
Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

author:Entertainers have a great time


A movie feast on Chinese New Year's Eve

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

Jin Chen played the heroine for the first time, and the movie "Cheating Like You" is not just an ordinary movie ticket. This is a ticket to the New Year, an audio-visual feast.

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

Jin Chen's status in the film and television industry is like a sunflower rising up in a snow-covered field, which is particularly dazzling. As a heroine for the first time, she pushed her acting career to a new height, and the breakthrough is obvious.

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

Every smile and every tear in front of the screen is her deep understanding and new interpretation of the role. As the New Year's Eve bell approaches, I look forward to accompanying Jin Chen and stepping into the world of stories she confides. It's not just a cinematic journey, it's a ritual to say goodbye to the past and welcome the new year.

A partner with a burst of CP

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

Jin Chen and Sun Yang partnered for the third time, and the cooperation between the two can be described as a perfect match, with a full sense of picture. It's not just the appearance matching, but from the eye contact with each other, the audience can feel the self-evident chemistry between the characters.

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

Jin Chen and Sun Yang, like two stars, orbit each other in the universe of the movie, emitting dazzling light. Their interaction is like a dance woven from film film, and every movement is so rigid and soft.

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

The audience sat on the seats in the cinema, as if they could also feel the temperature between the two, and this sense of CP couldn't help but make people look forward to whether the story between them could be "HE" - Happy Ending.

Jin Chen, an atypical heroine

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

Jin Chen, a name, a logo. Her performance followed her name like a fresh wind that blew through the sky of TV series and movies. Her acting skills, like her people, don't need flashy embellishments.

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

Some viewers said that even in the group performance in the play, Jin Chen's natural performance was like a splash in a clear spring, which made people stop. The male protagonist is not as well-known as the female protagonist, but this does not prevent the film from shining brightly.

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

Art is never a fight in the arena, but a harmony on the stage, and the cooperation between Jin Chen and the actor is the best proof.

Suspense in the trailer

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

In the advance trailer of "Cheating Like You", the sentence of "commentary" not only sets up suspense, but also seems to have planted a seed in the hearts of the audience. Jin Chen's character, Lin Qinglang, is a woman who looks ordinary at first glance, but hides an extraordinary story.

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

And Ouyang Hui played by Sun Yang, that intriguing smile is undoubtedly the best preview of this story. Produced by Dapeng and directed by Su Biao, such a behind-the-scenes team makes people's expectations for this movie soar.

Jin Chen's fit with the new character

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

Netizens are full of expectations for Jin Chen's new role, and on social media, #金晨首部一番女主电影#的话题已经成为了热潮. This movie not only attracted Jin Chen's fans, but even ordinary movie lovers were locked in by films with such themes.

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

In this digital age, cinema is no longer a ticket and a pastime for hours, it has become a ritual and memory in people's lives. Jin Chen's role in this movie will undoubtedly become a turning point in her acting career, and it will also leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience.


Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

Ultimately, cinema is not just a woven story, but a mirror that captures life. Will Jin Chen's performance surpass his previous roles? Will the actor's performance become a dark horse?

Unlock the must-see movie for the New Year!"Deception Like You", Jin Chen × Sun Yang's romantic sugar-sprinkling scene!

Will this movie become the brightest star on Chinese New Year's Eve? It's a discussion, it's something to look forward to, and more importantly, it's a little miracle to look forward to on New Year's Eve. Welcome to the comment area, let us know your thoughts and expectations, and let us wait warmly for the release of this movie together on this winter night.

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