
The cultivation method of succulent tube leaves and flower moon makes it easy to raise healthy and strong meat

author:Sister Qiao loves life

The cultivation technology and propagation methods are as follows:

The cultivation method of succulent tube leaves and flower moon makes it easy to raise healthy and strong meat

1. Cultivation technology

1. Soil selection: The soil of the succulent tube leaf flowering moon should choose the soil with good air permeability and strong drainage. It can be used after mixing peat soil and perlite in a ratio of 2:1. At the same time, the soil should contain enough nutrients to ensure the growth of plants.

2. Flower pot selection: The size of the flower pot should be chosen according to the size of the plant. In general, smaller pots can be used for succulent tubular seedlings, while larger pots can be used for larger plants. The material of the pot can be a clay pot or a porcelain pot to maintain the breathability of the soil.

3. Light and temperature: Succulent tubular mosaic prefers a sunny environment, but it also needs some shade to prevent overheating. In terms of temperature, the suitable growing temperature is between 15-28°C.

4. Watering Method: Succulent tube leaves need proper moisture, but too much water can cause root rot. When watering, you should follow the principle of "dry and thorough", that is, wait until the soil is completely dry before watering.

The cultivation method of succulent tube leaves and flower moon makes it easy to raise healthy and strong meat

II. Breeding method

There are two main methods of propagation of succulent tubular leaf mosa: cuttings and sowing.

1. Cuttings: Cuttings of the Succulent Tube-Leaf Mosaic Moon are usually done in the spring. Pick healthy leaves, cut them into the soil, and place them in a sunny place to keep them. After about a week, the cuttings will take root and sprout.

2. Sowing: Succulent Tube-leaved Mosatsuki seeds can be purchased in the market. Before sowing, the soil is thoroughly watered and the seeds are spread evenly on the soil surface. After sowing, it is necessary to keep the soil moist and keep it in a sunny place for maintenance. After about two weeks, the seeds will germinate.

The cultivation method of succulent tube leaves and flower moon makes it easy to raise healthy and strong meat

In general, as long as you master the cultivation technology and propagation method of the succulent tube-leaved mosa, you can easily raise healthy and strong succulent tube-leaved mosaic plants. It should be noted that during the maintenance process, it is necessary to maintain the permeability and drainage of the soil to avoid root rot caused by stagnant water. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to controlling light and temperature to ensure the healthy growth of plants.