
Israel abruptly withdrew its troops and ceasefired, but Hamas would not stop, and China gave its greatest support

author:Yan Shujun

Israel, which has been refusing to withdraw its troops and even threatening to launch a ground offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, has suddenly withdrawn all its ground forces from southern Gaza almost overnight, leaving only the 933rd Nahar Brigade, which is mainly responsible for blocking the Nazarim corridor extending from Israel's southern border to the Gaza coast. The main purpose of this corridor is to enable Israeli forces to carry out attacks in northern and central Gaza and to prevent Palestinians from returning to northern Gaza. Therefore, it can also be seen from this that although Israel has withdrawn its troops, it will still not lift the blockade of Gaza, and it will return to the normal state before the conflict, which is just a repetition of the previous Palestinian-Israeli conflicts.

Israel abruptly withdrew its troops and ceasefired, but Hamas would not stop, and China gave its greatest support

However, there has been a lot of discussion about the sudden withdrawal of Israeli troops. Israeli Defense Minister Al-Khalavi said that the purpose of the Israeli withdrawal was to prepare for the attack on Rafah. Extensive mobilization of reservists is under way, emergency logistical stockpiles are underway, and a return to southern Gaza for raids is underway. On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that he is ready to reach a relevant agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza, but he will not succumb to Hamas's extreme demands and will continue to completely eliminate Hamas. Israel's rhetoric is a contradiction in its self-contradiction, seeking a ceasefire and negotiating while clamoring that it will continue to raid after a break, which is fooling its opponents. Israel said it was preparing for an attack on Rafah, but John Kirby, the White House National Security Council's coordinator for strategic communications, said that the withdrawal of Israeli troops from southern Gaza seemed to be an adjustment and rest, and did not necessarily mean any new action.

Israel abruptly withdrew its troops and ceasefired, but Hamas would not stop, and China gave its greatest support

Israel lost his character, lost his underwear, caused ridicule, and finally left a few cruel words and ran away, but it was not so easy for him to run. Don't forget that Israel bombed the Iranian consulate in Syria not long ago, and Israel's "strategic retrenchment" seems to be a fear of Iranian retaliation. It has been analyzed before that Iran will not necessarily end directly, but the "arc of resistance" led by it is bound to make Israel suffer, and recently Iraqi armed groups have launched cruise missiles, suicide drones and other attacks on Israel, such attacks will only continue, and Allah in the north is also continuing to hit targets in Israel. Israel's withdrawal from Gaza seems to be an attempt to quell their anger, but it is useless, not only Iran will not stop, but Hamas will not stop either.

Israel abruptly withdrew its troops and ceasefired, but Hamas would not stop, and China gave its greatest support

This round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict is Hamas's sacrifice to enter the game. Many people forget that the original purpose of Hamas's attack was to prevent the Saudi-led Arab countries from being forced to reconcile with Israel, which was a key step for the United States to integrate its forces in the Middle East and concentrate on dealing with China and Russia. But it also means that Palestine may be completely marginalized, with no possibility of statehood. Hamas is a last resort, and Israel's insane and brutal genocide has completely cut off any possibility of Arab reconciliation with Israel. Enough Palestinians have died, the international community has never paid more attention to Gaza, Palestine is closer to statehood than ever before, and more importantly, Hamas has gained the endorsement of international legitimacy. I wonder if anyone remembers that in February, Ma Xinmin, Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Director of the Department of Treaty and Law, made a statement on behalf of China in the oral proceedings of the Advisory Opinion on the Question of the Occupied Palestinian Territories of the International Court of Justice of the United Nations. This is the second time since 2009 that China has participated in such a statement, last for Serbia and this time for Palestine. In accordance with a number of international conventions and resolutions, the Chinese representative gave a very comprehensive exposition on the essence of the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict from the perspective of legal principles, pointing out that the struggle of the Palestinian people against Israeli oppression is essentially a just action to restore their legitimate rights. In other words, all Palestinian armed forces resisting Israeli oppression have legitimacy, which is the greatest support of the international community.

That's why we say that Hamas will not stop until the two-state solution is implemented along the 1967 borders until the Palestinian state is established. At this stage, Hamas can prepare to go to peace talks and take a break in armaments and logistics, but it will not give up its right to armed resistance, and the "good days" of Israel embattled have just begun.

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