
"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

author:Light weapons
"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov
"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

An authoritative military publication dedicated to light weapons!

On November 10, 1919, in southeastern Kazakhstan, a giant in the history of firearms was born. To this day, the firearms he designed are still active in all corners of the world. November 10, 2019, is the 100th anniversary of his birth. To this end, I have specially drawn several cartoons to commemorate the legend of the gun world, Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov.

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

In 1938, Kalashnikov was conscripted into the army. Because he liked to delve into mechanical techniques, he was recommended to study at the Ordnance Technician Training Course in the spring of 1939. In the summer of the same year he was sent to the Tank Driving School, where he designed and won awards for some tank installations, and in the winter of that year he was assigned to the Leningrad factory to serve as a technical guide for the production of the tank installations he designed.

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

In June 1941, the Soviet-German War broke out, and Kalashnikov served in the army as a tank commander. In October, he was hospitalized after being seriously wounded in battle. During his hospitalization, he read a number of books on light weapons, among which Federoff's The Evolution of Light Weapons inspired him greatly. While recuperating at home, he designed his first automatic weapon and competed for submachine gun models at the time, but was unsuccessful. But his work attracted the attention of the people involved, so in 1943 he was recommended to study in a regular school and work as a technician at a weapons testing ground.

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

In 1944, Kalashnikov designed a carbine based on the M43 cartridge.

In 1947, he made improvements on this carbine, culminating in the famous AK-47, which showed extreme reliability and effectiveness in comparative tests.

In 1949, the AK-47 assault rifle became the standard weapon of the Soviet army.

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

In 1980, Kalashnikov's hometown of Curia conferred on him the title of Honorary Citizen and gave him a bronze bust.

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

In 1990, Kalashnikov visited the United States to meet with M16 designer Eugene Stoner, and the two former "sworn enemies" of the Vietnam War saw each other and exchanged firearms skills. Just as the so-called "hero cherishes the hero", the two became friends and became a good story in the history of firearms.

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

In 1969, after the Treasure Island incident, Kalashnikov swore not to China because he saw from a newsreel filmed by the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs how Chinese soldiers strafed Soviet soldiers with AK47 rifles.

In 1990, at the invitation of the relevant departments of China's arms industry, Kalashnikov agreed to come to China under the persuasion of his family.

On August 20, 1991, Kalashnikov arrived in Beijing accompanied by his son Victor and others. During his stay in China, he visited factories producing light weapons and test-fired various firearms.

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

There was a classic joke in the last century, "The United States exports Coca-Cola, Japan exports Sony appliances, and Russia exports AK47s." Kalashnikov originally designed the AK47 to defend his homeland, but after learning that his invention caused many innocent lives in the world, he often felt guilty and lamented that his invention was "the most deadly invention". So in his later years, he stopped focusing on firearms.

In 1995, in the Russian city of Grazov, the first batch of "Kalashnikov" vodkas left the factory. Since then, the trade name "Kalashnikov" has been used more in some civilian goods.

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

In 2003, Kalashnikov co-authored a biographical novel, Life in a Gun, co-authored with French writer Jolie. I hope this book will help young people find the right direction in life.

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

In 2007, at a commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the AK47, Kalashnikov thanked the R&D team of the AK47, saying: "I am not sitting at the table alone (R&D), it is a collective cooperation that brings together the strength of many people in different factories. ”

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

On December 25, 2012, Kalashnikov was admitted to the hospital for intensive care.

On December 23, 2013, the Russian side confirmed that Kalashnikov died of illness, and the "World Gun King" bid farewell to the world at the age of 94.

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

Kalashnikov's life was an extraordinary one. As a legend, he designed small arms that are world-renowned; as a soldier, he was wounded in honor to defend his homeland; and as a scientific researcher, he fought for the cause of national defense all his life.

Let's pay tribute to this "World Gun King" once again!

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

Finally, spit on a certain divine drama, I don't know how the "Gun King" himself would feel if he saw this film back then? Although the budget of the crew to shoot the film is limited, is it not good to spend more money to ask a military consultant at a high level to improve the quality of the film?

Editors: Liu Lanfang, Li Hao

Proofreader: Wang Xiaotao, Wei Kaigong, Liu Lanfang

Light Weapons Official Weibo: @ Light Weapons

Light Weapons Headline Number: Light Weapons

Light weapon vibrato number: qingbingqi

"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov
"Guns are not guilty, guilty are the ones who pull the trigger" – commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world gun king Kalashnikov

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