
When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

author:Focus on retirement

On an ordinary day, a group of students sat in the classroom of the seventh teaching building of Beijing Normal University.

As usual, study quietly.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man with glasses walked up to them and handed each person a flyer.

Didn't speak, just smiled silently.

The students thought that the other party was here to sell the goods, but they didn't pay attention to it.

Until they looked down and saw the words on the leaflet.

"Hello, classmate!

Online classes, free, no credits, no homework, no Q&A, no exams.

Come when you want, go when you want. ”

On an A4 piece of paper, there is only a link to a website, a portrait and a few paragraphs.

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

At the same time, it is the eagerness of a teacher to impart knowledge to students.

The person who handed out the "leaflets" was Chen Zhixin, an associate professor at the School of Government of Beijing Normal University.

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

Professor Chen Zhixin is 57 years old.

He has been engaged in education for many years and has prepared a course "Introduction to Social Sciences".

He spent five or six years preparing for this general education course.

However, due to the lack of elective students, the teaching system of this semester could not schedule his classes.

If you want to take classes, you have to wait until the next semester.

After thinking about it carefully, Professor Chen Zhixin didn't want to wait.

If there are no students, then go to the students yourself.

He made "rudimentary" flyers and went to the classroom to hand out to the students one by one.

Ran to the classroom and ran to the library.

Then quietly wait for these children to come to you for counseling and interaction.

However, at that time, he never thought of:

In just one day, this leaflet spread all over Beijing Normal University and on the Internet.

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

A student asked about the situation on the account "Crow" of the Shudong account of Beijing Normal University students:

"Crow, I want to ask who Professor Chen Zhixin is?

Seeing a flyer he sent out that said "I hope you will listen to his free online course on Introduction to Social Sciences", did the course not start successfully?

Maybe you can go to station B to search for the teacher's name, like it, and support it!"

Immediately afterwards, more and more students learned the news and praised one after another:

"The world is crowded, all for profit, but there are always people who write poems in Vanity Fair. ”

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

In just three days, Professor Chen Zhixin's account has increased by 1 million followers.

Countless netizens poured into Professor Chen's class, posted barrage sign-ins, and took notes in the comment area.

As it was the first time for Professor Chen to take classes in this format, there were many things that Professor Chan did not understand.

For example, the account level is not enough to upload large video files;

For example, if you are not familiar with the video operation process, you will not be able to adjust the display order of the video.

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

Whenever this happens, there are young people who make suggestions in the comment section.

Professor Chan is also very sincere:

"If you have time and convenience, please give me an example of how to change it, it is best to send an email, I am afraid that I will not see your reply. ”

Even though he is a teacher, he is also willing to be a "student".

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

In the face of the soaring heat, Professor Chen has always been calm.

He politely declined the reporter's interview in eight words:

"I'm sorry for the lack of energy. ”

He is a teacher.

A teacher's only duty is to teach his students well.

I chose the Internet simply because young people like it.

So, no matter how old he is, he will be willing to give it a try.

Embrace the age of youth and open the door to knowledge with a flyer.

also let a teacher find his students.

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

To be honest, the content of Professor Chen's Introduction to Social Sciences is not very interesting and not very "affordable".

On the contrary, it's a bit boring.

But this course still attracts many students.

Not only Professor Chen's simplicity and sincerity, but also the sentence on the flyer:

"Welcome to bring your friends and partners along, and welcome to recommend this lecture information to your roommates, fellow countrymen, classmates and even classmates from other schools. ”

The course is free and there is no "threshold" yet.

No matter where you are, rich or poor, old or young, and what kind of education you have.

As long as you have a heart to learn, you can become a "student" at this moment.

Learning is not "daunting", and students are naturally endless.

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

In the comment section of Professor Chen's video.

Some say they are computer science students.

Because I saw the news from my classmates, I hope to continue my interest in humanities and social sciences in Professor Chen's video.

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

Some people also said that they were a high school history teacher and regretted that they did not cherish their time in school.

After graduating, he stepped onto the podium, and only then did he understand that "when books are used, they hate less".

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

There are also young people who dropped out of school due to illness and regained their university dreams here.

They have all sorts of identities, but they all come here for one purpose.

That is to learn knowledge.

To some extent, it can be said that without Professor Chen, there might not have been even a chance to learn about this course.

No wonder a netizen sighed:

"On the way to Beijing Normal University, thank you for coming to us."

In the past, due to various reasons, they could not complete their studies well or study better.

Now, Professor Chen's actions have given them more opportunities to learn and make up for their regrets.

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

In the Analects, it is written:

"There is no class to teach. ”

It is not necessary to select the best students on a "meritocratic basis" in order to be eligible to listen to the best courses;

will not go through many hurdles on the road to study because of money.

classroom, smashed the original "wall".

On the short video platform, there is such a group.

Their avatar may be a selfie of themselves, or it may be a beautiful scenery of flowers and plants.

Their nickname could be Who's Grandma, Who's Mom, or it could just be a string of numbers.

They know very few words, and there are many typos typed out by voice input methods.

They may have wanted to study at one time, but because of their busy lives, they have been so busy that their grandchildren have begun to babble.

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

But online, they also became students.

They often learn from the most basic Chinese pinyin under the "adult literacy" video.

With your newly learned knowledge, you can beat it one pinyin at a time:

"I can't do pinyin, I have to study hard. ”

These students have also found their teachers.

Since then, there has been a lot less confusion and ignorance.

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

In the documentary "Part-time Job", there is an impressive passage:

"When I was in school, I felt that it was useless to study, and I thought that there were not a lot of undergraduates who couldn't find jobs, so it was better to drop out of school early to earn some money.

It turned out that I still couldn't make money, and if I had a choice, I still wanted to study. ”

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

When I was young, I often didn't know how to learn well:

When writing homework, people are on chairs, and their hearts have already flown away, going to climb mountains and rivers, chasing cats and dogs.

For the future, he is even more ashamed:

If you don't study, you can still make a lot of money and get ahead.

But when people reach middle age and move forward with weight, they understand:

If you don't have a book to read, you can only marry early;

If you don't study, you can't get a diploma when you are looking for a job.

Someone once asked a question:

"Do you regret not studying well in the first place?"

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

A middle-aged man writes his own story.

"I regret it because I always remember the '400 dollars'. ”

When he was younger, he was introduced by relatives and got a job in a supermarket.

His performance was excellent, and he was promoted from a reserve cadre to a trainee supervisor in more than half a year.

The salary is 1,600 yuan, including a food allowance of 200 yuan.

But he later found out that one of his employees had a full 400 yuan more than him.

The reason is that the other party has a bachelor's degree.

With a diploma, you can earn an extra income.

His heart suddenly became sour.

Later, even though he changed jobs a lot, the situation was still much the same:

He always has to work harder to "level the playing field" with people with higher academic qualifications.

"If I had been able to study hard at the beginning, I would have taken advantage of the university's expansion to be admitted to the university.

If you get a bachelor's degree, you may be able to take fewer detours in society, and the pattern and interpersonal relationships will be very different.

But who knew at the time!"

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

In fact, such "400 pieces" are all over every corner of our growth, bright or dark.

Fortunately, education is long-term and lagging.

Those books that you didn't read when you went to school and the classes you skipped will be made up in the end, completing the closed loop of education.

It may become the bitterness of life, turning into a wall in front of you, making it impossible for people to go up.

Or perhaps, become a heart that will always be alive no matter how old you are.

After putting aside the barriers of age, identity, and class, we will touch the knowledge that we have missed again.

I often hear people classify knowledge into "useful" and "useless".

Actually, there are no useless books.

This knowledge will feed back into your past and will appear in your future.

When I saw the 985 professor handing out leaflets, I understood why people should read more

The books we read will eventually become the road under our feet.

As Hu Shi said:

"When I was a kid, I ate a lot of food, most of which I forgot about and I can't remember what I ate anymore.

But one thing is for sure, some of them have grown into my bones and flesh.

And the same is true of how reading has changed me.

The books I read and the people I have made friends with will eventually settle down and become my bones and flesh. ”