
How to choose watermelon to be delicious?

author:Specialty Gang

Watermelon, as a cool product in summer, is deeply loved by people. However, in the face of a dazzling array of watermelon stalls, how to choose a sweet and juicy watermelon has become a test of vision and experience. Today, let's talk about how to choose a delicious watermelon.

How to choose watermelon to be delicious?

First, observe the appearance of the watermelon. A ripe watermelon should have an even and shiny skin color. For the common black-skinned watermelon, the color should be dark green with a certain sheen. If the skin is too dull or mottled, it may be that the watermelon is not fresh enough or is infested by pests and diseases.

How to choose watermelon to be delicious?

Second, tap the watermelon to listen to the sound. This is a very practical method of selection. When picking, gently tap the watermelon with your fist and listen to the sound it makes. If the sound is crisp and has a deep echo, then this watermelon is likely to be sweet and juicy. On the contrary, if the sound is too muffled or too crisp, it may be a sign that the watermelon is not ripe or too ripe.

How to choose watermelon to be delicious?

Next, observe the umbilicus of the watermelon. The umbilicus of the watermelon is the place where the melon vine is connected, and by observing the size and shape of the umbilicus, you can also make a preliminary judgment on the sweetness and taste of the watermelon. In general, watermelons with a smaller and inward-facing navel have a sweeter taste. The watermelon with an excessively large umbilicus or protruding outward may have a more average taste.

How to choose watermelon to be delicious?

In addition, you can also pay attention to the weight and size of watermelon when picking it. Generally speaking, the heavier the weight of the same size watermelon, the higher the moisture content and the better the taste. However, watermelons that are too large can be too bulky to carry and eat, so choose a medium-sized watermelon.

How to choose watermelon to be delicious?

Finally, watermelons can also be considered when choosing their variety and origin. Different varieties of watermelon have different tastes and sweetness, such as black peel melon, flower peel melon, seedless melon, etc., each with its own characteristics. The origin will also affect the taste and quality of watermelon, and generally speaking, watermelons produced in sunny areas with fertile soil taste better.

How to choose watermelon to be delicious?

In the process of selecting watermelon, we also need to pay attention to some misunderstandings. For example, some people think that after a watermelon is cut, the more seeds there are, the better it tastes. In fact, this is not accurate, the number of melon seeds is not directly related to the taste and sweetness of watermelon. In addition, some people think that the thicker the watermelon skin, the better, but this is not necessarily the case. The thickness of the watermelon skin does not completely determine the taste and quality of the watermelon, so we don't need to dwell too much on that.

How to choose watermelon to be delicious?

In addition to the points mentioned above, there are some details that you need to pay attention to when choosing watermelons. For example, try to avoid watermelons with broken or dented surfaces, as these areas are susceptible to bacterial contamination and affect food safety. In addition, it is best to choose fresh watermelon when buying it, and avoid buying watermelon that has been cut or stored for too long, so as not to affect the taste and quality.

How to choose watermelon to be delicious?

In short, choosing a delicious watermelon is not an easy task, and it requires us to master certain skills and experience. By observing the appearance, tapping and listening, observing the umbilicus, paying attention to the weight and size, and considering the variety and origin, we can more accurately select a sweet and juicy watermelon. At the same time, we should also pay attention to avoid some misunderstandings and details in the selection process to ensure that you can buy safe, healthy and delicious watermelon. I hope this article can be helpful when choosing watermelon, so that we can enjoy the delicious food of cooling and relieving the heat in the hot summer.

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