
Eating crayfish, the yellow color in the shrimp head, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp? After eating it for many years, I finally understood

author:Take a look at the new

Summer is coming, with a heat wave and the call of crayfish. Imagine walking into the bustling night market on a hot summer night, and the most attractive thing is the rows of red crayfish jumping in the pots. Today, we're not just going to talk about the unique charm behind this delicacy, but also teach you how to cook delicious crayfish safely at home.

Eating crayfish, the yellow color in the shrimp head, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp? After eating it for many years, I finally understood

The benefits of crayfish are numerous

First of all, crayfish is not only delicious, it is also a nutritious choice. This little thing is high in protein and low in fat, making it suitable for friends of all ages. In addition, crayfish are also rich in minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iodine and selenium, which are all important elements for maintaining heart health. What's more, it also contains astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that can help with beauty and anti-aging.

Eating crayfish, the yellow color in the shrimp head, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp? After eating it for many years, I finally understood

What should I pay attention to when eating crayfish?

When eating crayfish, have you ever wondered what the yellow stuff in the shrimp head is? some people think it's shrimp excrement, some people think it's delicious shrimp yellow.

First, let's get acquainted with the structure of crayfish. Crayfish are mainly divided into two parts: shrimp head and shrimp tail. Usually we remove the shrimp line of the shrimp tail before eating, that is because the shrimp line is the intestine of the crayfish, and there may be excrement in it, which will affect the taste.

Eating crayfish, the yellow color in the shrimp head, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp? After eating it for many years, I finally understood

So what is the yellow substance in the shrimp head? This is actually the digestive glands of crayfish, which is what we often call the hepatopancreas. This gland is not only responsible for secreting digestive enzymes that help crayfish digest food, but also absorb nutrients. After cooking, this part will become yellow and clear, smooth and tender, and delicious.

In particular, if it is a female crayfish, these yellow substances may also contain mature ovaries, which are what we call "shrimp yellow". This part is extremely nutritious and is a favorite among food lovers. In the case of male shrimp, all the yellow substances are digestive glands.

Eating crayfish, the yellow color in the shrimp head, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp? After eating it for many years, I finally understood

How to handle and cook crayfish at home

To make crayfish at home, handling and cleaning are key. Here's a simple set of steps:

  1. Clear the shrimp line: Grab the middle wing of the crayfish's tail and pull it outwards until the shrimp line is completely pulled out.
  2. Cut off the gills: Cut off the gills on both sides of the crayfish, peel off the shell of the shrimp head, and remove the internal digestive glands and stomach and other organs.
  3. Cleaning: Keep the processed crayfish in clean water for two hours, wash thoroughly with a small brush, and repeat the rinse twice to ensure that there are no impurities on the surface.
Eating crayfish, the yellow color in the shrimp head, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp? After eating it for many years, I finally understood

After it is processed, it is time for the culmination of cooking - making garlic crayfish. The dish is rich in flavor and simple to make:

  1. Pretreatment: Buy the crayfish back, breed them in salt water for two hours, help the shrimp spit out, and then wash them carefully with a brush.
  2. Cooking preparation: Chop garlic into minced garlic, prepare butter and sugar, and a bottle of beer.
  3. Cooking: Put oil in the pan, add the crayfish and stir-fry when the oil is hot, and remove when it turns red. Remove from another pan, melt the butter and add most of the garlic puree and sauté quickly until fragrant. Pour the crayfish back into the pan and stir-fry quickly so that each shrimp is coated in garlic. Then pour in the beer, the liquid should not exceed the shrimp, cover the lid, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to medium-low heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
Eating crayfish, the yellow color in the shrimp head, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp? After eating it for many years, I finally understood
  1. Seasoning and Sauce: Check the concentration of the soup halfway through and adjust it as needed. Finally, add the remaining garlic and an appropriate amount of salt, turn on the high heat to concentrate and tighten the soup, so that the flavor will be stronger.

Finish & Enjoy:

When you're done, you'll see a plate of red, garlicy crayfish sprinkled with a dash of chopped green onions or coriander to add color and a hint of freshness. Serve this delicious plate of crayfish with a cold beer for the perfect summer evening.

Eating crayfish, the yellow color in the shrimp head, is it shrimp yellow or shrimp? After eating it for many years, I finally understood

This cooking can not only retain the original taste of crayfish, but also greatly enhance the layering of the dish through the blessing of garlic, which makes people have an endless aftertaste. What's more, with the right handling and cooking techniques, you can ensure that it is safe to eat, making this summer's culinary journey even more secure.

Overall, crayfish is not only a popular choice at summer night markets, but also a superstar for family gatherings. With the right cleaning, handling and cooking techniques, every food lover can safely enjoy this delicious dish in the comfort of their own kitchen. So, this summer, why not try your hand at cooking and show off your cooking skills at home for your family and friends?

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