
Digital economy + cultural tourism = explosive products continue, and short videos bring fire to local life

author:Titanium Media APP
文 |来咖智库,作者 | 金刀,编辑 | G3007

Although video is no longer a new track, there has been a lot of big news recently. On April 10, announced that it would invest 1 billion yuan in cash and 1 billion yuan in traffic to support the content ecology and attract more original creators and high-quality content institutions to settle in. According to media sources, will subsidize talents in more than 20 creative fields such as digital 3C, home appliances, mother and child, pets, fashion, sports, beauty and personal care, health, and car products. Creators who meet the recruitment requirements can receive a cash creation subsidy of up to 30,000 yuan for a single account in a single cycle, and can also enjoy video playback subsidies and commissions for bringing goods.'s increase in live broadcast e-commerce this time is intended to compete for new increments. According to the data released by iResearch, the turnover of China's live broadcast e-commerce in 2023 will be 4.9 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 35%, which is far from the ceiling.

Accompanied by a magical song and a very abstract (funny) video, during the Qingming Festival holiday, Nomi, a rapper from Daliang Mountain, became famous overnight, and at the same time, the video shooting location - Chengdu Yulin Seven Alleys became popular.

In Nomi's MV "Thank God Xie Di", because the lyrics repeatedly loop "Xie Di, Xie Di, I want to diss you", it was heard by people as "Xie Di, Xie Di, I want Disney", which triggered the climax of the second creation of the whole network. The term "Chengdu Disneyland" has dominated the hot search list for many days, and the filming location of Chengdu Yulin Lane 7 has become a popular check-in location because Nomi magically sits on the fitness equipment and raps, and the local street even sent a large number of staff to maintain order on the scene and take measures to limit the flow of people.

Digital economy + cultural tourism = explosive products continue, and short videos bring fire to local life

(Screenshot of the MV of Xie Tian Xie Di)

However, the whole incident did not end there. With Nomi's unexpected popularity, Nomi's past experience is exposed: Nomi is from the Daliangshan region of Sichuan, which is an economically underdeveloped region in China. In his early years, Nomi used to move bricks on the construction site, deliver takeaways, enter factories, and went to Chengdu alone after falling in love with rap, and also slept on the street because he had no money. participated in the preliminary round of this year's "China's New Rap" and was eliminated by the mentor Xie Di, not only posted a video to cry to netizens, but also filmed a magical MV diss mentor Xie Di, but because the content was too abstract, he unexpectedly became popular...... As the digging deepened, it was discovered that Nomi was a rustic Yi teenager. Compared with other rappers, Nomi is not full of jokes, and several of Nomi's past works, such as "Apu's Thoughts" and "Dead Wood in Spring", have good content and quality. At present, "Apu's Missing" has become a must-have track for cultural tourism in Douyin accounts around the world, and even CCTV Cultural Tourism has personally used this track, netizens jokingly said, "Nomi doesn't need Xie Di's chain, because he has already obtained the CCTV label." ”

01 Short video + live broadcast drives the development of the cultural tourism industry

Time goes back further, and the top food on the Internet recently is Gansu Tianshui Malatang. Speaking of Malatang, the first impression of ordinary people is the Sichuan-Chongqing region, but the Malatang in Tianshui, Gansu Province is out of the Internet with its unique ingredients and flavors, which has triggered a boom in eating Malatang tourism in Tianshui. According to the official data, only three days of the Qingming holiday, Tianshui City (2 districts and 5 counties) received a total of 946,500 tourists and achieved a comprehensive tourism income of 540 million yuan, of which 289,000 tourists were received on April 6 and a comprehensive tourism income of 160 million yuan. Since March, Tianshui City has received a total of 6.13 million tourists, achieving a comprehensive tourism income of 3.5 billion yuan.

At the same time, Tianshui Malatang has also driven the enthusiasm of tourism consumption in Gansu. According to Guanlan News, during the Qingming holiday in 2024, Gansu Province will receive a total of 6.1 million tourists, achieving a comprehensive tourism income of 3.2 billion yuan, and the province's seven 5A-level tourist attractions and Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes will receive a total of 259,000 tourists. The effect of promoting tourism consumption is immediate.

and the previously popular southern small potatoes bravely entered the Northeast, as well as the Zibo barbecue, which took the lead in becoming popular on the whole network, without exception, not with the help of short videos for publicity and distribution. In this regard, we have also made a summary:

The abstract (funny) represented by Nomi is out of the circle. The reason is because the MV released on the short video platform exploded, and then there are many secondary creations on the short video platform for fermentation. Local cultural tourism + CCTV cultural tourism uses Nomi songs to make videos, which further promotes tourism. At present, Daliangshan Tourism and "Chengdu Disney Ruins" have become popular tourist destinations and check-in places.

The snacks represented by Tianshui Malatang and Zibo barbecue are out of the circle. Compared with traditional new media (mainly based on graphics and texts), short videos have natural advantages in food promotion. No matter how beautiful the pictures are taken and how attractive the text descriptions are, they are not as intuitive as shooting a video of eating and broadcasting, and the spectacular scene of queuing up at the scene. And this model is simple and easy to copy, very operable, and the combination of new places + food will appear in the future to become a new tourist destination for people.

Whether it is entertainment and funny out of the circle, or food and beauty out of the circle, in the final analysis, the cultural tourism industry focuses on the sense of experience, and the form of short video can just create an atmosphere of experience in people's decision-making, which cannot be provided by traditional forms such as text and pictures. Therefore, we believe that in the future, new consumption hotspots, especially those related to the theme of cultural tourism, will continue to appear on short video platforms for a long time.

02 Short video platforms enter local life

The last wonderful battle of local life was the battle of a thousand regiments more than ten years ago, when various group buying platforms sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, killing a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, and finally surviving a Meituan. Later, the takeaway O2O war began, and the subsidies of each family became higher and higher, and the workers ate the takeaway delivered to their hands at a very low price in the big city. With the end of the war, the price of the takeaway platform has been rising, and the group buying platform has gradually declined, and it seems that it can no longer make any waves in the field of local life.

However, in the post-epidemic era of 2023, local life has become a new piece of sweetbread under the attack of short video platforms. The short video platform represented by Douyin and Kuaishou has gradually formed a set of "live broadcast + special group purchase + big data algorithm" to stimulate user demand by taking advantage of the more intuitive experience of video.

Take Tianshui Malatang as an example. The reason why it can have such a huge impact across the country is because the huge user group on Douyin will see a lot of videos about recommending Tianshui Malatang when watching short videos, including amateurs, big Vs like Moon Thief Club, and even the well-known host Zhang Dada personally went to a certain store as a waiter. With the joint blessing of celebrity effect + group effect, it is only a matter of time before Tianshui Malatang comes out of the circle.

And the "special group buy" is the same as the starting point of the original group purchase of the year. When users go to a local restaurant at home (especially at night) to shoot a beautiful video of visiting the store, if it is combined with a low-cost voucher or package that can be refunded at any time without reason, it is easy to make a purchase under the premise of benefit + appetite + convenience. For merchants, they only need to open a live broadcast room on the short video platform, and then put on the shelves some high-quality and inexpensive group buying combinations, and with the careful explanation of the anchor, it is also easy to get traffic and income.

In addition, unlike the "comparative pit" of the first generation of group buying, driven by the wave of the Internet for many years, small and medium-sized businesses now also have a sense of word-of-mouth, and have expanded from first- and second-tier cities to third- and fourth-tier cities. In the treatment of group buying customers, because of the need for a good online reputation, they are more attentive, and the content of the package is also more abundant, which is a major benefit for consumers.

03 Is short video + local life worry-free?

The answer is no.

We interviewed several owners of small and medium-sized restaurants about their views on emerging local lifestyle platforms (Douyin, Kuaishou), and they were surprisingly consistent.

On the positive side, platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou currently have huge traffic, and similar to the points mentioned above, the combination of video form and catering is easier to have a sense of experience, and the traffic brought is considerable, which can quickly boost the popularity of a single store in the short term.

But the negative effect is also very obvious: due to the characteristics of the short video platform, the accumulated praise can only appear in group purchase coupons rather than merchants, which is not as good as Dianping; secondly, in the vast number of second, third and fourth-tier cities, there are so many people who visit the store Internet celebrities back and forth, if you invite people to visit the store in a short period of time, it is easy for the same group of consumers to brush up on the videos of different Internet celebrities in the same store, which is easy to arouse consumer disgust......

In view of the above advantages and disadvantages, Dianping, which represents the traditional platform, and Douyin, which represents the new platform, are learning from each other: on the one hand, Dianping is also exploring the integration of short video + live broadcast into the APP, and on the other hand, the new channel "experience" launched by Douyin combines the advantages of Xiaohongshu + Dianping, intending to continue to exert force offline.


In this era, short video platforms are not only a tool for entertainment and information transmission, but also a leader in culture, food and lifestyle. Through short videos, we can explore new culinary experiences, experience the cultural charm of different regions, and learn about the real life of ordinary people. However, we should also recognize that while short video platforms have brought great opportunities to the cultural tourism industry and local life, there are still challenges.

In the future, we look forward to seeing more innovations and breakthroughs, not only technically, but also culturally. We hope that the short video platform can become a bridge to connect people, spread culture, and promote communication, so that every video can become a unique cultural experience, and every trip can become an unforgettable memory.

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