
blender怎么用GPU渲染?blender GPU云渲染推荐


In the field of 3D modeling and rendering, Blender is widely acclaimed for its powerful features and free and open source features. As a key technology to improve rendering efficiency, GPU rendering has attracted more and more attention from users. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to set up and leverage GPU rendering in Blender, as well as explore the possibilities of cloud rendering to help you get the job done.

Blender: Start the GPU rendering tutorial

Method 1:

1. Click the function [Rendering] on the right Cycles is enabled by default for CPU rendering, click [Device] below.

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2. Select [GPU Computing] to complete the GPU rendering switch. If you find that you can't select it in gray, you can go to [Preferences] and continue to read on.

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Method 2:

1. In [Preferences], click [Edit] at the top to display the corresponding preferences.

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2. Select [System], find the rendering device, tick the graphics card model, and save the settings. Return to the modeling interface to use GPU rendering.

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3. Some renderers have hardware requirements, and users can find the reasons for hardware incompatibility through HIP.

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In the process of using Blender for GPU rendering, if you encounter unsatisfactory rendering speed, you can consider using cloud rendering services to optimize rendering efficiency. For example, the Renderbus rendering platform provides users with an efficient rendering solution through a powerful server cluster in the cloud, providing GPU rendering and CPU rendering, and users can choose the desired method according to their own needs.

New users can register a Renderbus account, fill in the invitation code WFQB, and complete real-name authentication to receive a rendering experience coupon.

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Cloud Rendering Service provides rendering assistance for each user who needs to render, helping users complete multi-frame rendering more smoothly, which can not only improve rendering speed, but also save local computing resources to a certain extent, making rendering work more efficient and convenient.