
Is a handful of walnuts a day really healthy?

author:Sharp eyes on the world

"Hey, have you heard? Our neighbor Lao Zhang has been eating too many walnuts recently, and he has had a big health problem. Xiao Ming said to Xiao Gang mysteriously.

Xiao Gang looked surprised: "Ah, isn't walnuts very good, I heard that they are nutritious, how can they still have problems eating?"

Xiao Ming sighed, "yes, I originally thought so. But Lao Zhang is a lesson from the past, he eats a large handful of walnuts every day and feels that it is good for his health. But a few days ago, he suddenly fainted at home, and after being sent to the hospital for examination, the doctor said that he had a cerebral infarction. ”

"So serious?" Xiao Gang's eyes widened.

Is a handful of walnuts a day really healthy?

"No," Xiao Ming continued, "the doctor also said that although walnuts are good, they can't be eaten like this." It's not good to overdose on anything, Lao Zhang is a living example. ”

This conversation shocked Xiao Gang, he had always thought that eating more walnuts was only good and not harmful, but now it seems that the diet should still be moderate, and you can't blindly follow the trend. He decided to go home and spread the word to his family to prevent something like this from happening again.

Is a handful of walnuts a day really healthy?

Although walnuts are known as "nootropic fruits", they are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and a variety of trace elements, and moderate consumption is very beneficial to health. However, no food should be consumed in excess, and walnuts are no exception. Excessive intake of walnuts may cause the following harms:

Excess calories: Walnuts have a high fat content, about 60-70 grams of fat in 100 grams of walnuts. Although most of them are unsaturated fatty acids and are beneficial to the body, excessive intake may still lead to a caloric surplus that increases the risk of obesity.

Indigestion: Eating a large amount of walnuts may increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, especially for people with weak digestive function, excessive intake of walnuts may lead to indigestion symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea.

Is a handful of walnuts a day really healthy?

Nutrient imbalance: While walnuts are highly nutritious, excessive intake of a single food can lead to relative deficiencies in other nutrients, resulting in an unbalanced nutrient intake.

Affects blood lipid levels: The unsaturated fatty acids contained in walnuts have a positive effect on lowering bad cholesterol (LDL-C), however, if consumed in excess, they may still have a negative impact on blood lipid levels, especially for those who are already at risk of high blood lipids or cardiovascular disease.

Allergic reactions: Walnuts are one of the common food allergens, and people who are allergic to walnuts may cause allergic reactions even if they are ingested in small amounts, such as itchy skin, hives, and difficulty breathing. Excessive intake may worsen allergic reactions.

Is a handful of walnuts a day really healthy?

Eat in moderation: Although walnuts are rich in many nutrients, given their relatively high fat content, the recommended daily intake should be between 20 and 40 grams, which is roughly equivalent to eating 3 to 5 walnuts. This ensures that the nutritional value of walnuts is obtained while avoiding excessive fat and calorie intake.

Do not peel off the brown skin: The brown skin on the surface of walnut kernels is rich in nutrients, so it is recommended not to peel off this layer when eating to ensure that the full nutritional value is obtained.

Is a handful of walnuts a day really healthy?

Eaten raw or cooked: Walnuts can be eaten raw, sautéed or roasted. Whether eaten raw or cooked, the nutritional value of walnuts will not be affected much. However, it should be noted that if you choose cooked food, you should try to avoid adding too much salt, sugar and other condiments to maintain the original taste of walnuts.

Avoid eating with foods: When eating walnuts, be careful to avoid eating with certain foods, such as pheasant meat, wine, etc. In addition, people who are on fire or have diarrhea should also avoid eating walnuts.

Long-term adherence to moderate consumption: In order to obtain the health care effect of walnuts, it is recommended to insist on moderate consumption for a long time. Walnuts can be eaten as a snack at any time, or they can be added to the daily diet, such as oats, salads, etc.

Is a handful of walnuts a day really healthy?

Walnuts + Black Sesame:

Benefits: Both black sesame seeds and walnuts are rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron, which help increase bone density and improve osteoporosis. At the same time, they can also lower cholesterol and protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Black sesame seeds also have the effect of tonifying the kidney and black hair.

Walnuts + almonds:

Benefits: Walnuts and almonds can fight free radicals, improve skin microcirculation, and have skin care and whitening effects. They are also rich in magnesium, which helps relieve headache discomfort and promotes bone formation. In addition, almonds also have a cough and asthma effect.

Is a handful of walnuts a day really healthy?

Walnut + Tofu:

Benefits: Walnuts are rich in magnesium, which promotes calcium absorption, while tofu is rich in calcium. The two are eaten together, which has the synergistic effect of calcium supplementation, which helps bone health.

Walnuts + spinach:

Benefits: Walnuts can moisten the intestines and effectively improve constipation, while spinach can also relieve laxatives and prevent hemorrhoids due to its moisturizing and yin-nourishing properties, coupled with rich dietary fiber. Combining the two can significantly improve the relief effect of constipation.

Is a handful of walnuts a day really healthy?

Walnut + longan meat + hawthorn:

Benefits: Eating these ingredients together is good for heart function, nourishing the heart and promoting blood circulation.

Walnut + barley + chestnut:

Benefits: This combination can be cooked and drunk, which helps to treat a variety of diseases, such as enhancing immunity, strengthening the spleen and kidneys, etc.

Walnuts + Sesame + Lotus Seeds:

Benefits: This combination can be eaten as a sugar dip, which can treat sweating and benefit cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

Note: The health and wellness suggestions in the article are for reference only (part of the picture is from the Internet, and the infringement contact is deleted)

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