

Dreams are outside the world, and love is in the water. The rain comes, the wind falls, and the red remnants fall. There are thousands of sorrows in my heart, speechless and tears.

Acacia on paper is cold, and the thin shadow in front of the lamp. Feng Jian is full of pity. Bear this life, bear that year. If you have a full moon flower, when will this debt be repaid?

Note: The picture comes from the Internet. Infringement must be deleted!Thank you!

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